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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (4201-4250 of 21422):
- Improving Hospital Care for Persons with DementiaAuthor: Silverstein, Nina M.;Maslow, KatiePublisher: Silverstein, Nina M.;Maslow, Katie ©2018ISBN: 9780826139153Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Improving How Universities Teach ScienceAuthor: WiemanPublisher: Wieman ©2020ISBN: 9780309034777
- Improving Import Food SafetyAuthor: Ellefson, Wayne;Zach, Lorna;Sullivan, DarrylPublisher: Ellefson, Wayne;Zach, Lorna;Sullivan, Darryl ©2018ISBN: 9780813808772
- Improving Indicators of the Quality of Science and Mathematics Education in Grades K-12Author: Droste-FrankePublisher: Droste-Franke ©2018ISBN: 9780309037402
- Improving indicators of the quality of science and mathematics education in grades K-12Author: Droste-FrankePublisher: Droste-Franke ©2016ISBN: 9783319113456
- Improving information for social policy decisions: the uses of microsimulation modelingAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel to Evaluate Microsimulation Models for Social Welfare Programs.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel to Evaluate Microsimulation Models for Social Welfare Programs. ©2016ISBN: 9780309034777
- Improving Infrared-Based Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms Using Multi-Spectral Satellite ImageryAuthor: NasrollahiPublisher: Nasrollahi ©2016ISBN: 9783319120805
- Improving Instructional Practice : Resolving Issues in Leadership Through Case StudiesAuthor: Hozien, WafaPublisher: Hozien, Wafa ©2018ISBN: 9781475836448
- Improving Interactions Between Coastal Science and Policy : Proceedings of the California SymposiumAuthor: Committee on the Coastal Ocean;Ocean Studies Board;National Research CouncilPublisher: Committee on the Coastal Ocean;Ocean Studies Board;National Research Council ©2018ISBN: 9781447141617
- Improving Interactions Between Coastal Science and Policy : Proceedings of the Gulf of Maine SymposiumAuthor: Committee on Science and Policy for the Coastal OceanPublisher: Committee on Science and Policy for the Coastal Ocean ©2018ISBN: 97897156184341 Concurrent User
- Improving interactions between coastal science and policy: proceedings of the California Symposium, NAS Beckman Center, Irvine, California, November 11-13, 1992.Author: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Engineering Design Theory and Methodology.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Engineering Design Theory and Methodology. ©2016ISBN: 9780309086141
- Improving interactions between coastal science and policy: proceedings of the Gulf of Maine Symposium, Kennebunkport, Maine, November 1-3, 1994.Author: Gulf of Maine Symposium (1994 : Kennebunkport, Me.)Publisher: Gulf of Maine Symposium (1994 : Kennebunkport, Me.) ©2016ISBN: 9780309086141
- Improving intergroup relations among youth: summary of a research workshopAuthor: Corstius, H. B.Publisher: Corstius, H. B. ©2016ISBN: 9781461488231
- Improving Learning EnvironmentsAuthor: Ahmad, Parvaiz;Wani, Mohd Rafiq;Azooz, Mohamed Mahgoub;Tran, Lam-Son PhanPublisher: Ahmad, Parvaiz;Wani, Mohd Rafiq;Azooz, Mohamed Mahgoub;Tran, Lam-Son Phan ©2021ISBN: 97814614882935 Concurrent Users
- Improving Learning Environments : School Discipline and Student Achievement in Comparative PerspectiveAuthor: Arum, Richard;Velez, MelissaPublisher: Arum, Richard;Velez, Melissa ©2018ISBN: 9780804778039
- Improving Learning in College : Rethinking Literacies Across the CurriculumAuthor: Ivanic, Roz;Edwards, Richard;Barton, David;Martin-Jones, Marilyn;Fowler, Zoe;Hughes, Buddug;Mannion, Greg;Miller, Kate;Satchwell, Candice;Smith, JunePublisher: Ivanic, Roz;Edwards, Richard;Barton, David;Martin-Jones, Marilyn;Fowler, Zoe;Hughes, Buddug;Mannion, Greg;Miller, Kate;Satchwell, Candice;Smith, June ©2018ISBN: 9780415469111
- Improving Learning In Uganda, Volume 2 : Problematic Curriculum Areas and Teacher Effectiveness: Insights from National AssessmentsAuthor: Najjumba, Innocent Mulindwa;Marshall, Jeffery H.;Najjumba, Innocent MulindwaPublisher: Najjumba, Innocent Mulindwa;Marshall, Jeffery H.;Najjumba, Innocent Mulindwa ©2018ISBN: 9780821398500
- Improving Learning In Uganda, Volume 3 : School-Based Management: Policy and FunctionalityAuthor: Najjumba, Innocent Mulindwa;Habyarimana, James;Bunjo, Charles LwangaPublisher: Najjumba, Innocent Mulindwa;Habyarimana, James;Bunjo, Charles Lwanga ©2018ISBN: 97808213984701 Concurrent User
- Improving Learning In Uganda, Volume I : Community-Led School Feeding Practices and issues for ConsiderationAuthor: Najjumba, Innocent;Bunjo, Charles;Kyaddondo, David;Misinde, CyprianPublisher: Najjumba, Innocent;Bunjo, Charles;Kyaddondo, David;Misinde, Cyprian ©2018ISBN: 97808213974351 Concurrent User
- Improving Learning Through the Lifecourse : Learning LivesAuthor: Biesta, Gert;Field, John;Hodkinson, Phil;Macleod, Flora J.;Goodson, Ivor F.Publisher: Biesta, Gert;Field, John;Hodkinson, Phil;Macleod, Flora J.;Goodson, Ivor F. ©2018ISBN: 9780415573726
- Improving Learning with Information Technology : Report of a WorkshopAuthor: Pritchard, Gail E.Publisher: Pritchard, Gail E. ©2018ISBN: 9780309084130
- Improving learning: with information technology : report of a workshopAuthor: Olson, Steve;Beachy, Sarah H.;Johnson, Samuel G.;Berger, Adam C.Publisher: Olson, Steve;Beachy, Sarah H.;Johnson, Samuel G.;Berger, Adam C. ©2016ISBN: 9780309316057
- Improving Library Services to People with DisabilitiesAuthor: KellerPublisher: Keller ©2017ISBN: 9783319096070
- Improving Literacy at KS2 and KS3Author: Goodwyn, AndrewPublisher: Goodwyn, Andrew ©2018ISBN: 9780761947233
- Improving Literacy by Teaching MorphemesAuthor: Nunes, Terezinha;Bryant, PeterPublisher: Nunes, Terezinha;Bryant, Peter ©2018ISBN: 9780415383127
- Improving Literacy in AmericaAuthor: MorrisonPublisher: Morrison ©2020ISBN: 97803090553451 Concurrent User
- Improving Literacy in America : Guidelines from ResearchAuthor: Morrison, Frederick J.;Bachman, Heather J.;Connor, Carol McDonaldPublisher: Morrison, Frederick J.;Bachman, Heather J.;Connor, Carol McDonald ©2018ISBN: 97803001064592 Concurrent Users
- Improving Machinery Reliability, vol. 1Author: Wunderlich, Gooloo S.Publisher: Wunderlich, Gooloo S. ©2016ISBN: 9780309159760
- Improving Managerial Talent: Practical Psychology for Human Resourcing and Learning and Development ProfessionalsAuthor: Hugh McCrediePublisher: Hugh McCredie ©2019ISBN: 9781138559202
- Improving Mathematics and Science Education : A Longitudinal Investigation of the Relationship Between Reform-Oriented Instruction and Student AchievementAuthor: Le, Vi-Nhuan;Stecher, Brian M.;Lockwood, J. R.Publisher: Le, Vi-Nhuan;Stecher, Brian M.;Lockwood, J. R. ©2018ISBN: 9780833039644
- Improving Mathematics Education : Resources for Decision MakingAuthor: Burrill, Gail;Leinwand, StevePublisher: Burrill, Gail;Leinwand, Steve ©2018ISBN: 9780309083003
- Improving mathematics education: resources for decision makingAuthor: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Using Performance Monitoring to Improve Community Health.Publisher: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Using Performance Monitoring to Improve Community Health. ©2016ISBN: 9781421418865
- Improving measurement of productivity in higher educationAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Measuring Higher Education Productivity, Conceptual Framework and Data Needs.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Measuring Higher Education Productivity, Conceptual Framework and Data Needs. ©2016ISBN: 97803092188321 Concurrent User
- Improving Measurement of Productivity in Higher EducationAuthor: Sinha, Esha;Massy, William F.;Mackie, Christopher;Sullivan, Teresa A.Publisher: Sinha, Esha;Massy, William F.;Mackie, Christopher;Sullivan, Teresa A. ©2018ISBN: 9780309257749
- Improving Measures of Science, Technology, and Innovation : Interim ReportAuthor: Fealing, Kaye Husbands;Wyckoff, Andrew W.;Litan, Robert E.Publisher: Fealing, Kaye Husbands;Wyckoff, Andrew W.;Litan, Robert E. ©2018ISBN: 9780309253895
- Improving Medical Education : Enhancing the Behavioral and Social Science Content of Medical School CurriculaAuthor: Vanselow, Neal;Cuff, Patricia A.Publisher: Vanselow, Neal;Cuff, Patricia A. ©2018ISBN: 97803090914281 Concurrent User
- Improving medical education: enhancing the behavioral and social science content of medical school curriculaAuthor: Peters, David H.;El-Saharty, Sameh;Siadat, Banafsheh;Janovsky, Katja;Vujicic, MarkoPublisher: Peters, David H.;El-Saharty, Sameh;Siadat, Banafsheh;Janovsky, Katja;Vujicic, Marko ©2016ISBN: 9780821378885
- Improving Medical Outcomes : The Psychology of Doctor-Patient VisitsAuthor: Leavitt, Jessica;Leavitt, FredPublisher: Leavitt, Jessica;Leavitt, Fred ©2018ISBN: 97814422030375 Concurrent Users
- Improving Medication Adherence: How to Talk with Patients About Their MedicationsAuthor: Bendaly, Leslie;Bendaly, NicolePublisher: Bendaly, Leslie;Bendaly, Nicole ©2016ISBN: 9780781796224Unlimited Users
- Improving Mental Health Care : The Global ChallengeAuthor: Thornicroft, Graham;Ruggeri, Mirella;Goldberg, DavidPublisher: Thornicroft, Graham;Ruggeri, Mirella;Goldberg, David ©2018ISBN: 9781118337974
- Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management in India : A Sourcebook for Policymakers and PractitionersAuthor: Zhu, Da;Asnani, P. U.;Zurbrugg, ChristianPublisher: Zhu, Da;Asnani, P. U.;Zurbrugg, Christian ©2018ISBN: 9780821373613Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Improving Natural Resource Management : Ecological and Political ModelsAuthor: Haas, Timothy C.Publisher: Haas, Timothy C. ©2018ISBN: 9780470661130
- Improving New Product Development Performance and PracticesAuthor: American Productivity & Quality CenterPublisher: American Productivity & Quality Center ©2019ISBN: 9781928593775
- Improving Nursing Home Care of the Dying : A Training Manual for Nursing Home StaffAuthor: Henderson, Martha L.;Hanson, Laura C.;Reynolds, Kimberly S.Publisher: Henderson, Martha L.;Hanson, Laura C.;Reynolds, Kimberly S. ©2018ISBN: 9780826119254
- Improving Operations and Long-Term Safety of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant : Final ReportAuthor: Droste-FrankePublisher: Droste-Franke ©2018ISBN: 9780309073448
- Improving Operations and Long-Term Safety of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant : Interim ReportAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel to Evaluate Microsimulation Models for Social Welfare Programs.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel to Evaluate Microsimulation Models for Social Welfare Programs. ©2018ISBN: 9780309069281
- Improving operations and long-term safety of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: final reportAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. ©2016ISBN: 9783319120805
- Improving operations and long-term safety of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: interim reportAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. ©2016ISBN: 9783319120805
- Improving Oral Health for the Elderly : An Interdisciplinary ApproachAuthor: Lamster, Ira B.;Takamura, J. C.;Northridge, Mary E.Publisher: Lamster, Ira B.;Takamura, J. C.;Northridge, Mary E. ©2016ISBN: 97803877433631 Concurrent User
- Improving Outcomes for Breast Cancer Survivors, vol. 862Author: Gulf of Maine Symposium (1994 : Kennebunkport, Me.)Publisher: Gulf of Maine Symposium (1994 : Kennebunkport, Me.) ©2016ISBN: 9783319163659