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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (6901-6950 of 21422):
- Infant Feeding : Anatomy of a Controversy 1973-1984Author: Dobbing, John;Falkner, FrankPublisher: Dobbing, John;Falkner, Frank ©2018ISBN: 9781447116202
- Infant feeding and its influence on life, or the causes and prevention of infant mortalityAuthor: Routh, C. H. F.Publisher: Routh, C. H. F. ©2017ISBN: 9781402003820
- Infant feeding and its influence on life, or the causes and prevention of infant mortality., 3rd edAuthor: Routh, C. H. F.Publisher: Routh, C. H. F. ©2012ISBN: 97806745047691 Concurrent User
- Infant Feeding PracticesAuthor: Delgado-Ramos, CarloPublisher: Delgado-Ramos, Carlo ©2016ISBN: 9781441968722
- Infant FiguresAuthor: FynskPublisher: Fynsk ©2022ISBN: 9780804734073
- Infant Formula : Evaluating the Safety of New IngredientsAuthor: Hakansson, HakanPublisher: Hakansson, Hakan ©2018ISBN: 9780309091503
- Infant formula: evaluating the safety of new ingredientsAuthor: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the Evaluation of the Addition of Ingredients New to Infant Formula.Publisher: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the Evaluation of the Addition of Ingredients New to Infant Formula. ©2016ISBN: 9781461391111
- Infant Losses; Adult Searches : A Neural and Developmental Perspective on Psychopathology and Sexual OffendingAuthor: Hudson-Allez, GlynPublisher: Hudson-Allez, Glyn ©2018ISBN: 9781855758087
- Infant Mortality: a Continuing Social ProblemAuthor: Garrett, Eilidh;Galley, Chris;Shelton, Nicola;Woods, RobertPublisher: Garrett, Eilidh;Galley, Chris;Shelton, Nicola;Woods, Robert ©2018ISBN: 9781138358171
- Infant NutritionAuthor: F. W. ClementsPublisher: F. W. Clements ©2016ISBN: 97800802542582 Concurrent Users
- Infant Nutrition : Its Physiological BasisAuthor: Clements, F. W.Publisher: Clements, F. W. ©2018ISBN: 9781483166940
- Infant Observation : Creating Transformative RelationshipsAuthor: Thomson-Salo, FrancesPublisher: Thomson-Salo, Frances ©2018ISBN: 9781782200758
- Infant Observation at the Heart of TrainingAuthor: Sternberg, JaninePublisher: Sternberg, Janine ©2018ISBN: 9781855753600
- Infant Perception and CognitionAuthor: OakesPublisher: Oakes ©2017ISBN: 9780195366709
- Infant Perception: from Sensation to Cognition: Perception of Space, Speech, and SoundAuthor: Marcos MendesPublisher: Marcos Mendes ©2016ISBN: 97803879840491 Concurrent User
- Infant PreviewingAuthor: TradPublisher: Trad ©2016ISBN: 9781461279792
- Infant VisionAuthor: Vital-DurandPublisher: Vital-Durand ©2017ISBN: 9780198523161
- Infant Weeping in Akkadian, Hebrew, and Greek LiteratureAuthor: BosworthPublisher: Bosworth ©2021ISBN: 9780387792521Unlimited Users
- Infant Weeping in Akkadian, Hebrew, and Greek LiteratureAuthor: BosworthPublisher: Bosworth ©2021ISBN: 9781575064635
- Infant's WorldAuthor: RochatPublisher: Rochat ©2022ISBN: 9781461493372
- Infant's World, TheAuthor: Rochat, PhilippePublisher: Rochat, Philippe ©2018ISBN: 9780674008366
- Infant, Perinatal, Maternal, and Childhood Mortality in the United StatesAuthor: ShapiroPublisher: Shapiro ©2021ISBN: 97806744217521 Concurrent User
- Infant-Parent Psychotherapy : A HandbookAuthor: Acquarone, StellaPublisher: Acquarone, Stella ©2018ISBN: 9781855752580
- Infanticide by Males and Its ImplicationsAuthor: van Schaik, Carel P.;Janson, Charles H.Publisher: van Schaik, Carel P.;Janson, Charles H. ©2018ISBN: 97805217729525 Concurrent Users
- Infanticide by Males and its ImplicationsAuthor: Goldanskii, Vitalii I.;Gomer, Robert;Schäfer, Fritz Peter;Dubost, H.;Klein, M. L.Publisher: Goldanskii, Vitalii I.;Gomer, Robert;Schäfer, Fritz Peter;Dubost, H.;Klein, M. L. ©2018ISBN: 97805217729521 Concurrent User
- Infanticide Controversy, TheAuthor: ReesPublisher: Rees ©2020ISBN: 97802267071121 Concurrent User
- Infanticide in Tudor and Stuart EnglandAuthor: BillinghamPublisher: Billingham ©2020ISBN: 9780231936187
- Infantile AutismAuthor: BoschPublisher: Bosch ©2016ISBN: 9783642870705Unlimited Users
- Infantile Spasms : Diagnosis, Management and PrognosisAuthor: Frost Jr., James D.;Hrachovy, Richard A.Publisher: Frost Jr., James D.;Hrachovy, Richard A. ©2016ISBN: 9781461350477Unlimited Users
- InfantsAuthor: McCallPublisher: McCall ©2021ISBN: 9780674429628
- Infants in CrisisAuthor: AffleckPublisher: Affleck ©2016ISBN: 9781461277750
- Infants of Parents with Mental Illness : Developmental, Clinical, Cultural, and Personal PerspectivesAuthor: Williams, Anne Sved;Cowling, VickiPublisher: Williams, Anne Sved;Cowling, Vicki ©2018ISBN: 9781921513039
- Infected EmpiresAuthor: ManiniPublisher: Manini ©2022ISBN: 97803874008771 Concurrent User
- Infected Implant, TheAuthor: BaudischPublisher: Baudisch ©2016ISBN: 9783540928355Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Infected KinAuthor: McGrathPublisher: McGrath ©2021ISBN: 9782869786455
- Infected Total Joint ArthroplastyAuthor: Abel, Emily K.Publisher: Abel, Emily K. ©2016ISBN: 9781447124818
- Infected Total Joint Arthroplasty : The Algorithmic ApproachAuthor: Trebse, RihardPublisher: Trebse, Rihard ©2018ISBN: 9781447162308
- InfectioAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2020ISBN: 9781555878979
- Infection : Microbiology and ManagementAuthor: Bannister, Barbara;Gillespie, Stephen H.;Jones, JanePublisher: Bannister, Barbara;Gillespie, Stephen H.;Jones, Jane ©2018ISBN: 9781405126656
- Infection and AutoimmunityAuthor: Emde, Robert N.;Hewitt, John K.Publisher: Emde, Robert N.;Hewitt, John K. ©2017ISBN: 9780195130126
- Infection and AutoimmunityAuthor: Gesell, ArnoldPublisher: Gesell, Arnold ©2024ISBN: 9783642661679
- Infection and AutoimmunityAuthor: RosenthalPublisher: Rosenthal ©2016ISBN: 9780199931392
- Infection and AutoimmunityAuthor: Gesell, ArnoldPublisher: Gesell, Arnold ©2024ISBN: 9789289071956
- Infection and ImmunityAuthor: Davies, D. H.;Halablab, M. A.;Young, T. W. K.;Cox, F. E. G.;Clarke, J.Publisher: Davies, D. H.;Halablab, M. A.;Young, T. W. K.;Cox, F. E. G.;Clarke, J. ©2018ISBN: 9780748407880
- Infection and Local Treatment in Orthopedic SurgeryAuthor: Colombo, JohnPublisher: Colombo, John ©2016ISBN: 97835404799875 Concurrent Users
- Infection ControlAuthor: Lester, Barry M.;Zachariah Boukydis, C. F.Publisher: Lester, Barry M.;Zachariah Boukydis, C. F. ©2016ISBN: 9781468457261
- Infection Control in Intensive Care Units by Selective Decontamination, vol. 7Author: TradPublisher: Trad ©2016ISBN: 9783540510413
- Infection Control in the ICU Environment, vol. 5Author: MarshallPublisher: Marshall ©2016ISBN: 9781461352365
- Infection Control in the Intensive Care UnitAuthor: Routh, C. H. F.Publisher: Routh, C. H. F. ©2016ISBN: 97888470018551 Concurrent User
- Infection Control in the Intensive Care UnitAuthor: Dobbing, John;Falkner, FrankPublisher: Dobbing, John;Falkner, Frank ©2016ISBN: 9788847016002