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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (10251-10300 of 35943):
- Chinese students in America: policies, issues, and numbersAuthor: Orleans, Leo A.Publisher: Orleans, Leo A. ©2016ISBN: 9783131489913
- Chinese Sultanate, TheAuthor: AtwillPublisher: Atwill ©2022ISBN: 9780804751599
- Chinese Sultanate, TheAuthor: AtwillPublisher: Atwill ©2022ISBN: 9783662438671
- Chinese SympathiesAuthor: PurdyPublisher: Purdy ©2022ISBN: 9783662438671
- Chinese SympathiesAuthor: PurdyPublisher: Purdy ©2022ISBN: 9783642318115
- Chinese Tax Law and International TreatiesAuthor: RiccardiPublisher: Riccardi ©2016ISBN: 9783319002743
- Chinese TheaterAuthor: TangPublisher: Tang ©2021ISBN: 9783642395062
- Chinese TheologyAuthor: StarrPublisher: Starr ©2020ISBN: 9781107182004
- Chinese Thought, Society, and ScienceAuthor: BoddePublisher: Bodde ©2022ISBN: 9789401785747
- Chinese Thought, Society, and ScienceAuthor: BoddePublisher: Bodde ©2022ISBN: 9783110205169
- Chinese Traditional Healing : The Berlin Collections of Manuscript Volumes from the 16th Through the Early 20th CenturyAuthor: Unschuld, Paul;ZHENG, JinshengPublisher: Unschuld, Paul;ZHENG, Jinsheng ©2018ISBN: 9789004225251
- Chinese Transformation of BuddhismAuthor: Ch'enPublisher: Ch'en ©2021ISBN: 9783642451843
- Chinese Vernacular Story, TheAuthor: HananPublisher: Hanan ©2021ISBN: 9780674418448
- Chinese Views of ChildhoodAuthor: RinaldiPublisher: Rinaldi ©2020ISBN: 9783319271934
- Chinese Village Politics in the Malaysian StateAuthor: StrauchPublisher: Strauch ©2021ISBN: 9780674594562
- Chinese Visions of Family and State, 1915-1953Author: GlosserPublisher: Glosser ©2020ISBN: 9783790820010
- Chinese Visions of World OrderAuthor: LugerPublisher: Luger ©2021ISBN: 9783790820010
- Chinese Walls in Time and SpaceAuthor: KastnerPublisher: Kastner ©2022ISBN: 9783131309624
- Chinese Walls in Time and SpaceAuthor: GurtovPublisher: Gurtov ©2022ISBN: 9783131309624
- Chinese Ways in WarfareAuthor: KastnerPublisher: Kastner ©2021ISBN: 9780674182042
- Chinese WhispersAuthor: HuangPublisher: Huang ©2022ISBN: 9780226822648
- Chinese Women and the CyberspaceAuthor: LaughlinPublisher: Laughlin ©2020ISBN: 9781848190238
- Chinese Women and the Teaching ProfessionAuthor: Kwong, Julia;Wanhua, MaPublisher: Kwong, Julia;Wanhua, Ma ©2018ISBN: 9781590339169
- Chinese Women Business LeadersAuthor: Jean LeePublisher: Jean Lee ©2017ISBN: 9781441994097
- Chinese Women’s Movement Between State and Market, TheAuthor: JuddPublisher: Judd ©2022ISBN: 9789004274631
- Chinese Workers in Comparative PerspectiveAuthor: Weiguang, Wang;Guoguang, Zheng;Jiahua, P. A. N.Publisher: Weiguang, Wang;Guoguang, Zheng;Jiahua, P. A. N. ©2020ISBN: 9789004274631
- Chinese Working-Class LivesAuthor: GatesPublisher: Gates ©2020ISBN: 9789004251168
- Chinese World Order, TheAuthor: Ye, WenhuPublisher: Ye, Wenhu ©2021ISBN: 9780674333475
- Chinese Writing and CalligraphyAuthor: LiPublisher: Li ©2020ISBN: 9789004249530
- Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry, TheAuthor: StallingPublisher: Stalling ©2021ISBN: 9780823228683
- Chineseness across BordersAuthor: LouiePublisher: Louie ©2021ISBN: 9780674334700
- ChinesiaAuthor: HsiaPublisher: Hsia ©2020ISBN: 9783484630161
- Chinesisch-Deutscher ImagereportAuthor: ChenPublisher: Chen ©2020ISBN: 9783110542080
- Chinesisch-Deutsches Stilwörterbuch für KonversationAuthor: LiuPublisher: Liu ©2019ISBN: 9783110082685
- Chinesisch-deutsches WörterbuchAuthor: RüdenbergPublisher: Rüdenberg ©2021ISBN: 9783111318349
- Chinesisch-Deutsches WörterbuchAuthor: RüdenbergPublisher: Rüdenberg ©2019ISBN: 9783110000207
- Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch - Deutscher IndexAuthor: TangPublisher: Tang ©2019ISBN: 9783110035483
- Chinesische Medizin in der Gynäkologie und GeburtshilfeAuthor: RömerPublisher: Römer ©2019ISBN: 9780231931960
- Chinesische Medizin in der Gynäkologie und GeburtshilfeAuthor: RömerPublisher: Römer ©2021ISBN: 9783110704396
- Chinesische Redensarten für Unterricht und SelbststudiumAuthor: PaoPublisher: Pao ©2019ISBN: 9783110104844
- Chinesisches traditionelles Erbrecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung südostchinesischen Gewohnheitsrechts vom Ende des 19. JahrhundertsAuthor: MädingPublisher: Mäding ©2019ISBN: 9783111281322
- ChinmedomicsAuthor: Xijun Wang, Aihua Zhang and Hui SunPublisher: Xijun Wang, Aihua Zhang and Hui Sun ©2016ISBN: 9783790820010
- Chinnagounder's Challenge : The Question of Ecological CitizenshipAuthor: Curtin, Deane W.Publisher: Curtin, Deane W. ©2018ISBN: 9780253335760
- ChipAuthor: Yang, DongpingPublisher: Yang, Dongping ©2022ISBN: 9789004270770
- Chip Bell on Knock Your Socks Off ServiceAuthor: Chip BellPublisher: Chip Bell ©2021ISBN: 9789004274631
- Chip Technology, vol. 77Author: Weiguang, Wang;Guoguang, Zheng;Jiahua, P. A. N.Publisher: Weiguang, Wang;Guoguang, Zheng;Jiahua, P. A. N. ©2016ISBN: 9783540432159
- Chip Technology, vol. 77Author: Weiguang, Wang;Guoguang, Zheng;Jiahua, P. A. N.Publisher: Weiguang, Wang;Guoguang, Zheng;Jiahua, P. A. N. ©2021ISBN: 9783540432159
- Chipless Radio Frequency Identification Reader Signal ProcessingAuthor: Karmakar, Nemai Chandra;Kalansuriya, Prasanna;Azim, Rubayet E.;Koswatta, RandkaPublisher: Karmakar, Nemai Chandra;Kalansuriya, Prasanna;Azim, Rubayet E.;Koswatta, Randka ©2018ISBN: 9789004251168
- Chipless RFIDAuthor: RezaiesarlakPublisher: Rezaiesarlak ©2016ISBN: 9783319101682
- Chipless RFID based on RF Encoding ParticleAuthor: Arnaud Vena, Etienne Perret and Smail TedjiniPublisher: Arnaud Vena, Etienne Perret and Smail Tedjini ©2016ISBN: 9789004249530