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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (12001-12050 of 21422):
- Intelligent Decision-Making Models for Production and Retail OperationsAuthor: Guo, ZhaoxiaPublisher: Guo, Zhaoxia ©2018ISBN: 9783662526798
- Intelligent Decision-making Support SystemsAuthor: GuptaPublisher: Gupta ©2016ISBN: 97818462822871 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Diagnosis and Prognosis of Industrial Networked SystemsAuthor: Pang, Chee KhiangPublisher: Pang, Chee Khiang ©2016ISBN: 9781439839331
- Intelligent Diagnosis and Prognosis of Industrial Networked SystemsAuthor: Pang, Chee KhiangPublisher: Pang, Chee Khiang ©2020ISBN: 9781439839331
- Intelligent Diagnosis and Prognosis of Industrial Networked SystemsAuthor: Pang, Chee Khiang;Lewis, Frank L.;Lee, Tong Heng;Dong, Zhao YangPublisher: Pang, Chee Khiang;Lewis, Frank L.;Lee, Tong Heng;Dong, Zhao Yang ©2018ISBN: 9781439839331
- Intelligent Digital Oil and Gas FieldsAuthor: Gustavo Carvajal, Marko Maucec and Stan CullickPublisher: Gustavo Carvajal, Marko Maucec and Stan Cullick ©2018ISBN: 9783540430605
- Intelligent Disobedience: Doing Right When What You're Told to Do is WrongAuthor: Ira ChaleffPublisher: Ira Chaleff ©2019ISBN: 9781626564275
- Intelligent Disobedience: Doing Right When What You're Told to Do Is WrongAuthor: Ira ChaleffPublisher: Ira Chaleff ©2020ISBN: 97816826200145 Concurrent Users
- Intelligent Disobedience: The Difference between Good and Great LeadersAuthor: Bob McGannonPublisher: Bob McGannon ©2019ISBN: 9780815394679
- Intelligent Distributed Computing III, vol. 237Author: Koskinen, K.;Halme, AarnePublisher: Koskinen, K.;Halme, Aarne ©2016ISBN: 97836420321341 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Distributed Computing IV, vol. 315Author: InsaurraldePublisher: Insaurralde ©2016ISBN: 9783642152108
- Intelligent Distributed Computing V, vol. 382Author: Miguel, Jorge;Caballé, Santi;Xhafa, FatosPublisher: Miguel, Jorge;Caballé, Santi;Xhafa, Fatos ©2016ISBN: 9783642240126
- Intelligent Distributed Computing VI, vol. 446Author: McfarlandPublisher: Mcfarland ©2016ISBN: 9783642325236
- Intelligent Distributed Computing VII, vol. 511Author: PalfreyPublisher: Palfrey ©2016ISBN: 9783319015705
- Intelligent Distributed Computing VIII, vol. 570Author: Cai, Kai-Yuan;So, Albert Ting-pat;Chan, Wai LokPublisher: Cai, Kai-Yuan;So, Albert Ting-pat;Chan, Wai Lok ©2016ISBN: 97833191042182 Concurrent Users
- Intelligent Distributed Computing, Systems and Applications, vol. 162Author: Clements-Croome, DerekPublisher: Clements-Croome, Derek ©2016ISBN: 9783540852568
- Intelligent Distributed Computing, vol. 321Author: Wang, ShengweiPublisher: Wang, Shengwei ©2016ISBN: 9783319112268
- Intelligent Distributed Video Surveillance SystemsAuthor: Velastin, Sergio A.;Remagnino, PaoloPublisher: Velastin, Sergio A.;Remagnino, Paolo ©2018ISBN: 9780863415043
- Intelligent Document Retrieval, vol. 17Author: KruschwitzPublisher: Kruschwitz ©2016ISBN: 97814020376721 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Drug Development : Trials and Errors in Clinical ResearchAuthor: Tansey, MichaelPublisher: Tansey, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9780199974580
- Intelligent Edge Computing for Cyber Physical ApplicationsAuthor: D. Jude Hemanth,B. B. Gupta,Mohamed Elhoseny,Swati Vijay ShindePublisher: D. Jude Hemanth,B. B. Gupta,Mohamed Elhoseny,Swati Vijay Shinde ©2023ISBN: 9780323994125
- Intelligent Educational Machines, vol. 44Author: Williams, Timothy J.Publisher: Williams, Timothy J. ©2016ISBN: 97835404492011 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Energy Demand Forecasting, vol. 10Author: HongPublisher: Hong ©2016ISBN: 97814471496751 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Engineering Systems and Computational CyberneticsAuthor: Machado, J. A. Tenreiro;Pátkai, Béla;Rudas, Imre J.;Pátkai, BélaPublisher: Machado, J. A. Tenreiro;Pátkai, Béla;Rudas, Imre J.;Pátkai, Béla ©2018ISBN: 97814020867791 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Engineering Systems and Computational CyberneticsAuthor: ClaxtonPublisher: Claxton ©2016ISBN: 9781402086779Unlimited Users
- Intelligent Environmental Data Monitoring for Pollution ManagementAuthor: Jan Platos, Naba Kumar Mondal, Pavel Kromer, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya and Vaclav SnaselPublisher: Jan Platos, Naba Kumar Mondal, Pavel Kromer, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya and Vaclav Snasel ©2020ISBN: 9783540768289Unlimited Users
- Intelligent Environmental Sensing, vol. 13Author: Köppen, Mario;Schaefer, Gerald;Abraham, AjithPublisher: Köppen, Mario;Schaefer, Gerald;Abraham, Ajith ©2016ISBN: 9783319128917Unlimited Users
- Intelligent EnvironmentsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Behavioral and Social Science Research to Improve Intelligence Analysis for National SecurityPublisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Behavioral and Social Science Research to Improve Intelligence Analysis for National Security ©2023ISBN: 9783642212703
- Intelligent EnvironmentsAuthor: Czarnowski, Ireneusz;Howlett, Robert J.;Jain, Lakhmi C.Publisher: Czarnowski, Ireneusz;Howlett, Robert J.;Jain, Lakhmi C. ©2017ISBN: 9783319594231Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Intelligent EnvironmentsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Behavioral and Social Science Research to Improve Intelligence Analysis for National SecurityPublisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Behavioral and Social Science Research to Improve Intelligence Analysis for National Security ©2016ISBN: 9781848003453
- Intelligent EnvironmentsAuthor: Kohs, S. C.Publisher: Kohs, S. C. ©2023ISBN: 9783642212703
- Intelligent Evolutionary OptimizationAuthor: Xu, Hua; Yuan, YuanPublisher: Xu, Hua; Yuan, Yuan ©2024ISBN: 9781614992639
- Intelligent Exploration of the Web, vol. 111Author: Czarnowski, Ireneusz;Howlett, Robert J.;Jain, Lakhmi C.Publisher: Czarnowski, Ireneusz;Howlett, Robert J.;Jain, Lakhmi C. ©2016ISBN: 9783790825190
- Intelligent Fashion Forecasting Systems: Models and ApplicationsAuthor: Neves-Silva, Rui;Jain, Lakhmi C.;Howlett, Robert J.Publisher: Neves-Silva, Rui;Jain, Lakhmi C.;Howlett, Robert J. ©2016ISBN: 9783642398681
- Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rotating MachineryAuthor: Yaguo LeiPublisher: Yaguo Lei ©2017ISBN: 9783642221934
- Intelligent Financial Portfolio Composition based on Evolutionary Computation StrategiesAuthor: GorgulhoPublisher: Gorgulho ©2016ISBN: 9783642329883
- Intelligent Fractal-Based Image AnalysisAuthor: HangosPublisher: Hangos ©2024ISBN: 9783319198569
- Intelligent Fractional Order Systems and Control, vol. 438Author: PanPublisher: Pan ©2016ISBN: 9783642315480
- Intelligent Freeway Transportation SystemsAuthor: GordonPublisher: Gordon ©2016ISBN: 9781441907325
- Intelligent Freight TransportationAuthor: Ioannou, Petros A.Publisher: Ioannou, Petros A. ©2018ISBN: 9780849307706
- Intelligent GeoengineeringAuthor: Gustavo Carvajal, Marko Maucec and Stan CullickPublisher: Gustavo Carvajal, Marko Maucec and Stan Cullick ©2024ISBN: 9783540430605Unlimited Users
- Intelligent GeoengineeringAuthor: Gustavo Carvajal, Marko Maucec and Stan CullickPublisher: Gustavo Carvajal, Marko Maucec and Stan Cullick ©2024ISBN: 9783540430605
- Intelligent Giving : Insights and Strategies for Higher Education DonorsAuthor: Caulkins, Jonathan P.;Cole, Jay;Hardoby, MelissaPublisher: Caulkins, Jonathan P.;Cole, Jay;Hardoby, Melissa ©2018ISBN: 97808330313415 Concurrent Users
- Intelligent Help Systems for UNIXAuthor: Ira ChaleffPublisher: Ira Chaleff ©2016ISBN: 9789401037907
- Intelligent human-machine collaboration : summary of a workshopAuthor: Bob McGannonPublisher: Bob McGannon ©2016ISBN: 9780815394679
- Intelligent Hybrid SystemsAuthor: Papadopoulos, George Angelos;Badica, CostinPublisher: Papadopoulos, George Angelos;Badica, Costin ©2016ISBN: 9781461378389
- Intelligent Hybrid Systems : Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Genetic AlgorithmsAuthor: Ruan, DaPublisher: Ruan, Da ©2018ISBN: 9781461378389
- Intelligent Hydrogels, vol. 140Author: Chen, RanPublisher: Chen, Ran ©2016ISBN: 97833190168251 Concurrent User
- Intelligent Hypertext, vol. 1326Author: Gini, M.;Shen, W.-M.;Torras, C.;Torras, C.;Yuasa, H.Publisher: Gini, M.;Shen, W.-M.;Torras, C.;Torras, C.;Yuasa, H. ©2016ISBN: 9783540636373
- Intelligent Image and Video CompressionAuthor: David Bull andFan ZhangPublisher: David Bull andFan Zhang ©2021ISBN: 9783642152108