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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (6651-6700 of 17235):
- Healthcare Professional Workforce, TheAuthor: HoffPublisher: Hoff ©2017ISBN: 9780190215651
- Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy and Tools, Third Edition, TheAuthor: Maulik S. Joshi,Elizabeth R. Ransom,David B. Nash,Scott B. Ransom (eds)Publisher: Maulik S. Joshi,Elizabeth R. Ransom,David B. Nash,Scott B. Ransom (eds) ©2020ISBN: 97815679359051 Concurrent User
- Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools, Fifth Edition, TheAuthor: Maulik S. Joshi,Scott B. Ransom,Elizabeth Ransom,David B. NashPublisher: Maulik S. Joshi,Scott B. Ransom,Elizabeth Ransom,David B. Nash ©2022ISBN: 9781640553576
- Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools, Fourth Edition, TheAuthor: David B. Nash,Maulik S. Joshi,Elizabeth Ransom,Scott B. RansomPublisher: David B. Nash,Maulik S. Joshi,Elizabeth Ransom,Scott B. Ransom ©2022ISBN: 9781640550537
- Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools, Second Edition, TheAuthor: Elizabeth R. Ransom,Maulik S. Joshi,David B. Nash,Scott B. RansomPublisher: Elizabeth R. Ransom,Maulik S. Joshi,David B. Nash,Scott B. Ransom ©2019ISBN: 9781567933017
- Healthcare Research : A Handbook for Students and PractitionersAuthor: Hohl, Joan;Priest, HelenaPublisher: Hohl, Joan;Priest, Helena ©2018ISBN: 9780470519325
- Healthcare Safety for Nursing Personnel : An Organizational Guide to Achieving ResultsAuthor: Tweedy, James T.Publisher: Tweedy, James T. ©2016ISBN: 9781482230277
- Healthcare Safety for Nursing Personnel : An Organizational Guide to Achieving ResultsAuthor: Tweedy, James T.Publisher: Tweedy, James T. ©2020ISBN: 9781482230277
- Healthcare Sensor Networks : Challenges Toward Practical ImplementationAuthor: Lai, Daniel Tze Huei;Palaniswami, Marimuthu;Begg, RezaulPublisher: Lai, Daniel Tze Huei;Palaniswami, Marimuthu;Begg, Rezaul ©2018ISBN: 97814398218171 Concurrent User
- Healthcare Simulation : A Guide for Operations SpecialistsAuthor: Gantt, Laura T.;Young, H. MichaelPublisher: Gantt, Laura T.;Young, H. Michael ©2018ISBN: 9781640551459
- Healthcare Strategic Planning, Fourth EditionAuthor: John M. Harris (ed)Publisher: John M. Harris (ed) ©2019ISBN: 97815679389991 Concurrent User
- Healthcare Strategies and Planning for Social Inclusion and DevelopmentAuthor: Basanta Behera, Ram Prasad and Shyambhavee BeheraPublisher: Basanta Behera, Ram Prasad and Shyambhavee Behera ©2021ISBN: 9780071440660
- Healthcare Strategies and Planning for Social Inclusion and DevelopmentAuthor: Basanta Behera,Ram Prasad andShyambhavee BeheraPublisher: Basanta Behera,Ram Prasad andShyambhavee Behera ©2022ISBN: 97816106974775 Concurrent Users
- Healthcare Strategy: In Pursuit of Competitive AdvantageAuthor: Roice D. Luke,Stephen L. Walston,Patrick Michael PlummerPublisher: Roice D. Luke,Stephen L. Walston,Patrick Michael Plummer ©2019ISBN: 9781567932157
- Healthcare Systems Design of Intelligent Testing CentersAuthor: Marvellous Moyo and Tawanda MushiriPublisher: Marvellous Moyo and Tawanda Mushiri ©2023ISBN: 9780071820530
- Healthcare Systems EngineeringAuthor: Griffin, Paul M.;Nembhard, Harriet B.;DeFlitch, Christopher J.;Bastian, Nathaniel D.;Kang, Hyojung;Munoz, David A.Publisher: Griffin, Paul M.;Nembhard, Harriet B.;DeFlitch, Christopher J.;Bastian, Nathaniel D.;Kang, Hyojung;Munoz, David A. ©2018ISBN: 9781498746359
- Healthcare Technology Management SystemsAuthor: Luis Vilcahuamán and Rossana RivasPublisher: Luis Vilcahuamán and Rossana Rivas ©2017ISBN: 9781430266761
- Healthcare Valuation, the Financial Appraisal of Enterprises, Assets, and ServicesAuthor: Cimasi, Robert JamesPublisher: Cimasi, Robert James ©2018ISBN: 9781118832974
- Healthcare Without Borders : Understanding Cuban Medical InternationalismAuthor: Kirk, John M.Publisher: Kirk, John M. ©2018ISBN: 9781430266761Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Healthcare's Path Forward: How Ongoing Crises Are Creating New Standards for ExcellenceAuthor: Thomas H. LeePublisher: Thomas H. Lee ©2023ISBN: 9781264941254
- Healthcare's Path Forward: How Ongoing Crises Are Creating New Standards for ExcellenceAuthor: Thomas H. LeePublisher: Thomas H. Lee ©2023ISBN: 9781638412939
- Healthcare, Insurance, and YouAuthor: ZamoskyPublisher: Zamosky ©2016ISBN: 9781430249535
- Healthgrid Applications and Core Technologies : Proceedings of HealthGrid 2010Author: Solomonides, T.;Blanquer, I.;Breton, V.Publisher: Solomonides, T.;Blanquer, I.;Breton, V. ©2018ISBN: 9781607505822
- HealthGrid Applications and Technologies Meet Science Gateways for Life SciencesAuthor: Gesing, S.;Glatard, T.;Krüger, J.Publisher: Gesing, S.;Glatard, T.;Krüger, J. ©2018ISBN: 9781614990536
- Healthgrid Research, Innovation and Business Case : Proceedings of HealthGrid 2009Author: Solomonides, T.;Hofmann-Apitius, M.;Freudigmann, M.Publisher: Solomonides, T.;Hofmann-Apitius, M.;Freudigmann, M. ©2018ISBN: 9781607500278
- Healthier SocietiesAuthor: HeymannPublisher: Heymann ©2017ISBN: 9780195179200
- Healthier Societies : From Analysis to ActionAuthor: Heymann, Jody;Hertzman, Clyde;Barer, Morris L.;Evans, Robert G.Publisher: Heymann, Jody;Hertzman, Clyde;Barer, Morris L.;Evans, Robert G. ©2018ISBN: 9780195179200
- Healthiest City : Milwaukee and the Politics of Health Reform, TheAuthor: Leavitt, Judith W.Publisher: Leavitt, Judith W. ©2018ISBN: 9780299151645
- Healthy Ageing : The Role of Nutrition and LifestyleAuthor: Stanner, Sara;Thompson, Rachel;Buttriss, Judith L.Publisher: Stanner, Sara;Thompson, Rachel;Buttriss, Judith L. ©2018ISBN: 97814051787785 Concurrent Users
- Healthy AgingAuthor: Ping-chung LeungPublisher: Ping-chung Leung ©2018ISBN: 9789814317719
- Healthy Aging: Principles and Clinical Practice for CliniciansAuthor: Nicholas J. WebbPublisher: Nicholas J. Webb ©2017ISBN: 97814511910421 Concurrent User
- Healthy and Safe Homes : Research, Practice, and PolicyAuthor: Morley, Rebecca L.;Mickalide, Angela D.;Mack, Karin A.Publisher: Morley, Rebecca L.;Mickalide, Angela D.;Mack, Karin A. ©2018ISBN: 9780875531977
- Healthy Anger : How to Help Children and Teens Manage Their AngerAuthor: Golden, BernardPublisher: Golden, Bernard ©2018ISBN: 9780195156577
- Healthy Body and Victorian Culture, TheAuthor: HaleyPublisher: Haley ©2021ISBN: 9780674284739
- Healthy BuildingsAuthor: AllenPublisher: Allen ©2022ISBN: 9781781906118
- Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and ProductivityAuthor: Joseph G. Allen,John D. MacomberPublisher: Joseph G. Allen,John D. Macomber ©2021ISBN: 9781705268230
- Healthy Child, TheAuthor: John R. Olson,Daniel B. McLaughlin,Luv SharmaPublisher: John R. Olson,Daniel B. McLaughlin,Luv Sharma ©2021ISBN: 9780674592810
- Healthy Communities : New Partnerships for the Future of Public HealthAuthor: Dievler, Anne;Abel, Cynthia;Stoto, Michael A.Publisher: Dievler, Anne;Abel, Cynthia;Stoto, Michael A. ©2018ISBN: 9780309056250
- Healthy communities: new partnerships for the future of public healthAuthor: KotlikoffPublisher: Kotlikoff ©2016ISBN: 9789400746015
- Healthy Cooking and Nutrition for College Students : How Not to Gain the Freshman 15Author: Sack, RebekahPublisher: Sack, Rebekah ©2018ISBN: 97816202315932 Concurrent Users
- Healthy DemocraciesAuthor: WongPublisher: Wong ©2020ISBN: 9783319136677
- Healthy Development : The World Bank Strategy for Health, Nutrition, and Population ResultsAuthor: World BankPublisher: World Bank ©2018ISBN: 9780821371930
- Healthy development in young children: Evidence-based interventions for early educationAuthor: Alfonso, Vincent C.Publisher: Alfonso, Vincent C. ©2020ISBN: 9781433832314
- Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-Of-School Time Settings : New Directions for Youth Development, Number 143Author: Wiecha, Jean L.;Hall, GeorgiaPublisher: Wiecha, Jean L.;Hall, Georgia ©2018ISBN: 9781119045687
- Healthy Eating for a Healthy HeartAuthor: HoffPublisher: Hoff ©2016ISBN: 9780190215651
- Healthy Eating in Primary SchoolsAuthor: Robinson, SallyPublisher: Robinson, Sally ©2018ISBN: 97814129116101 Concurrent User
- Healthy eating in schools: Evidence-based interventions to help kids thriveAuthor: Cook-Cottone, Catherine P.Publisher: Cook-Cottone, Catherine P. ©2017ISBN: 9781433813009
- Healthy HairAuthor: Marsh, Jennifer Mary;Gray, John;Tosti, AntonellaPublisher: Marsh, Jennifer Mary;Gray, John;Tosti, Antonella ©2018ISBN: 9783319183855
- Healthy Herbs : Fact Versus FictionAuthor: Goldstein, Myrna ChandlerPublisher: Goldstein, Myrna Chandler ©2018ISBN: 9780313397806
- Healthy Hundred: 100 Ways to a Healthier, Happier and Longer Life, TheAuthor: Peter A. LarkinsPublisher: Peter A. Larkins ©2024ISBN: 9781394216086