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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (29401-29450 of 42285):
- Annual Review of South Asian Languages and Linguistics : 2012Author: Singh, Rajendra;Bhattacharja, ShishirPublisher: Singh, Rajendra;Bhattacharja, Shishir ©2018ISBN: 9783110279498
- Annual Reviews in ControlAuthor: Comings, John;Garner, Barbara;Smith, Cristine;National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and LiteracyPublisher: Comings, John;Garner, Barbara;Smith, Cristine;National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy ©2020ISBN: 9780470623053
- Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2011, vol. 2011Author: Reinberg, A.;Smolensky, M.;Labrecque, G.Publisher: Reinberg, A.;Smolensky, M.;Labrecque, G. ©2016ISBN: 9783642180804
- Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2012, vol. 2012Author: Wiederhold, B. K.;Riva, G.Publisher: Wiederhold, B. K.;Riva, G. ©2016ISBN: 9783642257155
- Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2013Author: Wiederhold, B. K.;Bouchard, S.;Riva, G.Publisher: Wiederhold, B. K.;Bouchard, S.;Riva, G. ©2016ISBN: 9783642351082
- Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2014, vol. 2014Author: Wiederhold, B. K.;Riva, G.Publisher: Wiederhold, B. K.;Riva, G. ©2016ISBN: 9783319037455
- Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2015, vol. 2015Author: Wiederhold, B. K.;Riva, G.Publisher: Wiederhold, B. K.;Riva, G. ©2016ISBN: 9783319137605
- Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2017Author: Vincent, Jean-LouisPublisher: Vincent, Jean-Louis ©2018ISBN: 9783319519074
- Annual, Lunar, and Tidal ClocksAuthor: Silverstein, MerrilPublisher: Silverstein, Merril ©2016ISBN: 9784431552604
- Annual, Lunar, and Tidal Clocks : Patterns and Mechanisms of Nature's Enigmatic RhythmsAuthor: Numata, Hideharu;Helm, BarbaraPublisher: Numata, Hideharu;Helm, Barbara ©2018ISBN: 9784431552604
- Annular Two-Phase FlowAuthor: G. F. HewittPublisher: G. F. Hewitt ©2016ISBN: 9780826102287
- Anodic Oxidation of Aluminium and its AlloysAuthor: V. F. HenleyPublisher: V. F. Henley ©2016ISBN: 9780826102287
- Anodic Oxidation, vol. 32Author: Poon, Leonard W.;Perls, Thomas T.Publisher: Poon, Leonard W.;Perls, Thomas T. ©2016ISBN: 9780826115379
- AnoikisAuthor: Hayslip, Jr., BertPublisher: Hayslip, Jr., Bert ©2021ISBN: 9783030738549
- Anointed, TheAuthor: StephensPublisher: Stephens ©2021ISBN: 9780674048188
- Anomalien bei Ionenaustausch-VorgängenAuthor: Center on International CooperationPublisher: Center on International Cooperation ©2022ISBN: 9783112575697
- Anomalous and Topological Hall Effects in Itinerant MagnetsAuthor: ShiomiPublisher: Shiomi ©2016ISBN: 9784431543602
- Anomalous Atmospheric Flows and Blocking, vol. 29Author: Center on International CooperationPublisher: Center on International Cooperation ©2016ISBN: 9781588267689
- Anomalous Effects in Simple MetalsAuthor: Overhauser, Albert;Dresselhaus, GenePublisher: Overhauser, Albert;Dresselhaus, Gene ©2018ISBN: 9783527408597
- Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the MuonAuthor: Höhler, G.;Fujimori, A.;Kühn, J.Publisher: Höhler, G.;Fujimori, A.;Kühn, J. ©2018ISBN: 9783540726333
- Anomalous Rare Earths and ActinidesAuthor: Friedman, Leonard H.;Savage, Grant T.;Goes, Jim;Savage, GrantPublisher: Friedman, Leonard H.;Savage, Grant T.;Goes, Jim;Savage, Grant ©2016ISBN: 9781781901908
- Anomalous Transport : Foundations and ApplicationsAuthor: Klages, Rainer;Radons, Günter;Sokolov, Igor M.Publisher: Klages, Rainer;Radons, Günter;Sokolov, Igor M. ©2018ISBN: 9783527407224
- Anomalous X-Ray Scattering for Materials Characterization : Atomic-Scale Structure DeterminationAuthor: Waseda, YoshioPublisher: Waseda, Yoshio ©2018ISBN: 9783540434436
- Anomaly Detection and Complex Event Processing over IoT Data StreamsAuthor: Fatos Xhafa and Patrick SchneiderPublisher: Fatos Xhafa and Patrick Schneider ©2022ISBN: 9789814280518
- Anomaly Detection in Random Heterogeneous MediaAuthor: SimonPublisher: Simon ©2016ISBN: 9783658109929
- AnomiaAuthor: Oermann, Marilyn H.;Heinrich, Kathleen T.Publisher: Oermann, Marilyn H.;Heinrich, Kathleen T. ©2017ISBN: 9780826124463
- Anomie of the Earth, TheAuthor: Fitzpatrick, Joyce J., PhD, MBA, RN, FAANPublisher: Fitzpatrick, Joyce J., PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN ©2021ISBN: 9780826182357
- Anonyme KirchengeschichteAuthor: Oermann, Marilyn H.;Heinrich, Kathleen T.Publisher: Oermann, Marilyn H.;Heinrich, Kathleen T. ©2019ISBN: 9783110174373
- Anonymi Professoris EpistulaeAuthor: Oermann, Marilyn H.Publisher: Oermann, Marilyn H. ©2021ISBN: 97831101561195 Concurrent Users
- Anonymität und AutorschaftAuthor: Fitzpatrick, Joyce J.;Stone, Patricia;Hinton Walker, PatriciaPublisher: Fitzpatrick, Joyce J.;Stone, Patricia;Hinton Walker, Patricia ©2021ISBN: 9783110237719
- AnonymityAuthor: MullanPublisher: Mullan ©2021ISBN: 9780826141378
- AnonymityAuthor: MullanPublisher: Mullan ©2021ISBN: 9780826141378
- Anonymity in Participatory Research: Is It Attainable? Is It Desirable?Author: LiaboPublisher: Liabo ©2019ISBN: 9780826141378
- Anonymity Performance in Electronic Pop MusicAuthor: MenrathPublisher: Menrath ©2020ISBN: 9783110195835
- AnonymizationAuthor: WeberPublisher: Weber ©2016ISBN: 9781447140658
- Anonymization of Electronic Medical Records to Support Clinical AnalysisAuthor: Gkoulalas-DivanisPublisher: Gkoulalas-Divanis ©2016ISBN: 9781461456674
- Anonymous Agencies, Backstreet Businesses, and Covert CollectivesAuthor: ScottPublisher: Scott ©2021ISBN: 9783110279498
- Anonymous Communication Networks: Protecting Privacy on the WebAuthor: Kun PengPublisher: Kun Peng ©2019ISBN: 97814398815765 Concurrent Users
- Anonymous Elect, TheAuthor: PostoacaPublisher: Postoaca ©2016ISBN: 9783540290292Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Anonymous LifeAuthor: KhalipPublisher: Khalip ©2021ISBN: 9783110225594
- Anonymous Marie de France, TheAuthor: BlochPublisher: Bloch ©2020ISBN: 9780226059686
- Anonymous Online Survey: Is Remote Employment a Sustainable Practice?Author: StreitPublisher: Streit ©2021ISBN: 9783110208290
- Anonymus and Master RogerAuthor: Singh, RajendraPublisher: Singh, Rajendra ©2022ISBN: 9783110195835
- Anonymus and Master RogerAuthor: Singh, RajendraPublisher: Singh, Rajendra ©2022ISBN: 9783110225594
- Anonymus ArgentinensisAuthor: Singh, Rajendra;Bhattacharja, Shishir;Gast, VolkerPublisher: Singh, Rajendra;Bhattacharja, Shishir;Gast, Volker ©2019ISBN: 9783111148045
- Anonymus LondinensisAuthor: Singh, RajendraPublisher: Singh, Rajendra ©2020ISBN: 9783111284446
- Anopheline Species Complexes in South and South-East Asia : SEARO Technical Publications, Number 57Author: World Health Organization;World Health Organization,;UNAIDS,;SearoPublisher: World Health Organization;World Health Organization,;UNAIDS,;Searo ©2018ISBN: 9789290222941
- Anordnung und Ausbildung der HauptbauwerkeAuthor: Cristofalo, Vincent J., PhD;Adelman, Richard, PhD;Schaie, KPublisher: Cristofalo, Vincent J., PhD;Adelman, Richard, PhD;Schaie, K ©2019ISBN: 9783111294506
- Anordnung und Bemessung elektrischer LeitungenAuthor: HocheneggPublisher: Hochenegg ©2020ISBN: 9783486728828
- Anorectal and Colon DiseasesAuthor: SteinPublisher: Stein ©2016ISBN: 9783540430391