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Showing books starting with the letter H (9551-9600 of 17235):
- High-Latitude Rainforests and Associated Ecosystems of the West Coast of the Americas, vol. 116
- High-Latitude Space Plasma Physics, vol. 54
- High-LET Radiations in Clinical Radiotherapy
- High-LET Radiations in Clinical Radiotherapy : Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting on Fundamental and Practical Aspects of the Application of Fast Neutrons and Other High-LET Particles in Clinical Radiotherapy, the Hague, Netherlands, 13--15 September 1978
- High-Level Information Fusion Management and Systems Design
- High-Level Language Computer Architecture
- High-Level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated Systems
- High-Level Motion Processing
- High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, vol. 2026
- High-level Petri Nets
- High-level Political Appointments in the Philippines
- High-Level Power Analysis and Optimization
- High-Level Power Analysis and Optimization
- High-Level Synthesis : From Algorithm to Digital Circuit
- High-Level Synthesis for Real-Time Digital Signal Processing, vol. 216
- High-Level System Modeling : Specification Languages
- High-Level System Modeling, vol. 3
- High-Level System Modeling, vol. 4
- High-Level Verification
- High-Level Vision
- High-Level VLSI Synthesis, vol. 136
- High-Leverage Leadership : Improving Outcomes in Educational Settings
- High-Linearity CMOS RF Front-End Circuits
- High-Maintenance Employees: Why Your Best People Will Also Be Your Most Difficult...and What You Can Do about It
- High-order Harmonic Generation In Laser Plasma Plumes
- High-Order Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow
- High-Order Models in Semantic Image Segmentation
- High-Order Modulation for Optical Fiber Transmission, vol. 143
- High-Peak-Power Nd : Glass Laser Systems
- High-Performance AD and DA Converters, IC Design in Scaled Technologies, and Time-Domain Signal Processing
- High-Performance AD and DA Converters, IC Design in Scaled Technologies, and Time-Domain Signal Processing : Advances in Analog Circuit Design 2014
- High-Performance Apparel
- High-performance big data computing
- High-Performance Client/Server
- High-Performance Computational Solutions in Protein Bioinformatics
- High-Performance Computing
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 1067
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 1225
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 1401
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 1593
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 2110
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 796
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 797
- High-Performance Computing and Networking, vol. 919
- High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe's Research Communities, vol. 2
- High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments
- High-Performance Computing on the Intel® Xeon Phi™
- High-Performance Computing Using FPGAs
- High-Performance Computing, vol. 4759
- High-performance Construction Materials: Science And Applications