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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (9351-9400 of 17235):
- High School Dropout, Graduation, and Completion Rates : Better Data, Better Measures, Better DecisionsAuthor: Koenig, Judith Anderson;Hauser, Robert M.Publisher: Koenig, Judith Anderson;Hauser, Robert M. ©2018ISBN: 9780309163071
- High school dropout, graduation, and completion rates: better data, better measures, better decisionsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee for Improved Measurement of High School Dropout and Completion Rates: Expert Guidance on Next Steps for Research and Policy WorkshopPublisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee for Improved Measurement of High School Dropout and Completion Rates: Expert Guidance on Next Steps for Research and Policy Workshop ©2016ISBN: 9781484264904
- High School Mathematics at Work : Essays and Examples for the Education of All StudentsAuthor: KasserPublisher: Kasser ©2018ISBN: 97803090635311 Concurrent User
- High school mathematics at work: essays and examples for the education of all studentsAuthor: KasserPublisher: Kasser ©2016ISBN: 9780262112680
- High Sensitivity Counting TechniquesAuthor: D. E. Watt, D. Ramsden, D. W. Fry and W. HiginbothamPublisher: D. E. Watt, D. Ramsden, D. W. Fry and W. Higinbotham ©2016ISBN: 97802621126801 Concurrent User
- High Sensitivity MoiréAuthor: PostPublisher: Post ©2016ISBN: 97803879822055 Concurrent Users
- High Society : How Substance Abuse Ravages America and What to Do About ItAuthor: Califano Jr., Joseph A.Publisher: Califano Jr., Joseph A. ©2018ISBN: 9781586486723
- High Solid BindersAuthor: ManeaPublisher: Manea ©2020ISBN: 9789400739215
- High Solid Dispersions, vol. 236Author: EggersglüßPublisher: Eggersglüß ©2016ISBN: 9783642163814
- High Spectral Density Optical Communication Technologies, vol. 6Author: Bedson, Peter;Prichard, Elizabeth;Royal Society of Chemistry StaffPublisher: Bedson, Peter;Prichard, Elizabeth;Royal Society of Chemistry Staff ©2016ISBN: 9783642104183
- High Speed A/D Converters, vol. 601Author: AlfiPublisher: Alfi ©2016ISBN: 9780792372769Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- High Speed and Wide Bandwidth Delta-Sigma ADCsAuthor: BolatkalePublisher: Bolatkale ©2016ISBN: 9783319058399
- High Speed Circuit Board Signal IntegrityAuthor: Thierauf, Stephen C.Publisher: Thierauf, Stephen C. ©2018ISBN: 9781580531313
- High Speed CMOS Design StylesAuthor: BernsteinPublisher: Bernstein ©2016ISBN: 9781461375494
- High Speed Data ConvertersAuthor: Ali, Ahmed M. A.Publisher: Ali, Ahmed M. A. ©2018ISBN: 9781849199384
- High Speed Digital DesignAuthor: Hanqiao Zhang, Steve Krooswyk and Jeff OuPublisher: Hanqiao Zhang, Steve Krooswyk and Jeff Ou ©2016ISBN: 9783540156789
- High Speed Digital System Design: A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design PracticesAuthor: Stephen H. Hall,Garrett W. Hall,James A. McCallPublisher: Stephen H. Hall,Garrett W. Hall,James A. McCall ©2019ISBN: 9780471360902
- High Speed Heterostructure Devices, vol. 41Author: Daniel Lundin,Jon Tomas Gudmundsson andTiberiu MineaPublisher: Daniel Lundin,Jon Tomas Gudmundsson andTiberiu Minea ©2016ISBN: 9783540252566
- High Speed Integrated Circuit Technology - Towards 100 Ghz LogicAuthor: Mark RodwellPublisher: Mark Rodwell ©2018ISBN: 9789810246389
- High Speed MachiningAuthor: MulserPublisher: Mulser ©2020ISBN: 9783642168864
- High Speed Machining VIAuthor: Liu, Xian Li;Jiang, Bin;Wu, Xue Feng;Yue, Cai XuPublisher: Liu, Xian Li;Jiang, Bin;Wu, Xue Feng;Yue, Cai Xu ©2018ISBN: 9783038351429
- High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, vol. 3079Author: Edwin D. BeckerPublisher: Edwin D. Becker ©2016ISBN: 9783540222620
- High Speed Optical CommunicationsAuthor: SabellaPublisher: Sabella ©2016ISBN: 97814613740605 Concurrent Users
- High Speed Passenger Rail: Viability, Challenges and Federal Role : Viability, Challenges and Federal RoleAuthor: Biocchetti, AugelliPublisher: Biocchetti, Augelli ©2018ISBN: 9781607419853
- High Speed Problems of Aircraft and Experimental MethodsAuthor: MehringPublisher: Mehring ©2021ISBN: 9783642963346
- High Speed Rail and Access Transit NetworksAuthor: Brunello, Lara RitaPublisher: Brunello, Lara Rita ©2018ISBN: 9783319614144
- High Speed Serdes Devices and ApplicationsAuthor: StaufferPublisher: Stauffer ©2016ISBN: 97803877983321 Concurrent User
- High Speed VCSELs for Optical InterconnectsAuthor: MutigPublisher: Mutig ©2016ISBN: 9783642165696
- High Speed Wing TheoryAuthor: Cohen, Doris;Jones, Robert ThomasPublisher: Cohen, Doris;Jones, Robert Thomas ©2018ISBN: 9780691079752
- High Speed Wing TheoryAuthor: JonesPublisher: Jones ©2021ISBN: 9781849950466
- High StakesAuthor: Hamilton, Kevin;Ohfuchi, WataruPublisher: Hamilton, Kevin;Ohfuchi, Wataru ©2020ISBN: 9781493900169
- High StakesAuthor: ShorePublisher: Shore ©2017ISBN: 9780195326253
- High StakesAuthor: CattelinoPublisher: Cattelino ©2020ISBN: 9780822342090
- High Stakes : Testing for Tracking, Promotion, and GraduationAuthor: Hauser, Robert M.;Heubert, Jay P.Publisher: Hauser, Robert M.;Heubert, Jay P. ©2018ISBN: 9780309062800
- High Stakes Communications: 5 Essentials to Staying in Control in Tough ConversationsAuthor: Larry IversonPublisher: Larry Iverson ©2020ISBN: 9781483094274
- High Stakes Education : Inequality, Globalization, and Urban School ReformAuthor: Lipman, PaulinePublisher: Lipman, Pauline ©2018ISBN: 9780415935074
- High stakes: testing for tracking, promotion, and graduationAuthor: UeharaPublisher: Uehara ©2016ISBN: 97836428241112 Concurrent Users
- High Status Track : Studies of Elite Schools and Stratification, TheAuthor: Kingston, Paul W.;Lewis, Lionel S.Publisher: Kingston, Paul W.;Lewis, Lionel S. ©2018ISBN: 9780791400111
- High Strain Rate Behavior of Nanocomposites and NanocoatingsAuthor: JindalPublisher: Jindal ©2016ISBN: 9783319144801
- High T C Superconductor MaterialsAuthor: Kaldis, E.;Schoenes, J.;Habermeier, H. -U.Publisher: Kaldis, E.;Schoenes, J.;Habermeier, H. -U. ©2018ISBN: 9780444888846
- High Tc Superconductor MaterialsAuthor: David NortonPublisher: David Norton ©2016ISBN: 9781259862977
- High Tc Superconductor Thin FilmsAuthor: David NortonPublisher: David Norton ©2016ISBN: 97812598629531 Concurrent User
- High Tc Superconductors : Electronic StructureAuthor: Bianconi, A.;Marcelli, A.Publisher: Bianconi, A.;Marcelli, A. ©2018ISBN: 9780080375427
- High Tc Superconductors : Preparation and ApplicationAuthor: Bongers, P. F.;Schlenker, C.;Stritzker, B.Publisher: Bongers, P. F.;Schlenker, C.;Stritzker, B. ©2018ISBN: 9780444880062
- High Tc Superconductors and Related Transition Metal Oxides : Special Contributions in Honor of K. Alex Müller on the Occasion of His 80th BirthdayAuthor: Bussmann-Holder, Annette;Keller, HugoPublisher: Bussmann-Holder, Annette;Keller, Hugo ©2016ISBN: 97835407102261 Concurrent User
- High Tc Superconductors: Electronic StructureAuthor: KasserPublisher: Kasser ©2016ISBN: 9780262112680
- High Tc Superconductors: Preparation and ApplicationAuthor: D. E. Watt, D. Ramsden, D. W. Fry and W. HiginbothamPublisher: D. E. Watt, D. Ramsden, D. W. Fry and W. Higinbotham ©2016ISBN: 97802621126801 Concurrent User
- High Tech and High Heels in the Global EconomyAuthor: FreemanPublisher: Freeman ©2021ISBN: 9789400739215
- High Tech and High TouchAuthor: FinlayPublisher: Finlay ©2020ISBN: 9783642163814
- High Tech and High Touch: Headhunting, Technology, and Economic TransformationAuthor: James E. Coverdill,William FinlayPublisher: James E. Coverdill,William Finlay ©2020ISBN: 9781501702815