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Showing books starting with the letter C (12751-12800 of 35943):
- Classical Relativistic Many-Body Dynamics
- Classical Samaritan Poetry
- Classical Samaritan Poetry
- Classical Scholarship and Its History
- Classical Sculpture
- Classical Sociological Theory
- Classical Statistical Mechanics, vol. 89
- Classical Stefan Problem, The
- Classical Stefan Problem, The, vol. 45
- Classical Swine Fever and Related Viral Infections, vol. 5
- Classical Syriac
- Classical Syriac Phonology
- Classical Telugu Poetry
- Classical Telugu Poetry
- Classical Tessellations and Three-Manifolds
- Classical Theory of Electric and Magnetic Fields
- Classical Theory of Fields, The
- Classical Theory of Free-Electron Lasers
- Classical Theory of Gauge Fields
- Classical Theory of Gauge Fields
- Classical Theory of Integral Equations, The
- Classical Thermodynamics of Fluid Systems : Principles and Applications
- Classical Thermodynamics of Non-Electrolyte Solutions
- Classical Topics in Discrete Geometry
- Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory
- Classical Tradition and the Americas ; European Images of the Americas and the Classical Tradition, The, vol. 1
- Classical Tradition in Modern American Fiction, The
- Classical Tradition in Operation
- Classical Tradition in Western Art, The
- Classical Trajectory Perspective of Atomic Ionization in Strong Laser Fields : Semiclassical Modeling
- Classical Transport
- Classical versus Neoclassical Monetary Theories
- Classical, Semi-classical and Quantum Noise
- Classical, Semiclassical and Quantum Dynamics in Atoms, vol. 485
- Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry
- Classicism of the Twenties
- Classics for the Masses
- Classics in Cartography : Reflections on Influential Articles from Cartographica
- Classics in Game Theory
- Classics in Radio Astronomy, vol. 10
- Classification Algorithms for Codes and Designs, vol. 15
- Classification and Clustering
- Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery, vol. 4
- Classification and Cognition
- Classification and Cognition
- Classification and Data Analysis
- Classification and Data Mining
- Classification and Data Mining
- Classification and Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Trauma
- Classification and Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Trauma