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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (29601-29650 of 42285):
- Antarctic Climate Evolution, vol. 8Author: Altenbach, Alexander;Bernhard, Joan M.;Seckbach, JosephPublisher: Altenbach, Alexander;Bernhard, Joan M.;Seckbach, Joseph ©2017ISBN: 9789400718951
- Antarctic Dive Guide, TheAuthor: KelleyPublisher: Kelley ©2020ISBN: 9789400718951
- Antarctic Ecosystems : An Extreme Environment in a Changing WorldAuthor: Rogers, Alex D.;Johnston, Nadine M.;Murphy, Eugene J.;Clarke, AndrewPublisher: Rogers, Alex D.;Johnston, Nadine M.;Murphy, Eugene J.;Clarke, Andrew ©2018ISBN: 9781405198400
- Antarctic Ecosystems : Ecological Change and ConservationAuthor: Kerry, K. R.;Hempel, G.Publisher: Kerry, K. R.;Hempel, G. ©2016ISBN: 9783642840760
- Antarctic Ecosystems, vol. 175Author: BargagliPublisher: Bargagli ©2016ISBN: 9783540220916
- Antarctic Fish BiologyAuthor: Joseph T. EastmanPublisher: Joseph T. Eastman ©2016ISBN: 9783484304031
- Antarctic Fish Biology : Evolution in a Unique EnvironmentAuthor: Eastman, Joseph T.Publisher: Eastman, Joseph T. ©2018ISBN: 9780122281402
- Antarctic FuturesAuthor: LatschaPublisher: Latscha ©2016ISBN: 9789400765818
- Antarctic LakesAuthor: Laybourn-ParryPublisher: Laybourn-Parry ©2017ISBN: 9780199670499
- Antarctic Ocean and Resources VariabilityAuthor: RiedelPublisher: Riedel ©2016ISBN: 9783642737268
- Antarctic Ocean and Resources VariabilityAuthor: Sahrhage, DietrichPublisher: Sahrhage, Dietrich ©2018ISBN: 9783642737268
- Antarctic PaleobiologyAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2016ISBN: 9781461279297
- Antarctic ScienceAuthor: Luca BertonPublisher: Luca Berton ©2016ISBN: 9783540575597
- Antarctic Sector of the Pacific, vol. 51Author: Luca BertonPublisher: Luca Berton ©2017ISBN: 9781484288788
- Antarctic Subglacial Lake Vostok, TheAuthor: ZotikovPublisher: Zotikov ©2016ISBN: 9783540426493
- Antarctic Terrestrial MicrobiologyAuthor: Huheey, James E.;Keiter, Ellen A.;Keiter, Richard L.;Steudel, Ralf;Beckhaus, Rüdiger;Breher, Frank;Johrendt, Dirk;Kaupp, Martin;Lunk, Hans-Joachim;Schatzschneider, UlrichPublisher: Huheey, James E.;Keiter, Ellen A.;Keiter, Richard L.;Steudel, Ralf;Beckhaus, Rüdiger;Breher, Frank;Johrendt, Dirk;Kaupp, Martin;Lunk, Hans-Joachim;Schatzschneider, Ulrich ©2016ISBN: 9783642452123
- Antarctic treaty system: an assessment : proceedings of a workshop held at Beardmore South Field Camp, Antarctica, January 7-13, 1985Author: WinterPublisher: Winter ©2016ISBN: 9783837630046
- AntarcticaAuthor: Becke-GoehringPublisher: Becke-Goehring ©2016ISBN: 9783110783322
- Antarctica : A Keystone in a Changing WorldAuthor: Wise, Woody;Stump, Edmund;Storey, Bryan;Stagg, Howard;Barrett, Peter;Cooper, Alan K.Publisher: Wise, Woody;Stump, Edmund;Storey, Bryan;Stagg, Howard;Barrett, Peter;Cooper, Alan K. ©2018ISBN: 9780309118545
- Antarctica : Contributions to Global Earth SciencesAuthor: Fütterer, Dieter K.;Damaske, Detlef;Kleinschmidt, Georg;Miller, Hubert;Tessensohn, Franz;Fütterer, Dieter K.Publisher: Fütterer, Dieter K.;Damaske, Detlef;Kleinschmidt, Georg;Miller, Hubert;Tessensohn, Franz;Fütterer, Dieter K. ©2016ISBN: 9783540306733
- Antarctica: a keystone in a changing world : proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Santa Barbara, California, August 26 to September 1, 2007Author: JanssenPublisher: Janssen ©2016ISBN: 9789491216589Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Antarctica: Soils, Weathering Processes and Environment, vol. 16Author: NortonPublisher: Norton ©2016ISBN: 9780674183056
- Antarctica: The Most Interactive Ice-Air-Ocean Environment : The Most Interactive Ice-Air-Ocean EnvironmentAuthor: Singh, Jaswant;Dutta, H.N.Publisher: Singh, Jaswant;Dutta, H.N. ©2018ISBN: 9781611228151
- AntäusAuthor: RomundtPublisher: Romundt ©2021ISBN: 9783112403150
- Antbirds and OvenbirdsAuthor: Blackmore, Jill;Kenway, Jane;Rennie, Leonie;Willis, SuePublisher: Blackmore, Jill;Kenway, Jane;Rennie, Leonie;Willis, Sue ©2021ISBN: 9780415181914
- Antbirds and OvenbirdsAuthor: SkutchPublisher: Skutch ©2021ISBN: 9780292776999
- AntConcAuthor: SAGE Research MethodsPublisher: SAGE Research Methods ©2021ISBN: 9789491216589
- Antebellum American CultureAuthor: DavisPublisher: Davis ©2021ISBN: 9783540563907
- Antebellum PosthumanAuthor: EllisPublisher: Ellis ©2021ISBN: 9780823278442
- Antecedents of Venture Firms’ InternationalizationAuthor: ChristoforPublisher: Christofor ©2016ISBN: 9783834911155
- Antenatal and Neonatal ScreeningAuthor: WaldPublisher: Wald ©2017ISBN: 9780192628268
- Antenatal Diagnosis of Fetal AbnormalitiesAuthor: Laura L. Brooks,Richard OwenPublisher: Laura L. Brooks,Richard Owen ©2016ISBN: 9781447118565
- Antenatal Disorders for the MRCOG and BeyondAuthor: Anumba, Dilly;Jivraj, ShehnaazPublisher: Anumba, Dilly;Jivraj, Shehnaaz ©2018ISBN: 9781107684928
- Antenna Arrays and Automotive ApplicationsAuthor: RabinovichPublisher: Rabinovich ©2016ISBN: 9781461410737
- Antenna Design by Simulation-Driven OptimizationAuthor: KozielPublisher: Koziel ©2016ISBN: 9783319043661
- Antenna Design for Mobile DevicesAuthor: Zhang, ZhijunPublisher: Zhang, Zhijun ©2018ISBN: 9780470824467
- Antenna Design for Mobile DevicesAuthor: Zhang, ZhijunPublisher: Zhang, Zhijun ©2018ISBN: 9781119132325
- Antenna Designs for NFC DevicesAuthor: Paret, DominiquePublisher: Paret, Dominique ©2018ISBN: 9783540875260
- Antenna engineering handbookAuthor: John L. Volakis, editor.Publisher: John L. Volakis, editor. ©2019ISBN: 9780071475747
- Antenna Engineering HandbookAuthor: Volakis, John LeonidasPublisher: Volakis, John Leonidas ©2020ISBN: 9781259644696
- Antenna HandbookAuthor: GordonPublisher: Gordon ©2016ISBN: 9780442015947
- Antenna HandbookAuthor: Gordon, Deborah M.Publisher: Gordon, Deborah M. ©2016ISBN: 9781461564614
- Antenna Theory : Analysis and DesignAuthor: Balanis, Constantine A.Publisher: Balanis, Constantine A. ©2022ISBN: 9781118642061
- Antenna Theory : Analysis and DesignAuthor: Balanis, Constantine A.Publisher: Balanis, Constantine A. ©2018ISBN: 9781118642061
- Antenna ToolkitAuthor: Joseph J. CarrPublisher: Joseph J. Carr ©2016ISBN: 9789400979963
- Antennas : Fundamentals, Design, MeasurementAuthor: Blake, Lamont V.;Long, Maurice W.Publisher: Blake, Lamont V.;Long, Maurice W. ©2018ISBN: 9781891121784
- Antennas : Parameters, Models and ApplicationsAuthor: Ferrero, Albert I.Publisher: Ferrero, Albert I. ©2018ISBN: 9781606924631
- Antennas and Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria, vol. 42Author: LatschaPublisher: Latscha ©2016ISBN: 9783642826900
- Antennas and Site Engineering for Mobile Radio NetworksAuthor: Delorme, BrunoPublisher: Delorme, Bruno ©2018ISBN: 9781608077038
- Antennas for base stations in wireless communicationsAuthor: Chen, Zhi Ning.Publisher: Chen, Zhi Ning. ©2012ISBN: 9780071612883