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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (6601-6650 of 17235):
- Healthcare Executive Compensation: A Guide for Leaders and Trustees : A Guide for Leaders and TrusteesAuthor: Bjork, David;Klauer, Kevin;Fontenot, Sarah FreymannPublisher: Bjork, David;Klauer, Kevin;Fontenot, Sarah Freymann ©2018ISBN: 9781567934243
- Healthcare Executive's Guide to Allocating Capital, TheAuthor: Sussman, Jason H.Publisher: Sussman, Jason H. ©2018ISBN: 9781567939569
- Healthcare Executive’s Guide to Allocating Capital, TheAuthor: Jason H. SussmanPublisher: Jason H. Sussman ©2019ISBN: 9781567939569
- Healthcare Facilities ManagementAuthor: Emerald GroupPublisher: Emerald Group ©2018ISBN: 9781580460996
- Healthcare Finance: Modern Financial Analysis for Accelerating Biomedical InnovationAuthor: Andrew W. Lo,Shomesh E. ChaudhuriPublisher: Andrew W. Lo,Shomesh E. Chaudhuri ©2023ISBN: 9781663719553
- Healthcare Fix, TheAuthor: KotlikoffPublisher: Kotlikoff ©2018ISBN: 9780262113144
- Healthcare Fraud: Auditing and Detection GuideAuthor: Rebecca S. BuschPublisher: Rebecca S. Busch ©2019ISBN: 97804701271002 Concurrent Users
- Healthcare Hazard Control and Safety ManagementAuthor: Tweedy, James T.Publisher: Tweedy, James T. ©2018ISBN: 9781482206555
- Healthcare Imperative : Lowering Costs and Improving Outcomes: Workshop Series Summary, TheAuthor: Olsen, LeighAnne;Saunders, Robert S.;Yong, Pierre L.Publisher: Olsen, LeighAnne;Saunders, Robert S.;Yong, Pierre L. ©2018ISBN: 9780309144339
- Healthcare in MotionAuthor: Aldridge, DavidPublisher: Aldridge, David ©2022ISBN: 9781843102328
- Healthcare in MotionAuthor: SunyaevPublisher: Sunyaev ©2022ISBN: 9783834924421
- Healthcare in Private and Public from the Early Modern Period To 2000Author: Weindling, PaulPublisher: Weindling, Paul ©2018ISBN: 9780415727006
- Healthcare in the Electronic AgeAuthor: Emerald GroupPublisher: Emerald Group ©2018ISBN: 9781433836350
- Healthcare in the UKAuthor: GreenerPublisher: Greener ©2017ISBN: 97818613460941 Concurrent User
- Healthcare in the UKAuthor: GreenerPublisher: Greener ©2023ISBN: 9788847027688
- Healthcare in the United States: Clinical, Financial, and Operational DimensionsAuthor: Stephen L. Walston,Kenneth L. JohnsonPublisher: Stephen L. Walston,Kenneth L. Johnson ©2022ISBN: 9781640551459
- Healthcare in TransitionAuthor: CribbPublisher: Cribb ©2023ISBN: 97800802389821 Concurrent User
- Healthcare InfectionAuthor: Arnold, James R.Publisher: Arnold, James R. ©2020ISBN: 97816106974775 Concurrent Users
- Healthcare InformaticsAuthor: C. William Hanson IIIPublisher: C. William Hanson III ©2019ISBN: 9780071440660
- Healthcare Informatics DeMYSTiFieDAuthor: Glowik, Mario;Smyczek, SlawomirPublisher: Glowik, Mario;Smyczek, Slawomir ©2017ISBN: 9780071820530
- Healthcare Informatics: Improving Efficiency and ProductivityAuthor: Stephan P. Kudyba (ed)Publisher: Stephan P. Kudyba (ed) ©2019ISBN: 9781439809785
- Healthcare Informatics: Improving Efficiency through Technology, Analytics, and ManagementAuthor: Stephan P. Kudyba (ed)Publisher: Stephan P. Kudyba (ed) ©2019ISBN: 9781498746359
- Healthcare Information Privacy and Security: Regulatory Compliance and Data Security in the Age of Electronic Health RecordsAuthor: Bernard Peter RobichauPublisher: Bernard Peter Robichau ©2016ISBN: 9781430266761
- Healthcare Information Security and PrivacyAuthor: Murphy, Sean P.Publisher: Murphy, Sean P. ©2019ISBN: 9780071831796
- Healthcare Information Security and PrivacyAuthor: Sean P. MurphyPublisher: Sean P. Murphy ©2019ISBN: 9780071831796
- Healthcare Information Technology Exam Guide for CHTS and CAHIMS CertificationsAuthor: Kathleen A. McCormick,Brian Gugerty,John E. MattisonPublisher: Kathleen A. McCormick,Brian Gugerty,John E. Mattison ©2019ISBN: 9781259836978
- Healthcare Information Technology Exam Guide for CompTIA Healthcare IT Technician and HIT Pro CertificationsAuthor: Kathleen A. McCormick,Brian GugertyPublisher: Kathleen A. McCormick,Brian Gugerty ©2019ISBN: 9780071802802
- Healthcare Infrastructure : Health Systems for Individuals and PopulationsAuthor: Schatz, Bruce R.;Berlin Jr., Richard B.Publisher: Schatz, Bruce R.;Berlin Jr., Richard B. ©2016ISBN: 9780857294517
- Healthcare Interpreting : Discourse and InteractionAuthor: Pöchhacker, Franz;Shlesinger, MiriamPublisher: Pöchhacker, Franz;Shlesinger, Miriam ©2018ISBN: 9789027222398
- Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Front-Line Staff in Sustainable Continuous ImprovementsAuthor: Mark Graban,Joseph E. SwartzPublisher: Mark Graban,Joseph E. Swartz ©2019ISBN: 9781439872963
- Healthcare Knowledge ManagementAuthor: FriedmanPublisher: Friedman ©2016ISBN: 9780387335407
- Healthcare Leadership Excellence: Creating a Career of ImpactAuthor: James A. Rice,Frankie PerryPublisher: James A. Rice,Frankie Perry ©2019ISBN: 9781567934748
- Healthcare Leader’s Guide to Actions, Awareness, and Perception, Third Edition, TheAuthor: Carson F. Dye,Brett D. LeePublisher: Carson F. Dye,Brett D. Lee ©2019ISBN: 97815679376575 Concurrent Users
- Healthcare ManagementAuthor: AmelungPublisher: Amelung ©2016ISBN: 9783642387111
- Healthcare ManagementAuthor: Walshe, Kieran;Smith, JudithPublisher: Walshe, Kieran;Smith, Judith ©2018ISBN: 9780335243815
- Healthcare Management Engineering: What Does This Fancy Term Really Mean?Author: KolkerPublisher: Kolker ©2016ISBN: 9781461420675
- Healthcare Management Engineering: What Does This Fancy Term Really Mean? : The Use of Operations Management Methodology for Quantitative Decision-Making in Healthcare SettingsAuthor: Kolker, AlexanderPublisher: Kolker, Alexander ©2018ISBN: 9781461420675
- Healthcare Management ForumAuthor: Jeff Elton,Anne O'RiordanPublisher: Jeff Elton,Anne O'Riordan ©2020ISBN: 97811191718811 Concurrent User
- Healthcare Management ForumAuthor: Jeff Elton,Anne O'RiordanPublisher: Jeff Elton,Anne O'Riordan ©2020ISBN: 9781119171881
- Healthcare Management ForumAuthor: Jeff Elton,Anne O'RiordanPublisher: Jeff Elton,Anne O'Riordan ©2020ISBN: 9781119171881
- Healthcare Mandate: How to Leverage Disruptive Innovation to Heal America’s Biggest Industry, TheAuthor: Nicholas J. WebbPublisher: Nicholas J. Webb ©2021ISBN: 97812604681201 Concurrent User
- Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study ApproachAuthor: Leigh W. Cellucci,Carla Wiggins,Tracy J. FarnsworthPublisher: Leigh W. Cellucci,Carla Wiggins,Tracy J. Farnsworth ©2019ISBN: 9781567936056
- Healthcare Nonprofit: Keys to Effective Management, TheAuthor: Stephen F. Gambescia,Sylvia V. Bastani,Bruce MelgaryPublisher: Stephen F. Gambescia,Sylvia V. Bastani,Bruce Melgary ©2022ISBN: 9781640551046
- Healthcare Operations ManagementAuthor: Daniel B. McLaughlin,Julie M. HaysPublisher: Daniel B. McLaughlin,Julie M. Hays ©2019ISBN: 9781567932881
- Healthcare Operations Management Through Use of SimulationAuthor: Mustafee, Navonil;Katsaliaki, Korina;Williams, Michael D.Publisher: Mustafee, Navonil;Katsaliaki, Korina;Williams, Michael D. ©2018ISBN: 9781781906118
- Healthcare Operations Management, Fourth EditionAuthor: John R. Olson,Daniel B. McLaughlin,Luv SharmaPublisher: John R. Olson,Daniel B. McLaughlin,Luv Sharma ©2022ISBN: 9781640553071
- Healthcare Operations Management, Third EditionAuthor: Daniel B. McLaughlin,John R. OlsonPublisher: Daniel B. McLaughlin,John R. Olson ©2019ISBN: 9781567938517
- Healthcare Overview, vol. 1Author: Rebecca S. BuschPublisher: Rebecca S. Busch ©2016ISBN: 97894007460152 Concurrent Users
- Healthcare Paradigms in the Internet of Things EcosystemAuthor: Souvik Pal and Valentina BalasPublisher: Souvik Pal and Valentina Balas ©2020ISBN: 9781482206555
- Healthcare Partnerships for Pediatric AdherenceAuthor: SchwartzPublisher: Schwartz ©2016ISBN: 9783319136677