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Showing books starting with the letter D (28251-28300 of 28998):
- Dynamic Modules
- Dynamic Morphology of Leukemia Cells
- Dynamic Network Analysis and the Study of Dark Networks: Assessing the Effects of Changes in British Counterterrorism Policy on Radical Islamist Networks in the UK, 1999–2008
- Dynamic network theory: How social networks influence goal pursuit
- Dynamic Neural Field Theory for Motion Perception, vol. 469
- Dynamic Neuron, The
- Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy
- Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy, vol. 15
- Dynamic Noncooperative Game Models for Deregulated Electricity Markets
- Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory
- Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory, vol. 160
- Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Dynamic of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures and Wind Engineering
- Dynamic Offset Compensated CMOS Amplifiers
- Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games, vol. 135
- Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, vol. 15
- Dynamic Oracle Performance Analytics: Using Normalized Metrics to Improve Database Speed
- Dynamic Partisanship
- Dynamic Planet
- Dynamic Planet, vol. 130
- Dynamic Plasma Membranes, vol. 77
- Dynamic Plasma Membranes, vol. 77
- Dynamic Plasma Membranes, vol. 77
- Dynamic Plasticity
- Dynamic Plasticity, vol. 4
- Dynamic Policies of the Firm
- Dynamic Policy Games in Economics, vol. 181
- Dynamic Policy Interactions in a Monetary Union
- Dynamic Population Models, vol. 17
- Dynamic Portfolio Strategies: Quantitative Methods and Empirical Rules for Incomplete Information, vol. 47
- Dynamic Power Management
- Dynamic Power Management : Design Techniques and CAD Tools
- Dynamic Power Supply Transmitters
- Dynamic Practice Development: Selling Skills and Techniques for the Professions
- Dynamic Preferences, Choice Mechanisms, and Welfare, vol. 462
- Dynamic Pricing and Automated Resource Allocation for Complex Information Services, vol. 589
- Dynamic Probabilistic Models and Social Structure, vol. 19
- Dynamic Process Methodology in the Social and Developmental Sciences
- Dynamic Processes in Solids
- Dynamic Programming
- Dynamic Programming and Inventory Control
- Dynamic Programming and Its Application to Optimal Control, vol. 81
- Dynamic Programming and its Applications
- Dynamic Programming and Partial Differential Equations, vol. 88
- Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control, vol. 125
- Dynamic Programming and the Calculus of Variations, vol. 21
- Dynamic Programming Based Operation of Reservoirs : Applicability and Limits
- Dynamic Programming for Coding Interviews: A Bottom-up Approach to Problem Solving
- Dynamic Programming in Chemical Engineering and Process Control, vol. 12
- Dynamic Programming Sequential Scientific Management, vol. 37