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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter W (8401-8450 of 11049):
- Women in Italy, 1945-1960: an Interdisciplinary StudyAuthor: Morris, P.Publisher: Morris, P. ©2018ISBN: 9781403970992
- Women in Japanese ReligionsAuthor: AmbrosPublisher: Ambros ©2021ISBN: 9780520206137
- Women in Japanese ReligionsAuthor: AmbrosPublisher: Ambros ©2021ISBN: 9781461334842
- Women in Kolkata's IT Sector : Satisficing Between Work and HouseholdAuthor: Husain, Zakir;Dutta, MousumiPublisher: Husain, Zakir;Dutta, Mousumi ©2018ISBN: 97881322159291 Concurrent User
- Women in Kolkata’s IT SectorAuthor: HusainPublisher: Husain ©2016ISBN: 97881322159291 Concurrent User
- Women in Management Review: Gender Issues in Multinational Corporations, Volume 17, Number 2, 2002Author: Nailin Bu,Carol McKeen (eds)Publisher: Nailin Bu,Carol McKeen (eds) ©2019ISBN: 9780861766734
- Women in Marvel FilmsAuthor: KentPublisher: Kent ©2022ISBN: 9780199744800
- Women in MathematicsAuthor: OsenPublisher: Osen ©2021ISBN: 9780262150149
- Women in MedicineAuthor: BowmanPublisher: Bowman ©2016ISBN: 9780387953090
- Women in Medieval History and HistoriographyAuthor: ChaykowskiPublisher: Chaykowski ©2021ISBN: 9780812280487
- Women in Medieval SocietyAuthor: Marlene B. Goldman, Rebecca Troisi and Kathryn M. RexrodePublisher: Marlene B. Goldman, Rebecca Troisi and Kathryn M. Rexrode ©2020ISBN: 9780415331265Unlimited Users
- Women in Middle Eastern HistoryAuthor: Martin, JanePublisher: Martin, Jane ©2020ISBN: 9780718500535Unlimited Users
- Women in MidlifeAuthor: Federman, Daniel;Faden, Ruth;Mastroianni, Anna C.Publisher: Federman, Daniel;Faden, Ruth;Mastroianni, Anna C. ©2016ISBN: 9781468478259
- Women in Modern DramaAuthor: FinneyPublisher: Finney ©2021ISBN: 9780309050401
- Women in Modern IndiaAuthor: ForbesPublisher: Forbes ©2018ISBN: 9780521268127
- Women in Mongol IranAuthor: De NicolaPublisher: De Nicola ©2022ISBN: 9781474415477
- Women in Mongol IranAuthor: NicolaPublisher: Nicola ©2022ISBN: 9781560245094
- Women in MotionAuthor: OishiPublisher: Oishi ©2022ISBN: 9781782202905
- Women in MotionAuthor: OishiPublisher: Oishi ©2022ISBN: 9781260458831
- Women in Muslim SocietiesAuthor: SjobergPublisher: Sjoberg ©2022ISBN: 9789241563857
- Women in Muslim SocietiesAuthor: GearyPublisher: Geary ©2022ISBN: 97815602450941 Concurrent User
- Women in Muslim SocietiesAuthor: SjobergPublisher: Sjoberg ©2022ISBN: 97815558755892 Concurrent Users
- Women in New ReligionsAuthor: VancePublisher: Vance ©2021ISBN: 9781479847990
- Women in Old Norse SocietyAuthor: JochensPublisher: Jochens ©2020ISBN: 97803133194711 Concurrent User
- Women in OphthalmologyAuthor: GearyPublisher: Geary ©2021ISBN: 9783030593346
- Women in PainAuthor: FinklerPublisher: Finkler ©2020ISBN: 9780787988333
- Women in Pain : Gender and Morbidity in MexicoAuthor: Finkler, KajaPublisher: Finkler, Kaja ©2018ISBN: 9780812215274
- Women in PlaceAuthor: ShahrokniPublisher: Shahrokni ©2020ISBN: 9780520304277
- Women in Polish CinemaAuthor: MazierskaPublisher: Mazierska ©2022ISBN: 97816263704561 Concurrent User
- Women in Polish CinemaAuthor: OstrowskaPublisher: Ostrowska ©2022ISBN: 9781560245094
- Women in PowerAuthor: SteinbergPublisher: Steinberg ©2023ISBN: 9781939529176
- Women in PrisonAuthor: Walton, AndreaPublisher: Walton, Andrea ©2022ISBN: 9780253344663
- Women in PurpleAuthor: HerrinPublisher: Herrin ©2021ISBN: 9781681742762
- Women in Saudi ArabiaAuthor: AltorkiPublisher: Altorki ©2019ISBN: 9780231946605
- Women in science and engineering: increasing their numbers in the 1990s : a statement on policy and strategyAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Women in Science and Engineering.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Women in Science and Engineering. ©2016ISBN: 9789027976499
- Women in Science and Engineering: Increasing Their Numbers in The 1990s : A Statement on Policy and StrategyAuthor: EnarsonPublisher: Enarson ©2018ISBN: 9780309045957
- Women in Shi‘ismAuthor: InloesPublisher: Inloes ©2020ISBN: 9789401063647
- Women in Soviet SocietyAuthor: Warshofsky LapidusPublisher: Warshofsky Lapidus ©2021ISBN: 9783110139099
- Women in Space - Following ValentinaAuthor: David, Shayler;Moule, Ian A.Publisher: David, Shayler;Moule, Ian A. ©2018ISBN: 9781852337445
- Women in SportAuthor: Drinkwater, Barbara L.Publisher: Drinkwater, Barbara L. ©2018ISBN: 97806320508401 Concurrent User
- Women in Supramolecular ChemistryAuthor: HaynesPublisher: Haynes ©2023ISBN: 9781447362371
- Women in Taiwan PoliticsAuthor: ClarkPublisher: Clark ©2022ISBN: 9780691212845
- Women in Taiwan PoliticsAuthor: ChouPublisher: Chou ©2022ISBN: 97815558710621 Concurrent User
- Women in Teacher Training Colleges, 1900-1960 : A Culture of FemininityAuthor: Edwards, ElizabethPublisher: Edwards, Elizabeth ©2018ISBN: 97804152147591 Concurrent User
- Women in Tech - A Practical guide to increasing gender diversity and inclusionAuthor: Gillian Arnold,Hannah Dee,Clem Herman,Sharon Moore,Andrea Palmer,Shilpa ShahPublisher: Gillian Arnold,Hannah Dee,Clem Herman,Sharon Moore,Andrea Palmer,Shilpa Shah ©2022ISBN: 9781780175614Unlimited Users
- Women in Texas MusicAuthor: HudsonPublisher: Hudson ©2021ISBN: 97831106334435 Concurrent Users
- Women in the American Welfare TrapAuthor: KingfisherPublisher: Kingfisher ©2021ISBN: 9780812213171
- Women in the Ancient Near EastAuthor: StolPublisher: Stol ©2021ISBN: 9781614513230Unlimited Users
- Women in the Canadian Academic Tundra : Challenging the ChillAuthor: Hannah, Elena;Paul, Linda;Vethamany-Globus, SwaniPublisher: Hannah, Elena;Paul, Linda;Vethamany-Globus, Swani ©2018ISBN: 9780773522749Unlimited Users
- Women in the Chemical Workforce : A Workshop Report to the Chemical Sciences RoundtableAuthor: Nor Aida Abdul Rahman,Nurhayati Mohd NurPublisher: Nor Aida Abdul Rahman,Nurhayati Mohd Nur ©2018ISBN: 9780309072939