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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (26001-26050 of 42285):
- An Introductory Course in Summability TheoryAuthor: Aasma, Ants;Natarajan, P. N.;Dutta, HemenPublisher: Aasma, Ants;Natarajan, P. N.;Dutta, Hemen ©2018ISBN: 9781119397694
- An Introductory Course of Particle PhysicsAuthor: Pal, Palash B.Publisher: Pal, Palash B. ©2018ISBN: 9781482216981
- An Introductory Course on Group Theory and Chemical ApplicationsAuthor: Hilal, Hikmat S.;Sayda, Abed Al-HafezPublisher: Hilal, Hikmat S.;Sayda, Abed Al-Hafez ©2018ISBN: 9781617619236
- An Introductory Guide to Scientific VisualizationAuthor: EarnshawPublisher: Earnshaw ©2016ISBN: 9783642634703
- An Introductory Guide to SPSS® for Windows®Author: EinspruchPublisher: Einspruch ©2019ISBN: 9781412904155
- An Introductory Handbook of Bayesian ThinkingAuthor: Loftus, Stephen C.Publisher: Loftus, Stephen C. ©2024ISBN: 9780470670347
- An Introductory Handbook of Bayesian ThinkingAuthor: Loftus, Stephen C.Publisher: Loftus, Stephen C. ©2024ISBN: 9780470670347
- An introductory psychology with some educational applicationsAuthor: Read, Melbourne StuartPublisher: Read, Melbourne Stuart ©2017ISBN: 9783540786580
- An introductory sociologyAuthor: Young, KimballPublisher: Young, Kimball ©2017ISBN: 9781681740249
- An introductory sociology., Rev. edAuthor: Young, KimballPublisher: Young, Kimball ©2012ISBN: 9781461277514
- An Introductory Study on China's Cultural Transformation in Recent TimesAuthor: GengPublisher: Geng ©2016ISBN: 9783662445891
- An Invention without a FutureAuthor: NaremorePublisher: Naremore ©2020ISBN: 9788132218883
- An Inventory of American Jewish HistoryAuthor: RischinPublisher: Rischin ©2021ISBN: 9780674420304
- An Inventory of Syriac Texts Published from Manuscripts in the British LibraryAuthor: BrockPublisher: Brock ©2021ISBN: 9783319432212
- An Investigation into the Detection and Mitigation of Denial of Service AttacksAuthor: BurchamPublisher: Burcham ©2016ISBN: 9788132202769
- An Investigation of Heat ExchangeAuthor: PortmanPublisher: Portman ©2021ISBN: 9781461572985
- An Investigation of Women's and Men’s Perceptions and Meanings Associated with Food RisksAuthor: BiebersteinPublisher: Bieberstein ©2016ISBN: 9783658032746
- An Invitation to 3-D Vision : From Images to Geometric ModelsAuthor: Ma, Yi;Soatto, Stefano;Kosecká, Jana;Sastry, S. Shankar;Kosecká, JanaPublisher: Ma, Yi;Soatto, Stefano;Kosecká, Jana;Sastry, S. Shankar;Kosecká, Jana ©2018ISBN: 9781441918468
- An Invitation to 3-D Vision, vol. 26Author: MaPublisher: Ma ©2016ISBN: 9781441918468
- An Invitation to Abstract MathematicsAuthor: BajnokPublisher: Bajnok ©2016ISBN: 9781461466352
- An Invitation to AnthropologyAuthor: LloberaPublisher: Llobera ©2022ISBN: 9780080166216
- An Invitation to Applied MathematicsAuthor: Carmen ChiconePublisher: Carmen Chicone ©2016ISBN: 9781461484349
- An Invitation to C*-Algebras, vol. 39Author: ArvesonPublisher: Arveson ©2016ISBN: 9781461263739
- An Invitation to Cognitive ScienceAuthor: Willcock, Colin;Deiß, Thomas;Tobies, Stephan;Keil, Stefan;Engler, Federico;Schulz, Stephan;Wiles, AnthonyPublisher: Willcock, Colin;Deiß, Thomas;Tobies, Stephan;Keil, Stefan;Engler, Federico;Schulz, Stephan;Wiles, Anthony ©2021ISBN: 9780262150446
- An Invitation to Cognitive ScienceAuthor: Bradshaw, P.;Woods, W. A.Publisher: Bradshaw, P.;Woods, W. A. ©2021ISBN: 9780262150439
- An Invitation to Critical Mathematics EducationAuthor: Natarajan, P. N.Publisher: Natarajan, P. N. ©2016ISBN: 9788132225584
- An Invitation to Ethnomethodology: Language, Society and InteractionAuthor: FrancisPublisher: Francis ©2021ISBN: 9780761966425
- An Invitation to General Algebra and Universal ConstructionsAuthor: BergmanPublisher: Bergman ©2016ISBN: 9783319114774
- An Invitation to Hypoelliptic Operators and H�rmander's Vector FieldsAuthor: BramantiPublisher: Bramanti ©2016ISBN: 9783319020860
- An Invitation to LaughterAuthor: FrazierPublisher: Frazier ©2020ISBN: 97803879863955 Concurrent Users
- An Invitation to Law and Social ScienceAuthor: LempertPublisher: Lempert ©2021ISBN: 9780812213294
- An Invitation to Mathematics : From Competitions to ResearchAuthor: Schleicher, Dierk;Lackmann, MaltePublisher: Schleicher, Dierk;Lackmann, Malte ©2016ISBN: 9783642195327
- An Invitation to Modern Number TheoryAuthor: HamiltonPublisher: Hamilton ©2021ISBN: 9783642143816
- An Invitation to Modern Number TheoryAuthor: MillerPublisher: Miller ©2021ISBN: 9783319128283
- An Invitation to Morse TheoryAuthor: NicolaescuPublisher: Nicolaescu ©2016ISBN: 9781461411048
- An Invitation to Quantum Cohomology, vol. 249Author: FrazierPublisher: Frazier ©2016ISBN: 9780817644567
- An Invitation to Quantum Field Theory, vol. 839Author: Alvarez-GauméPublisher: Alvarez-Gaumé ©2016ISBN: 9783642237270
- An Invitation to Social ConstructionAuthor: GergenPublisher: Gergen ©2019ISBN: 9781446296486
- An Invitation to Variational Methods in Differential EquationsAuthor: CostaPublisher: Costa ©2016ISBN: 9780817645359
- An Invitation to von Neumann AlgebrasAuthor: SunderPublisher: Sunder ©2016ISBN: 9780387963563
- An Invitation to Web Geometry, vol. 2Author: Vitório PereiraPublisher: Vitório Pereira ©2016ISBN: 9783319145617
- An Inward-Looking Economy in TransitionAuthor: HillPublisher: Hill ©2020ISBN: 9781412904155
- An Iowa Schoolma'am : Letters of Elizabeth Bess Corey, 1904-1908Author: Gerber, Philip L.;Wright, Charlotte M.;Theobald, PaulPublisher: Gerber, Philip L.;Wright, Charlotte M.;Theobald, Paul ©2018ISBN: 9781587299605
- An Irish SanctuaryAuthor: HolfterPublisher: Holfter ©2020ISBN: 9783110351446
- An Irish Working ClassAuthor: SilvermanPublisher: Silverman ©2021ISBN: 9783662445891
- An Irregular Mind, vol. 21Author: Pal, Palash B.Publisher: Pal, Palash B. ©2016ISBN: 9783642144431
- An Islam of Her OwnAuthor: HafezPublisher: Hafez ©2021ISBN: 9781617619236
- An Islamic Response to ImperialismAuthor: KeddiePublisher: Keddie ©2021ISBN: 9783642634703
- An Island Called CaliforniaAuthor: BakkerPublisher: Bakker ©2020ISBN: 9780470670347
- An Island Called HomeAuthor: GengPublisher: Geng ©2020ISBN: 9783662445891