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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (31351-31400 of 42285):
- Applications of Combinatorial Matrix Theory to Laplacian Matrices of GraphsAuthor: Molitierno, Jason J.Publisher: Molitierno, Jason J. ©2016ISBN: 97814398633742 Concurrent Users
- Applications of Combinatorial OptimizationAuthor: Paschos, Vangelis Th.Publisher: Paschos, Vangelis Th. ©2018ISBN: 9781613242384
- Applications of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 3Author: Paschos, Vangelis Th.Publisher: Paschos, Vangelis Th. ©2018ISBN: 9781461438625
- Applications of Combinatorics and Graph Theory to the Biological and Social Sciences, vol. 17Author: Boston, NigelPublisher: Boston, Nigel ©2016ISBN: 9781468463835
- Applications of Composite Materials in EngineeringAuthor: Khine, Myint SwePublisher: Khine, Myint Swe ©2024ISBN: 9781402000058
- Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biology, vol. 122Author: Thoft-Christensen, Palle;Murotsu, YoshisadaPublisher: Thoft-Christensen, Palle;Murotsu, Yoshisada ©2016ISBN: 9783540785330
- Applications of Computational Intelligence in Data-Driven TradingAuthor: Cris DolocPublisher: Cris Doloc ©2022ISBN: 9781119550501
- Applications of Computational Intelligence in Multi-Disciplinary ResearchAuthor: Babak Akhgar,et al.Publisher: Babak Akhgar,et al. ©2022ISBN: 9780309049283
- Applications of Computational Tools in Biosciences and Medical Engineering, vol. 71Author: FischerPublisher: Fischer ©2018ISBN: 9783319194691
- Applications of Computer Aided Time Series Modeling, vol. 119Author: V. V. Nalimov and M. WilliamsPublisher: V. V. Nalimov and M. Williams ©2016ISBN: 9780387947518
- Applications of Computer AlgebraAuthor: Subasi, AbdulhamitPublisher: Subasi, Abdulhamit ©2016ISBN: 97814684689085 Concurrent Users
- Applications of Computer Technology to Dynamical AstronomyAuthor: KarnouskosPublisher: Karnouskos ©2016ISBN: 9789401069328
- Applications of Computer Vision in Fashion and TextilesAuthor: KarnouskosPublisher: Karnouskos ©2017ISBN: 9783642454004
- Applications of Conceptual Spaces, vol. 359Author: Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh,Aydin Larestani,Nait Amar Menad andSassan HajirezaiePublisher: Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh,Aydin Larestani,Nait Amar Menad andSassan Hajirezaie ©2016ISBN: 9783319150208
- Applications of Data Mining in Computer Security, vol. 6Author: Massad, Joseph J.;Cagna, David R.;Goodacre, Charles J.;Wicks, Russell A.;Ahuja, Swati A.Publisher: Massad, Joseph J.;Cagna, David R.;Goodacre, Charles J.;Wicks, Russell A.;Ahuja, Swati A. ©2016ISBN: 9781461353218
- Applications of Data Mining to Electronic CommerceAuthor: IAEAPublisher: IAEA ©2016ISBN: 9781461356486
- Applications of Databases, vol. 819Author: IAEAPublisher: IAEA ©2016ISBN: 9783540581833Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, vol. 3392Author: Taplin, D. M. R.Publisher: Taplin, D. M. R. ©2016ISBN: 9783540255604
- Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, vol. 5437Author: Janna, Farid Chejne; Garcia-Perez, Manuel; Del Pilar Noriega Escoba, MariaPublisher: Janna, Farid Chejne; Garcia-Perez, Manuel; Del Pilar Noriega Escoba, Maria ©2016ISBN: 9783642006746
- Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, vol. 6547Author: HosseiniPublisher: Hosseini ©2016ISBN: 9783642205880
- Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, vol. 7773Author: Khan, M. Masud K.;Chowdhury, Ashfaque Ahmed;Hassan, Nur M. SayeedPublisher: Khan, M. Masud K.;Chowdhury, Ashfaque Ahmed;Hassan, Nur M. Sayeed ©2016ISBN: 9783642415234
- Applications of Deep Machine Learning in Future Energy SystemsAuthor: JainPublisher: Jain ©2024ISBN: 9781617792397
- Applications of Density Functional Theory to Biological and Bioinorganic Chemistry, vol. 150Author: Majumder, Mrinmoy;Barman, Rabindra NathPublisher: Majumder, Mrinmoy;Barman, Rabindra Nath ©2016ISBN: 9783642327490
- Applications of Density Functional Theory to Chemical Reactivity, vol. 149Author: JainPublisher: Jain ©2016ISBN: 9783642327520
- Applications of Diamond Films and Related Materials, vol. 73Author: JainPublisher: Jain ©2016ISBN: 9781461492443
- Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, vol. 437Author: Alexandre Dimian,Anton Kiss andCostin BildeaPublisher: Alexandre Dimian,Anton Kiss andCostin Bildea ©2016ISBN: 9780792381303
- Applications of Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, vol. 7346Author: BrandsmaPublisher: Brandsma ©2016ISBN: 9783642323126
- Applications of Discrete-time Markov Chains and Poisson Processes to Air Pollution Modeling and StudiesAuthor: RodriguesPublisher: Rodrigues ©2016ISBN: 9781461446446
- Applications of Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine, vol. 158Author: Rick Sturm,Carol Pollard,Julie CraigPublisher: Rick Sturm,Carol Pollard,Julie Craig ©2016ISBN: 9781493927814
- Applications of Electroactive PolymersAuthor: Vinod Vasudevan,et al.Publisher: Vinod Vasudevan,et al. ©2016ISBN: 9789401046848
- Applications of Electrochemistry and Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine I, vol. 52Author: Fryer, JohnPublisher: Fryer, John ©2016ISBN: 9781461403463
- Applications of Electrochemistry and Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine II, vol. 53Author: KouzaevPublisher: Kouzaev ©2018ISBN: 9781461421368
- Applications of Electrochemistry in Medicine, vol. 56Author: KouzaevPublisher: Kouzaev ©2016ISBN: 9781461461470
- Applications of Electronic Structure Theory, vol. 4Author: KinterPublisher: Kinter ©2016ISBN: 9781468485431
- Applications of Electrospun Nanofiber Membranes for Bio-SeparationsAuthor: Menkhaus, Todd J.;Zhang, Lifeng;Fong, HaoPublisher: Menkhaus, Todd J.;Zhang, Lifeng;Fong, Hao ©2018ISBN: 9781608767823
- Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry : A Practical Guide, Third EditionAuthor: Weiner, Eugene R.Publisher: Weiner, Eugene R. ©2018ISBN: 9781439853320
- Applications of EPR in Radiation ResearchAuthor: Molitierno, Jason J.Publisher: Molitierno, Jason J. ©2016ISBN: 97833190921572 Concurrent Users
- Applications of Essential Oils in the Food IndustryAuthor: Paschos, Vangelis Th.Publisher: Paschos, Vangelis Th. ©2023ISBN: 9781613242384
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Chemistry, vol. 110Author: Paschos, Vangelis Th.Publisher: Paschos, Vangelis Th. ©2016ISBN: 9783540402589
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Image Processing and Pattern RecognitionAuthor: Cuevas, Erik;Zaldívar, Daniel;Perez-Cisneros, MarcoPublisher: Cuevas, Erik;Zaldívar, Daniel;Perez-Cisneros, Marco ©2018ISBN: 9783319264608
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 6024Author: Boston, NigelPublisher: Boston, Nigel ©2016ISBN: 9783642122385
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 6025Author: Khine, Myint SwePublisher: Khine, Myint Swe ©2016ISBN: 9783642122415
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 6624Author: John, Fritz;Sirovich, Lawrence;LaSalle, Joseph P.Publisher: John, Fritz;Sirovich, Lawrence;LaSalle, Joseph P. ©2016ISBN: 9783642205248
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 6625Author: Thoft-Christensen, Palle;Murotsu, YoshisadaPublisher: Thoft-Christensen, Palle;Murotsu, Yoshisada ©2016ISBN: 9783642205194
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 7248Author: Cris DolocPublisher: Cris Doloc ©2016ISBN: 9783642291777
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 7835Author: Cris DolocPublisher: Cris Doloc ©2016ISBN: 9783642371912
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 8602Author: Babak Akhgar,et al.Publisher: Babak Akhgar,et al. ©2016ISBN: 9783662455227
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 9028Author: Öchsner, Andreas;Altenbach, Holm;Öchsner, AndreasPublisher: Öchsner, Andreas;Altenbach, Holm;Öchsner, Andreas ©2016ISBN: 9783319165486
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 9597Author: GuoPublisher: Guo ©2016ISBN: 9783319312033
- Applications of Evolutionary Computation, vol. 9598Author: FischerPublisher: Fischer ©2016ISBN: 9783319311524