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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (7001-7050 of 21422):
- Infectious Disease and Host-Pathogen EvolutionAuthor: Hudson-Allez, GlynPublisher: Hudson-Allez, Glyn ©2018ISBN: 9780521820660
- Infectious Disease and National Security : Strategic Information NeedsAuthor: Cecchine, Gary;Moore, MelindaPublisher: Cecchine, Gary;Moore, Melinda ©2018ISBN: 97808330398972 Concurrent Users
- Infectious Disease and PharmacologyAuthor: William E. BenitzPublisher: William E. Benitz ©2018ISBN: 9783034804448
- Infectious Disease Clinics of North AmericaAuthor: Thomson-Salo, FrancesPublisher: Thomson-Salo, Frances ©2020ISBN: 9783034804448
- Infectious Disease EcologyAuthor: RochatPublisher: Rochat ©2020ISBN: 9783662439999
- Infectious Disease Ecology : Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on EcosystemsAuthor: Ostfeld, Richard S.;Keesing, Felicia;Eviner, Valerie T.Publisher: Ostfeld, Richard S.;Keesing, Felicia;Eviner, Valerie T. ©2018ISBN: 9780691124858
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology : Theory and PracticeAuthor: Nelson, KenradPublisher: Nelson, Kenrad ©2017ISBN: 9781449683795
- Infectious Disease in AquacultureAuthor: BergerPublisher: Berger ©2018ISBN: 9783662439999
- Infectious Disease in India, 1892-1940 : Policy-Making and the Perception of RiskAuthor: Polu, S.Publisher: Polu, S. ©2018ISBN: 97802303546091 Concurrent User
- Infectious Disease in the AgingAuthor: TradPublisher: Trad ©2016ISBN: 9781475754599
- Infectious Disease in the AgingAuthor: BosworthPublisher: Bosworth ©2016ISBN: 9781603275330
- Infectious Disease InformaticsAuthor: Rochat, PhilippePublisher: Rochat, Philippe ©2016ISBN: 9781441913265
- Infectious Disease Informatics and Biosurveillance, vol. 27Author: HumphreysPublisher: Humphreys ©2016ISBN: 9781441968913
- Infectious Disease Informatics, vol. 21Author: ChenPublisher: Chen ©2016ISBN: 97814419127701 Concurrent User
- Infectious Disease ModellingAuthor: van Schaik, Carel P.;Janson, Charles H.Publisher: van Schaik, Carel P.;Janson, Charles H. ©2020ISBN: 9781468412611
- Infectious Disease ModellingAuthor: van Schaik, Carel P.;Janson, Charles H.Publisher: van Schaik, Carel P.;Janson, Charles H. ©2020ISBN: 97814684126115 Concurrent Users
- Infectious Disease Modelling Research ProgressAuthor: Tchuenche, Jean Michel;Chiyaka, Christinah;Sowunmi, C.O.A.;Rwezaura, H.;Mtisi, E.;Bhunu, C.P.;Garira, W.;Munz, P.;Hudea, I.;Imad, J.Publisher: Tchuenche, Jean Michel;Chiyaka, Christinah;Sowunmi, C.O.A.;Rwezaura, H.;Mtisi, E.;Bhunu, C.P.;Garira, W.;Munz, P.;Hudea, I.;Imad, J. ©2018ISBN: 9781607413479Unlimited Users
- Infectious Disease Movement in a Borderless World : Workshop SummaryAuthor: Mack, Alison;Choffnes, Eileen R.;Relman, David A.Publisher: Mack, Alison;Choffnes, Eileen R.;Relman, David A. ©2018ISBN: 9780309144476Unlimited Users
- Infectious disease movement in a borderless world: workshop summaryAuthor: ScheldPublisher: Scheld ©2016ISBN: 9780781743273Unlimited Users
- Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy Self AssessmentAuthor: Eiland, Lea S.;Ginsburg, Diane B.Publisher: Eiland, Lea S.;Ginsburg, Diane B. ©2018ISBN: 9781585284924
- Infectious Disease SurveillanceAuthor: M'ikanatha, Nkuchia M.;Lynfield, Ruth;Van Beneden, Chris A.;de Valk, HenriettePublisher: M'ikanatha, Nkuchia M.;Lynfield, Ruth;Van Beneden, Chris A.;de Valk, Henriette ©2018ISBN: 9780470654675
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2016ISBN: 9781461457183
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: WelsbyPublisher: Welsby ©2016ISBN: 9789401172509
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: BrooksPublisher: Brooks ©2016ISBN: 9789401083331
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: Gorbach, Sherwood L.;Bartlett, John G.;Blacklow, Neil R.Publisher: Gorbach, Sherwood L.;Bartlett, John G.;Blacklow, Neil R. ©2018ISBN: 9780781733717
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: Fry, John;Lancaster-Smith, M.;Brooks, D.Publisher: Fry, John;Lancaster-Smith, M.;Brooks, D. ©2018ISBN: 9789401083331
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: Jonathan Cohen, William G Powderly and Steven M. OpalPublisher: Jonathan Cohen, William G Powderly and Steven M. Opal ©2016ISBN: 9781468436976
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: A. Melvin Ramsay and Ronald T. D. EmondPublisher: A. Melvin Ramsay and Ronald T. D. Emond ©2016ISBN: 9781468436976
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: Jonathan Cohen, William Powderly and Steven OpalPublisher: Jonathan Cohen, William Powderly and Steven Opal ©2017ISBN: 9781580465083
- Infectious DiseasesAuthor: Saif ul IslamPublisher: Saif ul Islam ©2023ISBN: 9789811588105Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Infectious Diseases : A Geographic GuideAuthor: Petersen, Eskild;Chen, Lin Hwei;Schlagenhauf-Lawlor, PatriciaPublisher: Petersen, Eskild;Chen, Lin Hwei;Schlagenhauf-Lawlor, Patricia ©2018ISBN: 97804706552901 Concurrent User
- Infectious Diseases : Prevention and Treatment in the Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturiesAuthor: Spink, WesleyPublisher: Spink, Wesley ©2018ISBN: 9780816608720
- Infectious Diseases A Clinical Short CourseAuthor: Southwick, Frederick S.Publisher: Southwick, Frederick S. ©2020ISBN: 9781260143652
- Infectious Diseases and ArthropodsAuthor: GoddardPublisher: Goddard ©2016ISBN: 97816032739925 Concurrent Users
- Infectious Diseases and ArthropodsAuthor: GoddardPublisher: Goddard ©2016ISBN: 9781475754612
- Infectious Diseases and Nanomedicine I, vol. 807Author: Campbell, KennethPublisher: Campbell, Kenneth ©2016ISBN: 9788132217763
- Infectious Diseases and Nanomedicine II, vol. 808Author: Routh, C. H. F.Publisher: Routh, C. H. F. ©2016ISBN: 97881322177321 Concurrent User
- Infectious Diseases and Substance AbuseAuthor: Delgado-Ramos, CarloPublisher: Delgado-Ramos, Carlo ©2016ISBN: 9780306486876
- Infectious Diseases from Nature: Mechanisms of Viral Emergence and PersistenceAuthor: Singh, Nina;Aguado, José M.Publisher: Singh, Nina;Aguado, José M. ©2016ISBN: 9783211243350
- Infectious Diseases in an Age of Change : The Impact of Human Ecology and Behavior on Disease TransmissionAuthor: Roizman, BernardPublisher: Roizman, Bernard ©2018ISBN: 9780309051361
- Infectious diseases in an age of change: the impact of human ecology and behavior on disease transmissionAuthor: Shetty, Nandini;W Tang, Julian;Andrews, JuliePublisher: Shetty, Nandini;W Tang, Julian;Andrews, Julie ©2016ISBN: 9781405135436
- Infectious Diseases in Critical CareAuthor: Hudson-Allez, GlynPublisher: Hudson-Allez, Glyn ©2016ISBN: 9783540344056
- Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and GynecologyAuthor: Sebastian, FaroPublisher: Sebastian, Faro ©2020ISBN: 9780415439480
- Infectious Diseases in PrimatesAuthor: NunnPublisher: Nunn ©2017ISBN: 97801985658572 Concurrent Users
- Infectious Diseases in Primates : Behavior, Ecology and EvolutionAuthor: Nunn, Charles;Altizer, SoniaPublisher: Nunn, Charles;Altizer, Sonia ©2018ISBN: 9780198565840
- Infectious Diseases in the Female PatientAuthor: Thomson-Salo, FrancesPublisher: Thomson-Salo, Frances ©2016ISBN: 9781461293309
- Infectious Diseases Manual, TheAuthor: Wilks, David;Farrington, Mark;Rubenstein, DavidPublisher: Wilks, David;Farrington, Mark;Rubenstein, David ©2018ISBN: 9780632064175
- Infectious Diseases NewsletterAuthor: Nelson, KenradPublisher: Nelson, Kenrad ©2020ISBN: 9781449683795
- Infectious Diseases NowAuthor: BergerPublisher: Berger ©2021ISBN: 9783662439999
- Infectious diseases of mice and ratsAuthor: Polu, S.Publisher: Polu, S. ©2016ISBN: 97802303546091 Concurrent User