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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (28101-28150 of 28998):
- Dynamic Behavior of MaterialsAuthor: RashidPublisher: Rashid ©2024ISBN: 9780387097190
- Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1Author: Berman, JeffreyPublisher: Berman, Jeffrey ©2016ISBN: 9783319069944
- Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1Author: Berman, JeffreyPublisher: Berman, Jeffrey ©2016ISBN: 97833192245102 Concurrent Users
- Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1Author: SimpsonPublisher: Simpson ©2016ISBN: 9781441982278
- Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1Author: Simpson, M. A.Publisher: Simpson, M. A. ©2016ISBN: 9781461402152
- Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1Author: WolferPublisher: Wolfer ©2016ISBN: 9781461442370
- Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 : Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied MechanicsAuthor: Song, Bo;Casem, Dan;Kimberley, JamiePublisher: Song, Bo;Casem, Dan;Kimberley, Jamie ©2018ISBN: 9783319007700
- Dynamic BelongingAuthor: KidderPublisher: Kidder ©2022ISBN: 9781264267170
- Dynamic Bifurcations, vol. 1493Author: Sadun, EricaPublisher: Sadun, Erica ©2016ISBN: 9783540549000
- Dynamic Biological OrganizationAuthor: AonPublisher: Aon ©2016ISBN: 9789401064620
- Dynamic Body Tissues : An account of the chalone mechanisms and other influences that control the epidermis and the various body tissues, and of the failure of these mechanisms in cancerAuthor: Bullough, William S.Publisher: Bullough, William S. ©2018ISBN: 9789401162630
- Dynamic Brain - from Neural Spikes to Behaviors, vol. 5286Author: GershkovPublisher: Gershkov ©2016ISBN: 9783540888529
- Dynamic Brain, TheAuthor: DingPublisher: Ding ©2017ISBN: 9780195393798
- Dynamic BronchoscopyAuthor: KockPublisher: Kock ©2016ISBN: 9783642665868
- Dynamic Business Process Formation for Instant Virtual EnterprisesAuthor: Brebbia, C. A.;Orszag, S. A.;Argyris, J.Publisher: Brebbia, C. A.;Orszag, S. A.;Argyris, J. ©2016ISBN: 97818488269085 Concurrent Users
- Dynamic Business Strategy: Competing in a Fast-changing, Uncertain ContextAuthor: Martin Reeves,François CandelonPublisher: Martin Reeves,François Candelon ©2021ISBN: 9783110755275
- Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management: Organizing for Innovation and GrowthAuthor: David J. TeecePublisher: David J. Teece ©2020ISBN: 9781684573479
- Dynamic Capabilities: History and an ExtensionAuthor: Bart NooteboomPublisher: Bart Nooteboom ©2022ISBN: 9781009014182
- Dynamic Changes in Marine Ecosystems : Fishing, Food Webs, and Future OptionsAuthor: KaratkevichPublisher: Karatkevich ©2018ISBN: 9780309100502
- Dynamic changes in marine ecosystems: fishing, food webs and future optionsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing: Phase II--Assessments of the Extent of Change and the Implications for Policy.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing: Phase II--Assessments of the Extent of Change and the Implications for Policy. ©2016ISBN: 9783540714644
- Dynamic Characterisation of Analogue-to-Digital Converters, vol. 860Author: DalletPublisher: Dallet ©2016ISBN: 9780387259024
- Dynamic charging of electric busesAuthor: BartłomiejczykPublisher: Bartłomiejczyk ©2021ISBN: 9783110645071
- Dynamic Chemical Processes on Solid Surfaces : Chemical Reactions and CatalysisAuthor: Tanaka, Ken-ichiPublisher: Tanaka, Ken-ichi ©2018ISBN: 9789811028380
- Dynamic Chemistry, vol. 45Author: Taylor, W. S.Publisher: Taylor, W. S. ©2016ISBN: 9783540064718
- Dynamic Cloud Collaboration PlatformAuthor: HassanPublisher: Hassan ©2016ISBN: 9781461451457
- Dynamic Cognitive ProcessesAuthor: MelchiorsPublisher: Melchiors ©2016ISBN: 9784431239994
- Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry : In Drug Discovery, Bioorganic Chemistry, and Materials ScienceAuthor: Miller, Benjamin L.Publisher: Miller, Benjamin L. ©2018ISBN: 9780470096031
- Dynamic Competitive Analysis in Marketing, vol. 444Author: ZhaoPublisher: Zhao ©2016ISBN: 9783540616139
- Dynamic Competitive Strategy: Turning Strategy Upside DownAuthor: Tony GrundyPublisher: Tony Grundy ©2019ISBN: 9781138081086
- Dynamic Computed TomographyAuthor: ClaussenPublisher: Claussen ©2016ISBN: 9783642697357
- Dynamic Computed Tomography : Basic Principles and Clinical ApplicationsAuthor: Claussen, Claus;Lochner, Bernd;Felix, R.;Dougherty, F. C.Publisher: Claussen, Claus;Lochner, Bernd;Felix, R.;Dougherty, F. C. ©2018ISBN: 9783642697357
- Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in OncologyAuthor: Walter H. Adey and Karen LovelandPublisher: Walter H. Adey and Karen Loveland ©2016ISBN: 9783540423225
- Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Atlas of Prostate CancerAuthor: BardPublisher: Bard ©2016ISBN: 9783540784227
- Dynamic Control of Quality in Production-Inventory SystemsAuthor: YaoPublisher: Yao ©2016ISBN: 9781468492491
- Dynamic Control Survivability in ASP.NETAuthor: J. F. DiMarzioPublisher: J. F. DiMarzio ©2020ISBN: 9780470279342
- Dynamic Coordination in the Brain : From Neurons to MindAuthor: Malsburg, Christoph von der;Phillips, William A.;Singer, Wolf;Kaas, Jon H.;Laurent, Gilles;Grodsinzki, Uri;Clayton, Nicola S.;Balaban, Evan;Edelman, Shimon;Grillner, StenPublisher: Malsburg, Christoph von der;Phillips, William A.;Singer, Wolf;Kaas, Jon H.;Laurent, Gilles;Grodsinzki, Uri;Clayton, Nicola S.;Balaban, Evan;Edelman, Shimon;Grillner, Sten ©2017ISBN: 9780262014717
- Dynamic DanceAuthor: KINGPublisher: KING ©2022ISBN: 9780387241074
- Dynamic Dance : Nonvocal Communication in African Great Apes, TheAuthor: King, Barbara J.Publisher: King, Barbara J. ©2018ISBN: 9780674015159
- Dynamic Decade : Creating the Sustainable Campus for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001-2011, TheAuthor: Godschalk, David R.;Howes, Jonathan B.Publisher: Godschalk, David R.;Howes, Jonathan B. ©2018ISBN: 9781469607252
- Dynamic Decision Theory, vol. 6Author: HaagPublisher: Haag ©2016ISBN: 9789401069120
- Dynamic Deformation, Damage and Fracture in Composite Materials and StructuresAuthor: Y.L. MoPublisher: Y.L. Mo ©2016ISBN: 9780387097190
- Dynamic Deformation, Damage and Fracture in Composite Materials and StructuresAuthor: RashidPublisher: Rashid ©2023ISBN: 9780387097190
- Dynamic DemocracyAuthor: CaugheyPublisher: Caughey ©2022ISBN: 9781461442370
- Dynamic Description Technology of Fractured Vuggy Carbonate Gas ReservoirsAuthor: Hedong Sun,Tongwen Jiang andXingliang DengPublisher: Hedong Sun,Tongwen Jiang andXingliang Deng ©2019ISBN: 9783319069944
- Dynamic Ecologies, vol. 9Author: Elfick, Hilary;Eckstein, Sue;Farsides, Bobbie;Cobb, Mark;Clinton, Judy;Bowman, Ted;Donnelly, Sinead;Blennerhassett, Mitzi;Bertman, Sandra;Buckell, LindsayPublisher: Elfick, Hilary;Eckstein, Sue;Farsides, Bobbie;Cobb, Mark;Clinton, Judy;Bowman, Ted;Donnelly, Sinead;Blennerhassett, Mitzi;Bertman, Sandra;Buckell, Lindsay ©2016ISBN: 9789400779716
- Dynamic EconomicsAuthor: KleinPublisher: Klein ©2021ISBN: 9780674188587
- Dynamic Enterprise Architecture: How to Make It WorkAuthor: Roel Wagter,Martin van den Berg,Joost Luijpers,Marlies van SteenbergenPublisher: Roel Wagter,Martin van den Berg,Joost Luijpers,Marlies van Steenbergen ©2019ISBN: 9780471682721
- Dynamic Epistemic Logic, vol. 337Author: van DitmarschPublisher: van Ditmarsch ©2016ISBN: 9781402058387
- Dynamic Equations on Time ScalesAuthor: BohnerPublisher: Bohner ©2016ISBN: 9781461266594
- Dynamic Estimation and Control of Power SystemsAuthor: Singh Abhinav and Bikash C. PalPublisher: Singh Abhinav and Bikash C. Pal ©2018ISBN: 9783540549000