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Showing books starting with the letter C (10301-10350 of 35943):
- Chipless RFID Reader Architecture
- Chipless RFID Reader Design for Ultra-Wideband Technology
- Chipless RFID Sensors
- Chips 2020
- Chips and Change
- Chiral Amine Synthesis : Methods, Developments and Applications
- Chiral Analysis
- Chiral Analysis
- Chiral Analysis
- Chiral Auxiliaries in Cycloadditions
- Chiral Diazaligands for Asymmetric Synthesis, vol. 15
- Chiral Drugs : Chemistry and Biological Action
- Chiral Dynamics: Theory And Experiment Iii
- Chiral Dynamics: Theory and Experiment, vol. 513
- Chiral Environmental Pollutants : Trace Analysis and Ecotoxicology
- Chiral Liquid Chromatography
- Chiral Phosphorous Based Ligands in Earth-Abundant Transition Metal Catalysis
- Chiral Pollutants - Distribution, Toxicity and Analysis by Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis
- Chiral Quark Dynamics, vol. 33
- Chiral Reactions in Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Chiral Recognition in Separation Methods
- Chiral Separation Techniques : A Practical Approach
- Chiral Separations
- Chiral Soliton Models for Baryons, vol. 743
- Chiral Sulfur Ligands : Asymmetric Catalysis
- Chirale Welten
- Chirale Welten
- Chirality
- Chirality and Life
- Chirality from Dynamic Kinetic Resolution
- Chirality in Drug Design and Synthesis
- Chirality in Drug Design and Synthesis
- Chirality in Drug Research
- Chirality in Liquid Crystals
- Chirality in Supramolecular Assemblies : Causes and Consequences
- Chirologia: or The naturall language of the hand: Composed of the speaking motions, and discoursing gestures thereof; whereunto is added Chironomia: or, The art of the manuall rhetoricke: Consisting of the naturall expressions, digested by art in the hand, as the chiefest instrument of eloquence
- Chiron ; 2017, vol. 47
- Chiron ; 2018, vol. 48
- Chiron ; 2019, vol. 49
- Chiron ; 2020, vol. 50
- Chiron ; 2021, vol. 51
- Chiron ; 2022, vol. 52
- Chiron ; 2022, vol. 52
- Chironomidae
- Chironomidae : Biology and ecology of non-biting midges
- Chironomidae : Ecology, Systematics Cytology and Physiology
- Chironomidae Larvae, Vol. 3: Orthocladiinae : Biology and Ecology of the Aquatic Orthocladiinae
- Chirurgen in Berlin
- Chirurgia addominale d'urgenza: il buon senso di Schein
- Chirurgia Toracica Videoassistita