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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (3101-3150 of 28998):
- Data Analysis for Chemistry : An Introductory Guide for Students and Laboratory ScientistsAuthor: Hibbert, D.Brynn;Gooding, J. JustinPublisher: Hibbert, D.Brynn;Gooding, J. Justin ©2018ISBN: 9783111197616
- Data Analysis for Database DesignAuthor: David HowePublisher: David Howe ©2016ISBN: 9783110034110
- Data analysis for hyphenated techniques, vol. 17Author: HimmelseherPublisher: Himmelseher ©2017ISBN: 9783111172064
- Data Analysis for Omic Sciences: Methods and Applications, vol. 82Author: WillenbücherPublisher: Willenbücher ©2018ISBN: 9783112330890
- Data Analysis Handbook, The, vol. 14Author: ZoellerPublisher: Zoeller ©2017ISBN: 9783837622645
- Data Analysis in Astronomy IV, vol. 59Author: KöppePublisher: Köppe ©2016ISBN: 9781461364962
- Data Analysis in Biochemistry and BiophysicsAuthor: Magar MagerPublisher: Magar Mager ©2016ISBN: 9783112397275
- Data Analysis in Cosmology, vol. 665Author: SchlaakPublisher: Schlaak ©2016ISBN: 9783540239727
- Data Analysis in High Energy Physics : A Practical Guide to Statistical MethodsAuthor: Behnke, Olaf;Kröninger, Kevin;Schott, Grégory;Schörner-Sadenius, ThomasPublisher: Behnke, Olaf;Kröninger, Kevin;Schott, Grégory;Schörner-Sadenius, Thomas ©2018ISBN: 9783527410583
- Data Analysis in Management with SPSS SoftwareAuthor: VermaPublisher: Verma ©2016ISBN: 9788132207856
- Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and EvolutionAuthor: Xuhua Xia, XuhuaPublisher: Xuhua Xia, Xuhua ©2016ISBN: 9780792375005
- Data Analysis in Pavement EngineeringAuthor: Chen Xueqin; Huang Baoshan; Dong QiaoPublisher: Chen Xueqin; Huang Baoshan; Dong Qiao ©2024ISBN: 9780674072114
- Data Analysis in the CloudAuthor: Domenico Talia, Trunfio Paolo and Fabrizio MarozzoPublisher: Domenico Talia, Trunfio Paolo and Fabrizio Marozzo ©2016ISBN: 97831101674292 Concurrent Users
- Data Analysis in Vegetation EcologyAuthor: Wildi, OttoPublisher: Wildi, Otto ©2018ISBN: 9780470661017
- Data Analysis in Vegetation EcologyAuthor: Wildi, OttoPublisher: Wildi, Otto ©2018ISBN: 9781118384039
- Data Analysis Methods in Physical OceanographyAuthor: William J. Emery and Richard E. ThomsonPublisher: William J. Emery and Richard E. Thomson ©2017ISBN: 9781430249443
- Data Analysis Methods in Physical OceanographyAuthor: Richard E. Thomson and William J. EmeryPublisher: Richard E. Thomson and William J. Emery ©2016ISBN: 9783111096452
- Data Analysis Methods in Physical OceanographyAuthor: Emery, William J.; Thomson, Richard E.Publisher: Emery, William J.; Thomson, Richard E. ©2024ISBN: 9781461295631
- Data Analysis of Virtual Learning Environment: Using the Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis Technique with the Support of CAQDASAuthor: OpazoPublisher: Opazo ©2019ISBN: 9783110124132
- Data Analysis Using SASAuthor: PengPublisher: Peng ©2019ISBN: 9781412956741
- Data Analysis Using SASAuthor: Peng, Chao-Ying Joanne JoannePublisher: Peng, Chao-Ying Joanne Joanne ©2018ISBN: 9781412956741
- Data Analysis Using SAS Enterprise GuideAuthor: Lawrence S. Meyers,Glenn Gamst,A. J. GuarinoPublisher: Lawrence S. Meyers,Glenn Gamst,A. J. Guarino ©2020ISBN: 9780521112680
- Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows Versions 8 - 10 : A Beginner's GuideAuthor: Foster, Jeremy J, DrPublisher: Foster, Jeremy J, Dr ©2018ISBN: 9780761969273
- Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows Versions 8 - 10: A Beginner's GuideAuthor: FosterPublisher: Foster ©2019ISBN: 9780120683772
- Data Analysis Using SQL and ExcelAuthor: Gordon S. LinoffPublisher: Gordon S. Linoff ©2019ISBN: 9780470099513
- Data Analysis Using the Method of Least SquaresAuthor: WolbergPublisher: Wolberg ©2016ISBN: 9783540256748
- Data Analysis with Microsoft Access 2010: From Simple Queries to Business IntelligenceAuthor: Larry RockoffPublisher: Larry Rockoff ©2019ISBN: 9781435460102
- Data Analysis with Microsoft Power BIAuthor: Brian LarsonPublisher: Brian Larson ©2020ISBN: 9781260458619
- Data Analysis with Python and PySparkAuthor: Jonathan RiouxPublisher: Jonathan Rioux ©2022ISBN: 97816172972055 Concurrent Users
- Data Analysis within an Interpretive Inquiry: Meaning as ConsequenceAuthor: ZambasPublisher: Zambas ©2019ISBN: 9781848210981
- Data Analysis, Classification and the Forward SearchAuthor: BrandtPublisher: Brandt ©2016ISBN: 9783540359777
- Data Analysis, Classification, and Related MethodsAuthor: Kiers, Henk A. L.;Rasson, Jean-Paul;Groenen, Patrick J. F.;Schader, MartinPublisher: Kiers, Henk A. L.;Rasson, Jean-Paul;Groenen, Patrick J. F.;Schader, Martin ©2018ISBN: 9783540675211
- Data Analysis, Machine Learning and ApplicationsAuthor: Sivia, Devinderjit;Skilling, JohnPublisher: Sivia, Devinderjit;Skilling, John ©2016ISBN: 9783540782391
- Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge DiscoveryAuthor: Andreas Makrides,Alex Karagrigoriou,Christos H. SkiadasPublisher: Andreas Makrides,Alex Karagrigoriou,Christos H. Skiadas ©2016ISBN: 9783319015941
- Data Analysis: An Introduction, vol. 103Author: Lewis-BeckPublisher: Lewis-Beck ©2021ISBN: 9780803957725
- Data Analysis: What Can Be Learned From the Past 50 YearsAuthor: Peter J. HuberPublisher: Peter J. Huber ©2020ISBN: 9781118010648
- Data Analyst: Careers in Data AnalysisAuthor: Rune Rasmussen,et al.Publisher: Rune Rasmussen,et al. ©2020ISBN: 9781780174327
- Data Analytic LiteracyAuthor: Andrew BanasiewiczPublisher: Andrew Banasiewicz ©2024ISBN: 9783110999754
- Data AnalyticsAuthor: RunklerPublisher: Runkler ©2016ISBN: 9783834825889
- Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Earth Resource ManagementAuthor: Cook, TanyaPublisher: Cook, Tanya ©2024ISBN: 9781553194620
- Data Analytics and Decision Support for Cybersecurity: Trends, Methodologies and ApplicationsAuthor: Iván Palomares Carrascosa,Harsha Kumara Kalutarage,Yan Huang (eds)Publisher: Iván Palomares Carrascosa,Harsha Kumara Kalutarage,Yan Huang (eds) ©2019ISBN: 9783319594385
- Data Analytics and Visualization All-in-One For DummiesAuthor: Lillian Pierson,Jonathan Reichental,Allen G. Taylor,John Paul Mueller,Joseph Schmuller,Alan R. Simon,Paul McFedries,Jack A. Hyman,Luca MassaronPublisher: Lillian Pierson,Jonathan Reichental,Allen G. Taylor,John Paul Mueller,Joseph Schmuller,Alan R. Simon,Paul McFedries,Jack A. Hyman,Luca Massaron ©2024ISBN: 9781394244096
- Data Analytics for Intelligent Systems: Techniques and solutionsAuthor: Ossama EmbarakPublisher: Ossama Embarak ©2024ISBN: 9780750354158
- Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation SystemsAuthor: Hibbert, D.Brynn;Gooding, J. JustinPublisher: Hibbert, D.Brynn;Gooding, J. Justin ©2024ISBN: 9783111197616
- Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation SystemsAuthor: Andres FortinoPublisher: Andres Fortino ©2017ISBN: 9781683925927
- Data Analytics for Renewable Energy Integration, vol. 8817Author: David HowePublisher: David Howe ©2016ISBN: 9783319132891
- Data Analytics for Renewable Energy Integration, vol. 9518Author: HimmelseherPublisher: Himmelseher ©2016ISBN: 9783319274294
- Data Analytics for Social Microblogging Platforms, First EditionAuthor: Soumi Dutta,Asit Kumar Das,Saptarshi Ghosh,Debabrata SamantaPublisher: Soumi Dutta,Asit Kumar Das,Saptarshi Ghosh,Debabrata Samanta ©2023ISBN: 9780323917858
- Data Analytics for Traditional Chinese Medicine ResearchAuthor: Bethmann-HollwegPublisher: Bethmann-Hollweg ©2016ISBN: 9783319038001
- Data Analytics for Traditional Chinese Medicine ResearchAuthor: Poon, Josiah;K. Poon, SimonPublisher: Poon, Josiah;K. Poon, Simon ©2018ISBN: 9783319038001