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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (12551-12600 of 35943):
- Classic Computer Science Problems in PythonAuthor: David KopecPublisher: David Kopec ©2019ISBN: 9781617295980
- Classic Computer Science Problems in Swift: Essential Techniques for Practicing ProgrammersAuthor: David KopecPublisher: David Kopec ©2019ISBN: 9781617294891
- Classic Game Design: From Pong to Pac-Man with UnityAuthor: Franz LanzingerPublisher: Franz Lanzinger ©2020ISBN: 9781937585976
- Classic Game Design: From Pong to Pac-Man with Unity, Second EditionAuthor: Franz LanzingerPublisher: Franz Lanzinger ©2019ISBN: 9781683923855
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- Classic Greek DictionaryAuthor: StallingsPublisher: Stallings ©2020ISBN: 9780745324593
- Classic Grounded Theory: Applications With Qualitative and Quantitative DataAuthor: HoltonPublisher: Holton ©2020ISBN: 9781483372549
- Classic Imaging SignsAuthor: BrimmerPublisher: Brimmer ©2021ISBN: 9783030563479
- Classic Issues in Islamic Philosophy and Theology Today, vol. 4Author: Leider, Richard J.;Shapiro, David A.Publisher: Leider, Richard J.;Shapiro, David A. ©2016ISBN: 9789048135721
- Classic JazzAuthor: LevinPublisher: Levin ©2020ISBN: 9780801453656
- Classic Lego Mindstorms Projects and Software ToolsAuthor: Leider, Richard J.;Shapiro, David A.Publisher: Leider, Richard J.;Shapiro, David A. ©2016ISBN: 9783642362392
- Classic Papers in CombinatoricsAuthor: Richard J. Leider,David A. ShapiroPublisher: Richard J. Leider,David A. Shapiro ©2016ISBN: 9780817648411
- Classic Papers in Coronary AngioplastyAuthor: RamaekersPublisher: Ramaekers ©2016ISBN: 9781846284007
- Classic Papers in Critical CareAuthor: ReinhardtPublisher: Reinhardt ©2016ISBN: 9781848820050
- Classic Papers in Geriatric Medicine with Current CommentariesAuthor: Donald H. SheldonPublisher: Donald H. Sheldon ©2016ISBN: 9781588299987
- Classic Papers in GlaucomaAuthor: Caronia, R.M.;Ritch, RPublisher: Caronia, R.M.;Ritch, R ©2018ISBN: 9789062991600
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- Classic Papers in Natural Resource EconomicsAuthor: Gopalakrishnan, Chennat, ProfessorPublisher: Gopalakrishnan, Chennat, Professor ©2018ISBN: 9780333777633
- Classic Papers in OrthopaedicsAuthor: Marsh, JohnPublisher: Marsh, John ©2016ISBN: 9781447154501
- Classic Papers in Shock Compression ScienceAuthor: Gillette, HowardPublisher: Gillette, Howard ©2016ISBN: 9781461274612
- Classic Papers, vol. 27Author: ChildressPublisher: Childress ©2016ISBN: 9780387724898
- Classic Readings on Monster TheoryAuthor: HarfittPublisher: Harfitt ©2020ISBN: 9789812875631
- Classic Reviews in TourismAuthor: HarfittPublisher: Harfitt ©2020ISBN: 9789812875631
- Classic TelescopesAuthor: EnglishPublisher: English ©2016ISBN: 9781461444237
- Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics : From Laplace to More Recent TimesAuthor: Gorroochurn, PrakashPublisher: Gorroochurn, Prakash ©2018ISBN: 97836428246782 Concurrent Users
- Classic Wisdom for the Professional LifeAuthor: Bryan CurtisPublisher: Bryan Curtis ©2019ISBN: 9781595551269
- Classic Works of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions, vol. 219Author: Wragg, Prof E. C.Publisher: Wragg, Prof E. C. ©2016ISBN: 9783540253815
- Classic Writings on PoetryAuthor: Aveni, AnthonyPublisher: Aveni, Anthony ©2020ISBN: 9780231123709
- Classical Algebra : Its Nature, Origins, and UsesAuthor: Cooke, Roger L.Publisher: Cooke, Roger L. ©2018ISBN: 9780470259528
- Classical and Advanced Theories of Thin Structures, vol. 503Author: HarfittPublisher: Harfitt ©2016ISBN: 9783211854297
- Classical and Analytical MechanicsAuthor: Alexander PoznyakPublisher: Alexander Poznyak ©2021ISBN: 9789812875631
- Classical and Celestial MechanicsAuthor: DahrendorfPublisher: Dahrendorf ©2022ISBN: 9789027970145
- Classical and Evolutionary Algorithms in the Optimization of Optical SystemsAuthor: VasiljevićPublisher: Vasiljević ©2016ISBN: 9781461353706
- Classical and Geometrical Theory of Chemical and Phase ThermodynamicsAuthor: Weinhold, FrankPublisher: Weinhold, Frank ©2018ISBN: 9780470402368
- Classical and Modern Branching Processes, vol. 84Author: Woronov, TerryPublisher: Woronov, Terry ©2016ISBN: 9781461273158
- Classical and Modern Control with Worked ExamplesAuthor: Jean-Pierre Elloy, Jean-Marie Piasco, M. G. Singh, H. Akashi and Y. C. HoPublisher: Jean-Pierre Elloy, Jean-Marie Piasco, M. G. Singh, H. Akashi and Y. C. Ho ©2016ISBN: 9780857457943
- Classical and Modern Control with Worked Examples : Pergamon International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Social Studies: International Series on Systems and Control, Volume 2Author: Elloy, Jean-Pierre;Piasco, Jean-Marie;Singh, M. G.;Akashi, H.;Ho, Y. C.Publisher: Elloy, Jean-Pierre;Piasco, Jean-Marie;Singh, M. G.;Akashi, H.;Ho, Y. C. ©2018ISBN: 9780080267456
- Classical and Modern Direction-of-Arrival EstimationAuthor: Brookes, Alan J.;Meijs, MaartenPublisher: Brookes, Alan J.;Meijs, Maarten ©2016ISBN: 9781402055546
- Classical and Modern Integration TheoriesAuthor: Ivan N. Pesin, Z. W. Birnbaum and E. LukacsPublisher: Ivan N. Pesin, Z. W. Birnbaum and E. Lukacs ©2016ISBN: 97814798845755 Concurrent Users
- Classical and Modern InteractionsAuthor: GalinskyPublisher: Galinsky ©2021ISBN: 9781402047183
- Classical and Modern InteractionsAuthor: GalinskyPublisher: Galinsky ©2021ISBN: 9780292753983
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- Classical and New Paradigms of Computation and their Complexity Hierarchies, vol. 23Author: SpaltensteinPublisher: Spaltenstein ©2016ISBN: 9781402027758
- Classical and Nonclassical LogicsAuthor: SchechterPublisher: Schechter ©2021ISBN: 9780521278706
- Classical and Quantum 6j-symbols. , Volume 43, TheAuthor: FlathPublisher: Flath ©2021ISBN: 9781617294891
- Classical and Quantum ComputingAuthor: HardyPublisher: Hardy ©2016ISBN: 9783764366100
- Classical And Quantum Dissipative SystemsAuthor: Mohsen RazavyPublisher: Mohsen Razavy ©2018ISBN: 9781860945250
- Classical and Quantum DynamicsAuthor: DittrichPublisher: Dittrich ©2016ISBN: 9783540562450
- Classical and Quantum DynamicsAuthor: DittrichPublisher: Dittrich ©2016ISBN: 9783540519928
- Classical and Quantum DynamicsAuthor: DittrichPublisher: Dittrich ©2016ISBN: 9783319216768Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at