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Showing books starting with the letter D (28751-28800 of 28998):
- Dynamics of Murder : Kill or Be Killed, The
- Dynamics of Murder : Kill or Be Killed, The
- Dynamics of Music Psychotherapy, The
- Dynamics of Narrative Form, The
- Dynamics of Natural Satellites of the Planets, The
- Dynamics of Nominal Classification, The
- Dynamics of Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Small Lévy Noise, The, vol. 2085
- Dynamics of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems
- Dynamics of Nuclear Fission and Related Collective Phenomena, vol. 158
- Dynamics of Nutrient Cycling and Food Webs, vol. 9
- Dynamics of Ocean Tides, vol. 3
- Dynamics of Offshore Structures
- Dynamics of One-Dimensional Maps
- Dynamics of Ordering Processes in Condensed Matter
- Dynamics of Parallel Robots, vol. 35
- Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations
- Dynamics of Persuasion : Communication and Attitudes in the Twenty-First Century, The
- Dynamics of Persuasion : Communication and Attitudes in the Twenty-First Century, The
- Dynamics of Planets and Satellites and Theories of Their Motion, vol. 72
- Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection
- Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection
- Dynamics of Polyatomic Van der Waals Complexes, vol. 227
- Dynamics of population: Social and biological significance of changing birth rates in the United States
- Dynamics of Poverty in Rural Bangladesh
- Dynamics of Power in Dutch Integration Politics
- Dynamics of Pre-Strained Bi-Material Elastic Systems
- Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids, vol. 92
- dynamics of psychological testing: A formulation and guide to independent clinical practice, The
- Dynamics of Quantum Dot Lasers
- Dynamics of Quiescent Prominences, vol. 363
- Dynamics of Rail Transit Tunnel Systems
- Dynamics of Railway Vehicle Systems
- Dynamics of Reactive Systems Part I : Flames; Part II : Heterogeneous Combustion and Applications
- Dynamics of Reactive Systems, Part I : Flames and Configurations; Part II : Modeling and Heterogeneous Combustion
- Dynamics of Regional Integration
- Dynamics of Religion
- Dynamics of Religion in Southeast Asia
- Dynamics of Right-Wing Protest, The
- Dynamics of Risk, The
- Dynamics of Rods
- Dynamics of Rotating Systems
- Dynamics of Rules, The
- Dynamics of Satellites : Proceedings of a Symposium held in Prague, May 20-24, 1969
- Dynamics of Saturated Electric Machines
- Dynamics of Science-Based Innovation
- Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins, The
- Dynamics of Sensory and Cognitive Processing by the Brain, vol. 1
- Dynamics of Shock Waves, Explosions, and Detonations
- Dynamics of Small Solar System Bodies and Exoplanets, vol. 790
- Dynamics of Smart Structures