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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (28701-28750 of 28998):
- Dynamics of Information Systems: Algorithmic Approaches, vol. 51Author: Amado, Nicole L.;Rice, Dorothy P.;Wunderlich, Gooloo S.Publisher: Amado, Nicole L.;Rice, Dorothy P.;Wunderlich, Gooloo S. ©2016ISBN: 97814614758115 Concurrent Users
- Dynamics of Information Systems: Mathematical FoundationsAuthor: Sorokin, Alexey;Murphey, Robert;Thai, My T.;Pardalos, Panos M.Publisher: Sorokin, Alexey;Murphey, Robert;Thai, My T.;Pardalos, Panos M. ©2018ISBN: 9781489985668
- Dynamics of Information Systems: Mathematical Foundations, vol. 20Author: ZimmermannPublisher: Zimmermann ©2016ISBN: 9781461439059
- Dynamics of International Information Systems, The, vol. 23Author: LehmannPublisher: Lehmann ©2016ISBN: 9781441957498
- Dynamics of Ion–Molecule Complexes, vol. 2Author: Taba, HildaPublisher: Taba, Hilda ©2016ISBN: 9780415210102
- Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and InnovationAuthor: Rosin, David P.Publisher: Rosin, David P. ©2016ISBN: 9783642044793Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Dynamics of Language and Inequality in Education, TheAuthor: Bowen, J. R.;Leyer, J. C.;Soloukhin, R. I.;Borisov, A.A.Publisher: Bowen, J. R.;Leyer, J. C.;Soloukhin, R. I.;Borisov, A.A. ©2020ISBN: 9781788926942
- Dynamics of learningAuthor: Cantor, NathanielPublisher: Cantor, Nathaniel ©2017ISBN: 9780930403478
- Dynamics of Learning in Early Modern Italy, TheAuthor: LinesPublisher: Lines ©2022ISBN: 9780674278424
- Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 1Author: Llave, Rafael de la;Petzold, Linda R.;Lorenz, JensPublisher: Llave, Rafael de la;Petzold, Linda R.;Lorenz, Jens ©2016ISBN: 9784431545101
- Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 2Author: BeyreutherPublisher: Beyreuther ©2016ISBN: 9784431545521
- Dynamics of Linear OperatorsAuthor: Bayart, édéric;Matheron, ÉtiennePublisher: Bayart, édéric;Matheron, Étienne ©2018ISBN: 9780521514965
- Dynamics of Literary Response, TheAuthor: HollandPublisher: Holland ©2019ISBN: 9780231933544
- Dynamics of Literature, TheAuthor: StarrPublisher: Starr ©2019ISBN: 9780231933568
- Dynamics of Living Protoplasm, TheAuthor: L. V. HeilbrunnPublisher: L. V. Heilbrunn ©2016ISBN: 9783540133797
- Dynamics of MachineryAuthor: DresigPublisher: Dresig ©2016ISBN: 9783540899396
- Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms, Industrial ResearchAuthor: Balasubramanian, K. R.;Sivapirakasam, S. P.;Anand, R.Publisher: Balasubramanian, K. R.;Sivapirakasam, S. P.;Anand, R. ©2018ISBN: 9783038351634
- Dynamics of Magnetic Fluctuations in High-Temperature SuperconductorsAuthor: Reiter, George;Horsch, Peter;Psaltakis, Gregory C.Publisher: Reiter, George;Horsch, Peter;Psaltakis, Gregory C. ©2018ISBN: 9781468474923
- Dynamics of Magnetic Fluctuations in High-Temperature Superconductors, vol. 246Author: WittbrodtPublisher: Wittbrodt ©2016ISBN: 9781468474923
- Dynamics of Magnetically Trapped Particles, vol. 403Author: RoedererPublisher: Roederer ©2016ISBN: 9783642415296
- Dynamics of Managing Diversity, TheAuthor: StrzalkoPublisher: Strzalko ©2016ISBN: 9783642039591
- Dynamics of Manipulation Robots, vol. 1Author: VukobratovićPublisher: Vukobratović ©2016ISBN: 9783642818561
- Dynamics Of MarginalityAuthor: Michael FieldPublisher: Michael Field ©2023ISBN: 9783111061580
- Dynamics Of Marine Craft, The: Maneuvering And SeakeepingAuthor: Edward M LewandowskiPublisher: Edward M Lewandowski ©2018ISBN: 9789810247553
- Dynamics Of Marine Craft, The: Maneuvering And SeakeepingAuthor: Edward M LewandowskiPublisher: Edward M Lewandowski ©2021ISBN: 9783642329548
- Dynamics of MaterialsAuthor: Lili Wang,Liming Yang,Xinlong Dong andXiquan JiangPublisher: Lili Wang,Liming Yang,Xinlong Dong andXiquan Jiang ©2019ISBN: 9783642329548
- Dynamics of Mathematical Models in Biology : Bringing Mathematics to LifeAuthor: Rogato, Alessandra;Zazzu, Valeria;Guarracino, MarioPublisher: Rogato, Alessandra;Zazzu, Valeria;Guarracino, Mario ©2018ISBN: 9783319457222
- Dynamics of MeaningAuthor: ChierchiaPublisher: Chierchia ©2020ISBN: 9783642493027
- Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsAuthor: C.T.F. RossPublisher: C.T.F. Ross ©2016ISBN: 9783319045009
- Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Coulomb FrictionAuthor: AnhPublisher: Anh ©2016ISBN: 9783642056246
- Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Variable MassAuthor: Irschik, Hans;Belyaev, Alexander K.Publisher: Irschik, Hans;Belyaev, Alexander K. ©2018ISBN: 9783709118085
- Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Variable Mass, vol. 557Author: Weihua ZhangPublisher: Weihua Zhang ©2016ISBN: 9783709118085
- Dynamics of Membrane AssemblyAuthor: Op den Kamp, Jos A. F.Publisher: Op den Kamp, Jos A. F. ©2018ISBN: 9783662028629
- Dynamics of Membrane Proteins and Cellular EnergeticsAuthor: Latruffe, Norbert;Gaudemer, Yves;Vignais, Pierre;Azzi, AngeloPublisher: Latruffe, Norbert;Gaudemer, Yves;Vignais, Pierre;Azzi, Angelo ©2018ISBN: 9783540500476
- Dynamics of Membrane Proteins and Cellular EnergeticsAuthor: NicolisPublisher: Nicolis ©2016ISBN: 97835405004762 Concurrent Users
- Dynamics of Memory and Identity in Contemporary EuropeAuthor: GrevePublisher: Greve ©2022ISBN: 9783642034145
- Dynamics of Mercury Pollution on Regional and Global Scales:Author: Rizzuto, Ana-Maria;Meissner, W. W.;Buie, Dan H.Publisher: Rizzuto, Ana-Maria;Meissner, W. W.;Buie, Dan H. ©2016ISBN: 9780387244938
- Dynamics of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 17Author: LobontiuPublisher: Lobontiu ©2016ISBN: 9780387368009
- Dynamics of Migration and Settlement in Europe, TheAuthor: Borman, V. D.;Tronin, V. N.Publisher: Borman, V. D.;Tronin, V. N. ©2020ISBN: 9781616688653
- Dynamics of Molecular Collisions, vol. 2Author: SenguptaPublisher: Sengupta ©2016ISBN: 9781475706468
- Dynamics of Molecular ExcitonsAuthor: Seogjoo JangPublisher: Seogjoo Jang ©2020ISBN: 9781433827983
- Dynamics of Multibody SystemsAuthor: WittenburgPublisher: Wittenburg ©2016ISBN: 9783540739135
- Dynamics of Multibody SystemsAuthor: ShabanaPublisher: Shabana ©2018ISBN: 97814614758115 Concurrent Users
- Dynamics of Multibody SystemsAuthor: Borman, V. D.;Tronin, V. N.Publisher: Borman, V. D.;Tronin, V. N. ©2016ISBN: 9783642827570
- Dynamics of Multibody SystemsAuthor: Leguey-FeilleuxPublisher: Leguey-Feilleux ©2016ISBN: 9783642864636
- Dynamics of Multibody SystemsAuthor: RobersonPublisher: Roberson ©2016ISBN: 9783642864667
- Dynamics of Multibody SystemsAuthor: Shabana, Ahmed A.Publisher: Shabana, Ahmed A. ©2018ISBN: 9781107042650
- Dynamics of Multibody Systems : Symposium Munich/Germany August 29-September 3, 1977Author: Magnus, KurtPublisher: Magnus, Kurt ©2018ISBN: 9783642864636
- Dynamics of Multiphase Flows Across Interfaces, vol. 467Author: KopalPublisher: Kopal ©2016ISBN: 9783540608486
- Dynamics of Multiscale Earth Systems, vol. 97Author: ZimmermannPublisher: Zimmermann ©2016ISBN: 9783540417965