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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (11851-11900 of 21422):
- Intelligence, vol. 3Author: QuPublisher: Qu ©2017ISBN: 9783642304279
- Intelligence-Based Cardiology and Cardiac SurgeryAuthor: LiPublisher: Li ©2023ISBN: 9783642396922
- Intelligence-Based MedicineAuthor: LiPublisher: Li ©2020ISBN: 97833190667691 Concurrent User
- Intelligence-Based MedicineAuthor: Anthony ChangPublisher: Anthony Chang ©2020ISBN: 97833191845481 Concurrent User
- Intelligence-Based Security in Private IndustryAuthor: Thomas A. TrierPublisher: Thomas A. Trier ©2016ISBN: 9781498722032
- Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth and ActionAuthor: Cattell, R. B.Publisher: Cattell, R. B. ©2018ISBN: 9780444879226
- Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth and Action, vol. 35Author: Erbisch, F. H.;Maredia, K. M.;Erbisch, F. H.Publisher: Erbisch, F. H.;Maredia, K. M.;Erbisch, F. H. ©2017ISBN: 9780851997391
- Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, vol. 408Author: PalfreyPublisher: Palfrey ©2016ISBN: 9783642285851
- Intelligent Adaptive Systems : An Interaction-Centered Design PerspectiveAuthor: Banbury, SimonPublisher: Banbury, Simon ©2016ISBN: 9781466517240
- Intelligent Adaptive Systems : An Interaction-Centered Design PerspectiveAuthor: Banbury, SimonPublisher: Banbury, Simon ©2020ISBN: 97814665172401 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 2413Author: DowningPublisher: Downing ©2016ISBN: 9783540440260
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 2891Author: DowningPublisher: Downing ©2016ISBN: 97835402046022 Concurrent Users
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 3371Author: RansomPublisher: Ransom ©2016ISBN: 9783540253402
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 5357Author: AlippiPublisher: Alippi ©2016ISBN: 9783540896739
- Intelligent Agents for Mobile and Virtual MediaAuthor: AlippiPublisher: Alippi ©2016ISBN: 9781447111757
- Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Applications, vol. 1437Author: Kyamakya, Kyandoghere;Bouchachia, Abdelhamid;Bouchachia, AbdelhamidPublisher: Kyamakya, Kyandoghere;Bouchachia, Abdelhamid;Bouchachia, Abdelhamid ©2016ISBN: 9783540647201
- Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Applications, vol. 1699Author: Kyamakya, Kyandoghere;Bouchachia, AbdelhamidPublisher: Kyamakya, Kyandoghere;Bouchachia, Abdelhamid ©2016ISBN: 9783540665397
- Intelligent Agents in the Evolution of Web and Applications, vol. 167Author: BouchachiaPublisher: Bouchachia ©2016ISBN: 97835408807071 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Agents VI. Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, vol. 1757Author: Magi, Trina;Garnar, Martin;Magi,;GarnarPublisher: Magi, Trina;Garnar, Martin;Magi,;Garnar ©2016ISBN: 9783540672005
- Intelligent Agents VII. Agent Theories Architectures and Languages : 7th International Workshop, ATAL 2000, Boston, MA, USA, July 7-9, 2000. ProceedingsAuthor: Castelfranchi, Cristiano;Lesperance, YvesPublisher: Castelfranchi, Cristiano;Lesperance, Yves ©2018ISBN: 9783540424222
- Intelligent Agents VIII, vol. 2333Author: MattsonPublisher: Mattson ©2016ISBN: 9783540438588
- Intelligent Agents, vol. 155Author: ResconiPublisher: Resconi ©2016ISBN: 9783642060311
- Intelligent Agents, vol. 890Author: Williams, Timothy J.Publisher: Williams, Timothy J. ©2016ISBN: 97835405885591 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Agrifood Chains and NetworksAuthor: Bourlakis, Michael A.;Vlachos, Ilias P.;Zeimpekis, VasileiosPublisher: Bourlakis, Michael A.;Vlachos, Ilias P.;Zeimpekis, Vasileios ©2018ISBN: 9781405182997
- Intelligent AlgorithmsAuthor: Huang, Han; Hao, ZhifengPublisher: Huang, Han; Hao, Zhifeng ©2024ISBN: 9783540631354
- Intelligent AlgorithmsAuthor: Huang, Han; Hao, ZhifengPublisher: Huang, Han; Hao, Zhifeng ©2024ISBN: 97835406459861 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Algorithms in Ambient and Biomedical Computing, vol. 7Author: Mark Elmslie and Simon PortmanPublisher: Mark Elmslie and Simon Portman ©2016ISBN: 97814020495381 Concurrent User
- Intelligent and Adaptive Educational-Learning Systems, vol. 17Author: Carice Anderson,Joyce RochéPublisher: Carice Anderson,Joyce Roché ©2016ISBN: 9783642301704Unlimited Users
- Intelligent and Evolutionary SystemsAuthor: Katai, Osamu;McKay, Bob;Namatame, Akira;Sarker, Ruhul A.;Zhang, Byoung-TakPublisher: Katai, Osamu;McKay, Bob;Namatame, Akira;Sarker, Ruhul A.;Zhang, Byoung-Tak ©2018ISBN: 9783540959779Unlimited Users
- Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, vol. 187Author: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Behavioral and Social Science Research to Improve Intelligence Analysis for National SecurityPublisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Behavioral and Social Science Research to Improve Intelligence Analysis for National Security ©2016ISBN: 9783540959779
- Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, vol. 5Author: Kohs, S. C.Publisher: Kohs, S. C. ©2016ISBN: 9783319269993
- Intelligent and Soft Computing in Infrastructure Systems Engineering, vol. 259Author: Rumbaugh, Duane M.;Washburn, David A.Publisher: Rumbaugh, Duane M.;Washburn, David A. ©2016ISBN: 9783642045851
- Intelligent Asset Allocator: How to Build Your Portfolio to Maximize Returns and Minimize Risk, TheAuthor: William J. BernsteinPublisher: William J. Bernstein ©2019ISBN: 9781260026641
- Intelligent Assistive Robots, vol. 106Author: HopkinsPublisher: Hopkins ©2016ISBN: 9783319129211
- Intelligent Audio AnalysisAuthor: SchullerPublisher: Schuller ©2016ISBN: 9783642368059
- Intelligent Automatic Generation ControlAuthor: Bevrani, HassanPublisher: Bevrani, Hassan ©2016ISBN: 9781439849538
- Intelligent Automatic Generation ControlAuthor: Bevrani, HassanPublisher: Bevrani, Hassan ©2020ISBN: 9781439849538
- Intelligent Automation and Computer Engineering, vol. 52Author: Gardner, Howard E.Publisher: Gardner, Howard E. ©2016ISBN: 9789048135165
- Intelligent Automation and Systems Engineering, vol. 103Author: Zhongzhi ShiPublisher: Zhongzhi Shi ©2016ISBN: 97814614037221 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Automation Simplified: Learn Enterprise Automation, AI-Led Automation, and Robotic Process Automation with Use-CasesAuthor: DEBANJANA DASGUPTAPublisher: DEBANJANA DASGUPTA ©2022ISBN: 9789391392543
- Intelligent Autonomous Systems 11 : Ias-11Author: Christensen, H. I.;Groen, F.;Petriu, E.Publisher: Christensen, H. I.;Groen, F.;Petriu, E. ©2018ISBN: 9781607506126
- Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12, vol. 194Author: Blackford, Russell;Broderick, DamienPublisher: Blackford, Russell;Broderick, Damien ©2016ISBN: 9783642339318
- Intelligent Autonomous Systems 7Author: Gini, M.;Shen, W.-M.;Torras, C.;Torras, C.;Yuasa, H.Publisher: Gini, M.;Shen, W.-M.;Torras, C.;Torras, C.;Yuasa, H. ©2018ISBN: 9781586032395
- Intelligent Autonomous Systems, vol. 275Author: LiPublisher: Li ©2016ISBN: 9783642116759
- Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 1995Author: Anthony ChangPublisher: Anthony Chang ©2016ISBN: 97833191845481 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Autonomy for Unmanned Marine Vehicles, vol. 29Author: InsaurraldePublisher: Insaurralde ©2016ISBN: 9783319187778
- Intelligent Autonomy of UAVs: Advanced Missions and Future UseAuthor: Yasmina Bestaoui SebbanePublisher: Yasmina Bestaoui Sebbane ©2019ISBN: 9781138568495
- Intelligent Behavior in Animals and RobotsAuthor: McfarlandPublisher: Mcfarland ©2019ISBN: 9780262132930
- Intelligent Biomechatronics in NeurorehabilitationAuthor: Xiaoling HuPublisher: Xiaoling Hu ©2019ISBN: 9783642285851
- Intelligent Biomedical Technologies and Applications for Healthcare 5.0Author: PalfreyPublisher: Palfrey ©2024ISBN: 9783642285851