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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (2801-2850 of 17235):
- Handbook of Probabilistic ModelsAuthor: Pandey, Jitendra K.;Reddy, Kummetha Raghunatha;Mohanty, Amar Kumar;Misra, ManjusriPublisher: Pandey, Jitendra K.;Reddy, Kummetha Raghunatha;Mohanty, Amar Kumar;Misra, Manjusri ©2019ISBN: 97836423864802 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of ProbabilityAuthor: Florescu, Ionut;Tudor, Ciprian A.Publisher: Florescu, Ionut;Tudor, Ciprian A. ©2018ISBN: 9780470647271
- Handbook of Probability: Theory and ApplicationsAuthor: George WypychPublisher: George Wypych ©2019ISBN: 9781412927147
- Handbook of Process AlgebraAuthor: George WypychPublisher: George Wypych ©2018ISBN: 9780792370536
- Handbook of Process Chromatography : Development, Manufacturing, Validation and EconomicsAuthor: Jagschies, Günter;Sofer, Gail K.;Hagel, LarsPublisher: Jagschies, Günter;Sofer, Gail K.;Hagel, Lars ©2018ISBN: 9780123740236
- Handbook of Process Chromatography, Second editionAuthor: Lars Hagel, Günter Jagschies and Gail SoferPublisher: Lars Hagel, Günter Jagschies and Gail Sofer ©2017ISBN: 9781119041467
- Handbook of Process IntegrationAuthor: Thakur, Vijay Kumar;Thakur, Manju KumariPublisher: Thakur, Vijay Kumar;Thakur, Manju Kumari ©2018ISBN: 97811190414671 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Process IntegrationAuthor: Thakur, Vijay Kumar;Thakur, Manju KumariPublisher: Thakur, Vijay Kumar;Thakur, Manju Kumari ©2022ISBN: 9781119041429
- Handbook of Process Integration : Minimisation of Energy and Water Use, Waste and EmissionsAuthor: Klemes, Jiří JaromírPublisher: Klemes, Jiří Jaromír ©2018ISBN: 9780857095930
- Handbook of Product and Service Development in Communication and Information TechnologyAuthor: Sinha, Chandrasen K.;Davenport, MarkPublisher: Sinha, Chandrasen K.;Davenport, Mark ©2016ISBN: 9781402075957
- Handbook of Product GraphsAuthor: Hammack, Richard;Imrich, Wilfried;Klavžar, SandiPublisher: Hammack, Richard;Imrich, Wilfried;Klavžar, Sandi ©2018ISBN: 9781439813041
- Handbook of Production Management MethodsAuthor: Gideon HaleviPublisher: Gideon Halevi ©2016ISBN: 97819362875501 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Production Scheduling, vol. 89Author: George WypychPublisher: George Wypych ©2016ISBN: 97803873311571 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Professional and Ethical Practice for Psychologists, Counsellors and PsychotherapistsAuthor: Tribe, Rachel;Morrissey, JeanPublisher: Tribe, Rachel;Morrissey, Jean ©2018ISBN: 9780203323625
- Handbook of Professionally Managed Assets, TheAuthor: FevurlyPublisher: Fevurly ©2016ISBN: 97814302601965 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of Program Development for Health Behavior Research and PracticeAuthor: Friedrich KurrPublisher: Friedrich Kurr ©2019ISBN: 9780761916734
- Handbook of Program Management: How to Facilitate Project Success with Optimal Program Management, Second Edition, TheAuthor: James T. BrownPublisher: James T. Brown ©2019ISBN: 9780071837859
- Handbook of Project Management: A Practical Guide to Effective Policies, Techniques and Processes, Revised Second Edition, TheAuthor: Trevor L. YoungPublisher: Trevor L. Young ©2019ISBN: 97807494498411 Concurrent User
- Handbook of project-based management leading strategic change in organizationsAuthor: Turner, J. RodneyPublisher: Turner, J. Rodney ©2016ISBN: 9780071821780
- handbook of project-based management leading strategic change in organizations, TheAuthor: Turner, J. RodneyPublisher: Turner, J. Rodney ©2016ISBN: 9780071549745
- Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation AnalysisAuthor: Troughton, Michael J.Publisher: Troughton, Michael J. ©2016ISBN: 9781475709971
- Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis : With Neutron BeamsAuthor: Molnar, G.Publisher: Molnar, G. ©2018ISBN: 9781475709971
- Handbook of Proof Theory, vol. 137Author: Charles A. Harper, editor-in-chief.Publisher: Charles A. Harper, editor-in-chief. ©2017ISBN: 9780387774381
- Handbook of Properties of Textile and Technical FibresAuthor: Wright, Simon;McCrea, DianePublisher: Wright, Simon;McCrea, Diane ©2018ISBN: 9780387774381Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Handbook of Prosocial EducationAuthor: Brown, Philip M.;Corrigan, Michael W.;Higgins-D'Alessandro, AnnPublisher: Brown, Philip M.;Corrigan, Michael W.;Higgins-D'Alessandro, Ann ©2018ISBN: 9781442211193
- Handbook of Proteolytic EnzymesAuthor: Neil D. Rawlings and Guy SalvesenPublisher: Neil D. Rawlings and Guy Salvesen ©2016ISBN: 9780195182798
- Handbook of Proteolytic EnzymesAuthor: Barrett, Alan J.;Rawlings, Neil D.;Woessner, J. FredPublisher: Barrett, Alan J.;Rawlings, Neil D.;Woessner, J. Fred ©2018ISBN: 9780123822192
- Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes , Volume 1Author: Snyder, C. R.;Lopez, S. J.Publisher: Snyder, C. R.;Lopez, S. J. ©2016ISBN: 9780195182798
- Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, Volume 1Author: Barrett, Alan J.;Woessner, J. Fred;Rawlings, Neil D.Publisher: Barrett, Alan J.;Woessner, J. Fred;Rawlings, Neil D. ©2018ISBN: 9780124121058
- Handbook of Proton-Nmr Spectra and DataAuthor: Guerrero-Legarreta, Isabel;Hui, Y. H.;Alarcón-Rojo, Alma Delia;Alvarado, Christine;Bawa, Amarinder S.;Guerrero-Avendaño, Francisco;Lundén, Janne;McKee, Lisa;Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel;Mine, YoshinoriPublisher: Guerrero-Legarreta, Isabel;Hui, Y. H.;Alarcón-Rojo, Alma Delia;Alvarado, Christine;Bawa, Amarinder S.;Guerrero-Avendaño, Francisco;Lundén, Janne;McKee, Lisa;Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel;Mine, Yoshinori ©2016ISBN: 9780470185520
- Handbook of Psychiatric Consultation with Children and YouthAuthor: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff and Paul RosenfeldPublisher: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff and Paul Rosenfeld ©2016ISBN: 9789401167062
- Handbook of Psychiatric Diagnostic ProceduresAuthor: HallPublisher: Hall ©2016ISBN: 9789401167307
- Handbook of Psychiatric Diagnostic Procedures : Vol. 2Author: Hall, Richard C. W.;Beresford, Thomas P.Publisher: Hall, Richard C. W.;Beresford, Thomas P. ©2018ISBN: 9789401167307
- Handbook of Psychiatric Diagnostic Procedures Vol. IAuthor: HallPublisher: Hall ©2016ISBN: 9789401167277
- Handbook of Psychiatric Drug TherapyAuthor: Modjarrad, Kayvon;Ebnesajjad, SinaPublisher: Modjarrad, Kayvon;Ebnesajjad, Sina ©2016ISBN: 9780781751889
- Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative MedicineAuthor: Chochinov, Harvey M.;Breitbart, WilliamPublisher: Chochinov, Harvey M.;Breitbart, William ©2018ISBN: 97801950929985 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of PsychobiographyAuthor: Schultz, William ToddPublisher: Schultz, William Todd ©2018ISBN: 9780195168273
- Handbook of PsychobiologyAuthor: Gazzaniga, Michael S.Publisher: Gazzaniga, Michael S. ©2018ISBN: 9780122786563
- Handbook of PsychobiologyAuthor: VaronPublisher: Varon ©2016ISBN: 9783540780984
- Handbook of Psychodiagnostic TestingAuthor: KellermanPublisher: Kellerman ©2016ISBN: 97803877136941 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Psychoeducational AssessmentAuthor: Jac J.W. Andrews, Donald H. Saklofske and Henry L. JanzenPublisher: Jac J.W. Andrews, Donald H. Saklofske and Henry L. Janzen ©2017ISBN: 97835402860351 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Psychoeducational Assessment : A Practical Handbook a Volume in the EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY SeriesAuthor: Phye, Gary D.;Saklofske, Donald H.;Andrews, Jac J. W.;Janzen, Henry L.Publisher: Phye, Gary D.;Saklofske, Donald H.;Andrews, Jac J. W.;Janzen, Henry L. ©2018ISBN: 9780120585700
- Handbook of PsycholinguisticsAuthor: Niazi, Sarfaraz K.Publisher: Niazi, Sarfaraz K. ©2016ISBN: 9780849371936
- Handbook of Psychological AssessmentAuthor: Ohama, YoshihikoPublisher: Ohama, Yoshihiko ©2017ISBN: 9780815513582
- Handbook of Psychological AssessmentAuthor: Yoshihiko OhamaPublisher: Yoshihiko Ohama ©2019ISBN: 9780815520375
- Handbook of Psychological AssessmentAuthor: Goldstein, Gerald;Hersen, MichelPublisher: Goldstein, Gerald;Hersen, Michel ©2018ISBN: 9780080436456
- Handbook of Psychological Services for Children and AdolescentsAuthor: Hughes, Jan N.;La Greca, Annette M.;Conoley, Jane ClosePublisher: Hughes, Jan N.;La Greca, Annette M.;Conoley, Jane Close ©2018ISBN: 9780195125238
- Handbook of Psychology and Sexual OrientationAuthor: PattersonPublisher: Patterson ©2017ISBN: 9780199765218
- Handbook of Psychology for Forensic Practitioners, TheAuthor: Crighton, David A.;Towl, Graham J.Publisher: Crighton, David A.;Towl, Graham J. ©2018ISBN: 9780415128872
- Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts 2eAuthor: CarsonPublisher: Carson ©2016ISBN: 9780471498742