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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (31301-31350 of 42285):
- Applications of 3D Measurement from ImagesAuthor: Fryer, JohnPublisher: Fryer, John ©2018ISBN: 9781870325691
- Applications of 3D printing in Biomedical EngineeringAuthor: SchoengarthPublisher: Schoengarth ©2021ISBN: 9789813368873
- Applications of Adaptive ControlAuthor: Manouvrier, Bernard;Menard, LaurentPublisher: Manouvrier, Bernard;Menard, Laurent ©2016ISBN: 9780122341236
- Applications of Advanced Electromagnetics, vol. 169Author: KouzaevPublisher: Kouzaev ©2016ISBN: 9783642303098
- Applications of Advanced Green MaterialsAuthor: KinterPublisher: Kinter ©2021ISBN: 9781461364252
- Applications of Advanced Omics Technologies: From Genes to Metabolites, vol. 64Author: ParvezPublisher: Parvez ©2018ISBN: 9781441979278
- Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and TransportationAuthor: Rustamov, Rustam B.;Kurnaz, Sefer;Salahova, Saida E.;Hasanova, Sabina N.;Zeyanlova, Maral H.Publisher: Rustamov, Rustam B.;Kurnaz, Sefer;Salahova, Saida E.;Hasanova, Sabina N.;Zeyanlova, Maral H. ©2016ISBN: 97837643725832 Concurrent Users
- Applications of AI and IOT in Renewable EnergyAuthor: Rustamov, Rustam B.;Kurnaz, Sefer;Salahova, Saida E.;Hasanova, Sabina N.;Zeyanlova, Maral H.Publisher: Rustamov, Rustam B.;Kurnaz, Sefer;Salahova, Saida E.;Hasanova, Sabina N.;Zeyanlova, Maral H. ©2022ISBN: 9781613242384
- Applications of Algebra to Communications, Control, and Signal ProcessingAuthor: BostonPublisher: Boston ©2016ISBN: 9781461438625
- Applications of Algebra to Communications, Control, and Signal ProcessingAuthor: Boston, NigelPublisher: Boston, Nigel ©2018ISBN: 9781461438625
- Applications of Algebraic Geometry to Coding Theory, Physics and Computation, vol. 36Author: Khine, Myint SwePublisher: Khine, Myint Swe ©2016ISBN: 9781402000058
- Applications of Algebraic Topology : Graphs and Networks The Picard-Lefschetz Theory and Feynman IntegralsAuthor: John, Fritz;Sirovich, Lawrence;LaSalle, Joseph P.Publisher: John, Fritz;Sirovich, Lawrence;LaSalle, Joseph P. ©2018ISBN: 9780387901374
- Applications of Analytic and Geometric Methods to Nonlinear Differential Equations, vol. 413Author: Thoft-Christensen, Palle;Murotsu, YoshisadaPublisher: Thoft-Christensen, Palle;Murotsu, Yoshisada ©2016ISBN: 9789401049245
- Applications of Analytical Chemistry to Oceanic Carbon Cycle StudiesAuthor: Babak Akhgar,et al.Publisher: Babak Akhgar,et al. ©2018ISBN: 9780309049283
- Applications of analytical chemistry to oceanic carbon cycle studiesAuthor: Thoft-ChristensenPublisher: Thoft-Christensen ©2016ISBN: 9781846282232
- Applications of Analytical Techniques to the Characterization of MaterialsAuthor: Perry, Dale L.Publisher: Perry, Dale L. ©2018ISBN: 9781475792287
- Applications of AnthropologyAuthor: GuoPublisher: Guo ©2022ISBN: 9781848000858
- Applications of AnthropologyAuthor: World Health OrganizationPublisher: World Health Organization ©2022ISBN: 9781848000858
- Applications of Antisense Therapies to Restenosis, vol. 3Author: FischerPublisher: Fischer ©2016ISBN: 9781461373612
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VIAuthor: V. V. Nalimov and M. WilliamsPublisher: V. V. Nalimov and M. Williams ©2016ISBN: 9781851666782
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and BiomedicineAuthor: Subasi, AbdulhamitPublisher: Subasi, Abdulhamit ©2024ISBN: 97818488221465 Concurrent Users
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medical ImagingAuthor: KarnouskosPublisher: Karnouskos ©2023ISBN: 9783642454004
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Mining and Geotechnical EngineeringAuthor: KarnouskosPublisher: Karnouskos ©2024ISBN: 9783642454004
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Mining, Geotechnical and GeoengineeringAuthor: KarnouskosPublisher: Karnouskos ©2024ISBN: 9783642454004
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Process Systems EngineeringAuthor: World Health OrganizationPublisher: World Health Organization ©2021ISBN: 9789241547468
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Petroleum IndustryAuthor: Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh,Aydin Larestani,Nait Amar Menad andSassan HajirezaiePublisher: Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh,Aydin Larestani,Nait Amar Menad andSassan Hajirezaie ©2020ISBN: 9780080221441
- Applications of ATILA FEM Software to Smart MaterialsAuthor: Massad, Joseph J.;Cagna, David R.;Goodacre, Charles J.;Wicks, Russell A.;Ahuja, Swati A.Publisher: Massad, Joseph J.;Cagna, David R.;Goodacre, Charles J.;Wicks, Russell A.;Ahuja, Swati A. ©2018ISBN: 9783662456699
- Applications of Automatic Control Concepts to Traffic Flow Modeling and Control, vol. 50Author: IAEAPublisher: IAEA ©2016ISBN: 9783540122371
- Applications of Big Data in HealthcareAuthor: IAEAPublisher: IAEA ©2021ISBN: 9783540422525Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Applications of Biomass-Derived Materials for Bioproducts and BioenergyAuthor: Janna, Farid Chejne; Garcia-Perez, Manuel; Del Pilar Noriega Escoba, MariaPublisher: Janna, Farid Chejne; Garcia-Perez, Manuel; Del Pilar Noriega Escoba, Maria ©2024ISBN: 9783540403340
- Applications of Biosurfactant in AgricultureAuthor: Taplin, D. M. R.Publisher: Taplin, D. M. R. ©2022ISBN: 97800802214412 Concurrent Users
- Applications of Biosurfactant in AgricultureAuthor: HosseiniPublisher: Hosseini ©2022ISBN: 9783540222361
- Applications of Biotechnology for Sustainable Textile ProductionAuthor: Khan, M. Masud K.;Chowdhury, Ashfaque Ahmed;Hassan, Nur M. SayeedPublisher: Khan, M. Masud K.;Chowdhury, Ashfaque Ahmed;Hassan, Nur M. Sayeed ©2022ISBN: 9783540263012
- Applications of Biotechnology in Cardiovascular TherapeuticsAuthor: JainPublisher: Jain ©2016ISBN: 9781617792397
- Applications of Biotechnology in Forestry and HorticultureAuthor: Majumder, Mrinmoy;Barman, Rabindra NathPublisher: Majumder, Mrinmoy;Barman, Rabindra Nath ©2016ISBN: 9781468413236
- Applications of Biotechnology in NeurologyAuthor: JainPublisher: Jain ©2016ISBN: 9781627032711
- Applications of Biotechnology in OncologyAuthor: JainPublisher: Jain ©2016ISBN: 9781461492443
- Applications of Biotechnology in Traditional Fermented FoodsAuthor: Alexandre Dimian,Anton Kiss andCostin BildeaPublisher: Alexandre Dimian,Anton Kiss andCostin Bildea ©2018ISBN: 9780309046855
- Applications of biotechnology to traditional fermented foods: report of an ad hoc panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International DevelopmentAuthor: De Gloria, AlessandroPublisher: De Gloria, Alessandro ©2016ISBN: 9783319043692
- Applications of Cell Immobilisation Biotechnology, vol. 8BAuthor: FaroukPublisher: Farouk ©2016ISBN: 9781402032295
- Applications of Centre Manifold Theory, vol. 35Author: CarrPublisher: Carr ©2016ISBN: 9780387905778
- Applications of Chalcogenides: S, Se, and TeAuthor: Ahluwalia, Gurinder KaurPublisher: Ahluwalia, Gurinder Kaur ©2018ISBN: 9783319411880
- Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering - Vol. 1Author: Vinod Vasudevan,et al.Publisher: Vinod Vasudevan,et al. ©2016ISBN: 9783642219214
- Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 2Author: Fryer, JohnPublisher: Fryer, John ©2016ISBN: 9783642293283
- Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 3Author: Manouvrier, Bernard;Menard, LaurentPublisher: Manouvrier, Bernard;Menard, Laurent ©2016ISBN: 9783642340161
- Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering - Vol. 4Author: KouzaevPublisher: Kouzaev ©2016ISBN: 9783319170367
- Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins - Part B: Cell Biology and Physiology, vol. 327Author: KinterPublisher: Kinter ©2016ISBN: 9781461364252
- Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins - Part C: Protein-Protein Interactions and Genomics, vol. 328Author: García-Cañas, Virginia;Cifuentes, Alejandro;Simó, CarolinaPublisher: García-Cañas, Virginia;Cifuentes, Alejandro;Simó, Carolina ©2016ISBN: 9780444626509
- Applications of Chimeric Genes and Hybrid Proteins Part A: Gene Expression and Protein Purification, vol. 326Author: ParvezPublisher: Parvez ©2016ISBN: 9781441979278
- Applications of Circulation Control TechnologiesAuthor: Joslin, R. D.;Jones, Gregory S.Publisher: Joslin, R. D.;Jones, Gregory S. ©2018ISBN: 9781563477898