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Showing books starting with the letter X (201-250 of 257):
- XML: Problem - Design - Solution
- XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes
- XNA 3.0 Game Programming Recipes
- XNA 3D Primer
- XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide
- XNA Game Studio 4.0 for Xbox 360 Developers
- XO
- XP Files: Windows' Hidden Tools for Secure Sharing, Communication, and Collaboration, The
- XPages Extension Library: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Next Generation of XPages Components
- XPages Portable Command Guide: A Compact Resource to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language
- XPath 2.0 Programmers Reference
- XPath Essentials
- xPharm: The Comprehensive Pharmacology Reference
- XploRe -- Learning Guide : Learning Guide
- XploRe — Learning Guide
- XploRe: An Interactive Statistical Computing Environment
- xREF: IBM x86 Server Reference
- XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition
- XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference, Third Edition
- XSLT and XPath On the Edge, Unlimited Edition
- XSLT For Dummies
- XSLT Programmer's Reference, Second Edition
- XSS Attacks: Cross Site Scripting Exploits and Defense
- Xth I.S.C.E.R.G. Symposium
- Xth I.S.C.E.R.G. Symposium, vol. 2
- Xu Fuguan in the Context of East Asian Confucianisms
- Xuanhe Catalogue of Paintings
- Xunzi
- Xunzi
- XUV Pump-Probe Experiments on Diatomic Molecules
- XVII International Materials Research Congress
- XVII. und XVIII. Jahrhundert bis zum Auftreten Friedrichs des Großen 1740
- Xvith International Congress On Mathematical Physics
- XX0XY ungelöst
- XXI. Congress of the ICLA - Proceedings ; Dialogues between Media, vol. 5
- XXI. Congress of the ICLA - Proceedings ; Discourses on Nations and Identities, vol. 3
- XXI. Congress of the ICLA - Proceedings ; Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer, vol. 2
- XXI. Congress of the ICLA - Proceedings ; The Rhetoric of Topics and Forms, vol. 4
- XXII. Egyptian Royal Dynasty, with Some Remarks on XXVI, and Other Dynasties of the New Kingdom, The
- XXIIIrd International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry : Plenary and Main Section Lectures Presented at Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 2-8 September 1973
- XXIVth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry : Plenary and Main Section Lectures Presented at Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 2-8 September 1973