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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (3201-3250 of 28998):
- Data Assimilation for the Earth System, vol. 26Author: Peng, Chao-Ying Joanne JoannePublisher: Peng, Chao-Ying Joanne Joanne ©2016ISBN: 9781402015939
- Data Assimilation for the GeosciencesAuthor: Steven FletcherPublisher: Steven Fletcher ©2022ISBN: 9783319208091
- Data Assimilation for the Geosciences : From Theory to ApplicationAuthor: Fletcher, Steven J.Publisher: Fletcher, Steven J. ©2017ISBN: 9780128044445
- Data Assimilation, vol. 62Author: LawPublisher: Law ©2016ISBN: 9783319203249
- Data Base Design Techniques I:, vol. 132Author: WolbergPublisher: Wolberg ©2016ISBN: 9783540112143
- Data Base Design Techniques II:, vol. 133Author: Brian LarsonPublisher: Brian Larson ©2016ISBN: 9783540112150
- Data Base Management: Theory and Applications, vol. 98Author: Jonathan RiouxPublisher: Jonathan Rioux ©2016ISBN: 97894009703115 Concurrent Users
- Data Base Systems, vol. 39Author: Tirath Virdee,Doug BrownPublisher: Tirath Virdee,Doug Brown ©2016ISBN: 9783540076124
- Data Bonanza : Improving Knowledge Discovery in Science, Engineering, and Business, TheAuthor: Atkinson, Malcolm;Baxter, Rob;Brezany, Peter;Corcho, Oscar;Galea, Michelle;Parsons, Mark;Snelling, David;van Hemert, JanoPublisher: Atkinson, Malcolm;Baxter, Rob;Brezany, Peter;Corcho, Oscar;Galea, Michelle;Parsons, Mark;Snelling, David;van Hemert, Jano ©2018ISBN: 9781118398647
- DATA Bonanza: Improving Knowledge Discovery in Science, Engineering, and Business, TheAuthor: Malcolm Atkinson (ed),et al.Publisher: Malcolm Atkinson (ed),et al. ©2019ISBN: 9781118398647
- Data Book of Thermoset Resins for Composites : Edition 1Author: Starr, T. F.Publisher: Starr, T. F. ©2016ISBN: 9781856171960
- Data Book on Mechanical Properties of Living Cells, Tissues, and OrgansAuthor: Abé, Hiroyuki;Hayashi, Kozaburo;Sato, MasaakiPublisher: Abé, Hiroyuki;Hayashi, Kozaburo;Sato, Masaaki ©2018ISBN: 9784431658641
- Data Breach Preparation and ResponseAuthor: Kevvie FowlerPublisher: Kevvie Fowler ©2016ISBN: 9783540367963
- Data Breaches: Trends, Costs And Best PracticesAuthor: IT Governance Research TeamPublisher: IT Governance Research Team ©2019ISBN: 9781905356539
- Data CartelsAuthor: LamdanPublisher: Lamdan ©2022ISBN: 9783540735335
- Data Center Fundamentals: Understand Data Center Network Design and Infrastructure Architecture, Including Load Balancing, SSL, and SecurityAuthor: Mauricio Arregoces,Maurizio PortolaniPublisher: Mauricio Arregoces,Maurizio Portolani ©2020ISBN: 9781587050237Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Data Center HandbookAuthor: Geng, HwaiyuPublisher: Geng, Hwaiyu ©2018ISBN: 9781118436639
- Data Center Handbook: Plan, Design, Build, and Operations of a Smart Data Center, Second EditionAuthor: Hwaiyu GengPublisher: Hwaiyu Geng ©2022ISBN: 9781119597506
- Data Center Networks: Topologies, Architectures and Fault-Tolerance CharacteristicsAuthor: Yang Liu,Jogesh K. Muppala,Dong Lin,Mounir HamdiPublisher: Yang Liu,Jogesh K. Muppala,Dong Lin,Mounir Hamdi ©2016ISBN: 9783319019482
- Data Center Storage : Cost-Effective Strategies, Implementation, and ManagementAuthor: Smith, HubbertPublisher: Smith, Hubbert ©2018ISBN: 9781439834879
- Data Center Upgrades: The Backbone of the BusinessAuthor: Puneet GoyalPublisher: Puneet Goyal ©2020ISBN: 9780803957725
- Data Clean-Up and Management : A Practical Guide for LibrariansAuthor: Hogarth, Margaret;Furuta, KennethPublisher: Hogarth, Margaret;Furuta, Kenneth ©2017ISBN: 9781843346722
- Data Cleaning Pocket PrimerAuthor: Oswald CampesatoPublisher: Oswald Campesato ©2019ISBN: 9781683922179
- Data Cleaning: A YouTube Case Study on Separating Information From NoiseAuthor: VenturiniPublisher: Venturini ©2022ISBN: 97833195943855 Concurrent Users
- Data Clustering : Algorithms and ApplicationsAuthor: Rune Rasmussen,et al.Publisher: Rune Rasmussen,et al. ©2020ISBN: 9781466558212
- Data Clustering : Algorithms and ApplicationsAuthor: Ossama EmbarakPublisher: Ossama Embarak ©2019ISBN: 9781466558212
- Data CollectionAuthor: ByrnePublisher: Byrne ©2019ISBN: 9781614992394
- Data Collection - ExperimentsAuthor: Domenico Talia, Trunfio Paolo and Fabrizio MarozzoPublisher: Domenico Talia, Trunfio Paolo and Fabrizio Marozzo ©2019ISBN: 9783540367963
- Data Collection - Observational StudiesAuthor: Wildi, OttoPublisher: Wildi, Otto ©2019ISBN: 9783540735335
- Data Collection - SamplingAuthor: Wildi, OttoPublisher: Wildi, Otto ©2019ISBN: 9783540735335
- Data Collection and AnalysisAuthor: LebbinPublisher: Lebbin ©2020ISBN: 9780761943631
- Data Collection and Management: A Practical Guide, vol. 39Author: Stouthamer-LoeberPublisher: Stouthamer-Loeber ©2021ISBN: 9780803956575
- Data Collection and Survey Interviews: TNS BMRBAuthor: LopezPublisher: Lopez ©2019ISBN: 9783642030062
- Data Collection for a Memory Study Online: How the Presence of a Smartphone Effects LearningAuthor: DwigginsPublisher: Dwiggins ©2022ISBN: 9783642155024
- Data Collection for Needs AssessmentAuthor: Deborah D. TobeyPublisher: Deborah D. Tobey ©2019ISBN: 9781562864873
- Data Collection for Team Research: Assessing the Impact of Virtuality on Team EffectivenessAuthor: FosterPublisher: Foster ©2019ISBN: 9780323917858
- Data Collection on Health of Foreign-Born People in BelgiumAuthor: BoundaouiPublisher: Boundaoui ©2019ISBN: 9783319038001
- Data Collection Using Online Questionnaires in MarketingAuthor: HaPublisher: Ha ©2022ISBN: 9783319038001
- Data Collection With Disconnected Youth: Exploring the Affordances of Individual and Group InterviewsAuthor: Pufall JonesPublisher: Pufall Jones ©2019ISBN: 9783319038001
- Data Collection, Analysis, and Small-Data Visualization: A Qualitative Interpretation of Novel Fandom Behaviors on Social Media PlatformsAuthor: ChenPublisher: Chen ©2022ISBN: 9780128020449
- Data Collection: Key Debates and Methods in Social ResearchAuthor: OlsenPublisher: Olsen ©2019ISBN: 9781847872562
- Data Collection: Planning for and Collecting All Types of DataAuthor: Patricia Pulliam Phillips,Cathy A. StawarskiPublisher: Patricia Pulliam Phillips,Cathy A. Stawarski ©2019ISBN: 9780787987183
- Data Communication and NetworkingAuthor: Murthy, C.S.V.Publisher: Murthy, C.S.V. ©2018ISBN: 9789350243077
- Data Communication and Networking: Understanding Network Architecture, Design, and ManagementAuthor: Dr. Brahampal SinghPublisher: Dr. Brahampal Singh ©2024ISBN: 9789355519894
- Data Communication PrinciplesAuthor: AhmadPublisher: Ahmad ©2016ISBN: 9781402073281
- Data Communication Systems and their PerformanceAuthor: Kirkendall, Nancy JPublisher: Kirkendall, Nancy J ©2016ISBN: 9780323917858
- Data communications and networkingAuthor: Forouzan, Behrouz A.Publisher: Forouzan, Behrouz A. ©2012ISBN: 9780072967753
- Data Communications Pocket BookAuthor: Michael TooleyPublisher: Michael Tooley ©2016ISBN: 9783319038001
- Data Communications PrinciplesAuthor: Lucky, R. W.;Gitlin, Richard D.;Hayes, Jeremiah F.Publisher: Lucky, R. W.;Gitlin, Richard D.;Hayes, Jeremiah F. ©2018ISBN: 9781461364481
- Data Communications PrinciplesAuthor: GitlinPublisher: Gitlin ©2016ISBN: 9781461364481