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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (4301-4350 of 21422):
- Improving Schooling for Language-Minority Children : A Research AgendaAuthor: Hakuta, Kenji;August, DianePublisher: Hakuta, Kenji;August, Diane ©2018ISBN: 9780309054973
- Improving schooling for language-minority children: a research agendaAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Developing a Research Agenda on the Education of Limited-English-Proficient and Bilingual Students.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Developing a Research Agenda on the Education of Limited-English-Proficient and Bilingual Students. ©2016ISBN: 9780821398500
- Improving Schools and Governing Bodies : Making a DifferenceAuthor: Creese, Michael;Earley, PeterPublisher: Creese, Michael;Earley, Peter ©2018ISBN: 9780415205108
- Improving Schools and Inspection : The Self-Inspecting SchoolAuthor: Ferguson, Neil;Earley, Peter;Fidler, Brian;Ouston, JanetPublisher: Ferguson, Neil;Earley, Peter;Fidler, Brian;Ouston, Janet ©2018ISBN: 97807619672621 Concurrent User
- Improving Schools Through Teacher LeadershipAuthor: Harris, Alma;Muijs, DanielPublisher: Harris, Alma;Muijs, Daniel ©2018ISBN: 97803352088211 Concurrent User
- Improving Schools: Studies in Leadership and CultureAuthor: Wayne K. Hoy,Michael DiPaola (eds)Publisher: Wayne K. Hoy,Michael DiPaola (eds) ©2020ISBN: 9781593119126
- Improving Seafood Products for the ConsumerAuthor: Grol, Richard;Wensing, Michel;Eccles, Martin;Davis, DavidPublisher: Grol, Richard;Wensing, Michel;Eccles, Martin;Davis, David ©2017ISBN: 9780470673386
- Improving Seafood Products for the ConsumerAuthor: Børresen, TorgerPublisher: Børresen, Torger ©2018ISBN: 9781845690199
- Improving Secondary Science TeachingAuthor: Parkinson, JohnPublisher: Parkinson, John ©2018ISBN: 9780415250450
- Improving self-escape from underground coal minesAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Mine Safety, Essential Components of Self-EscapePublisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Mine Safety, Essential Components of Self-Escape ©2016ISBN: 9780195399097
- Improving Self-Escape from Underground Coal MinesAuthor: KellerPublisher: Keller ©2018ISBN: 9780309282765
- Improving Self-Regulated Learning with Self-Management Tool: An Emprical StudyAuthor: Ng, Melissa Lee Yen AbdullahPublisher: Ng, Melissa Lee Yen Abdullah ©2018ISBN: 9789838614368
- Improving social science in the former Soviet Union: the U.S. roleAuthor: Wells, AlisonPublisher: Wells, Alison ©2016ISBN: 9781905539062
- Improving Societal Resilience to DisastersAuthor: AtunPublisher: Atun ©2016ISBN: 9783319046532
- Improving Software TestingAuthor: MajchrzakPublisher: Majchrzak ©2016ISBN: 9783642274633
- Improving Soil Fertility Recommendations in Africa using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology TransferAuthor: Burrill, Gail;Leinwand, StevePublisher: Burrill, Gail;Leinwand, Steve ©2016ISBN: 9789400729599
- Improving Stability in Developing Nations through Automation 2006Author: Winter, Jan;Andrews, Jane;Greenhough, Pamela;Hughes, Martin;Salway, Leida;Yee, Wan ChingPublisher: Winter, Jan;Andrews, Jane;Greenhough, Pamela;Hughes, Martin;Salway, Leida;Yee, Wan Ching ©2016ISBN: 9780415363938
- Improving Stability in Developing Nations Through Automation 2006Author: Kopacek, PeterPublisher: Kopacek, Peter ©2018ISBN: 97800804540611 Concurrent User
- Improving state voter registration databases: final reportAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on State Voter Registration Databases.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on State Voter Registration Databases. ©2016ISBN: 9780309257749
- Improving Stress Resilience in PlantsAuthor: Knox, Alan B.Publisher: Knox, Alan B. ©2023ISBN: 9781620363638
- Improving Student Achievement : What State NAEP Test Scores Tell UsAuthor: Grissmer, David W.;Wilson, Peter A.;Mussington, B. DavidPublisher: Grissmer, David W.;Wilson, Peter A.;Mussington, B. David ©2018ISBN: 9780833025616
- Improving Student Information SearchAuthor: Barbara Blummer and Jeffrey M. KentonPublisher: Barbara Blummer and Jeffrey M. Kenton ©2016ISBN: 97814302630741 Concurrent User
- Improving Student Learning : A Strategic Plan for Education Research and Its UtilizationAuthor: Hillis, David R.;DuVall, J. BarryPublisher: Hillis, David R.;DuVall, J. Barry ©2018ISBN: 9780309064897
- Improving Student Learning in Mathematics and Science : The Role of National Standards in State PolicyAuthor: Leavitt, Jessica;Leavitt, FredPublisher: Leavitt, Jessica;Leavitt, Fred ©2018ISBN: 97803090588895 Concurrent Users
- Improving student learning in mathematics and science: the role of national standards in state policyAuthor: Burrill, Gail.Publisher: Burrill, Gail. ©2016ISBN: 97815579808091 Concurrent User
- Improving Student Learning One Principal at a TimeAuthor: Pollock, Jane E.;Ford, Sharon M.Publisher: Pollock, Jane E.;Ford, Sharon M. ©2018ISBN: 9781416607687Unlimited Users
- Improving Student Learning One Teacher at a TimeAuthor: Pollock, Jane E.Publisher: Pollock, Jane E. ©2018ISBN: 9781416605201Unlimited Users
- Improving student learning: a strategic plan for education research and its utilizationAuthor: Thornicroft, Graham;Ruggeri, Mirella;Goldberg, DavidPublisher: Thornicroft, Graham;Ruggeri, Mirella;Goldberg, David ©2016ISBN: 9781402095269Unlimited Users
- Improving Student Retention in Higher Education : The Role of Teaching and LearningAuthor: Crosling, Glenda;Thomas, Liz;Heagney, MargaretPublisher: Crosling, Glenda;Thomas, Liz;Heagney, Margaret ©2018ISBN: 9780415399203
- Improving Students´ Learning OutcomesAuthor: Nygaard, Claus;Holtham, Clive;Courtney, NigelPublisher: Nygaard, Claus;Holtham, Clive;Courtney, Nigel ©2018ISBN: 9788763002325
- Improving Succession Plans: Harnessing the Power of Learning and DevelopmentAuthor: American Society for Training and DevelopmentPublisher: American Society for Training and Development ©2019ISBN: 9781562867393
- Improving surface transportation security: a research and development strategyAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on R & D Strategies to Improve Surface Transportation Security.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on R & D Strategies to Improve Surface Transportation Security. ©2016ISBN: 9780309090940Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Improving Sustainability During Hospital Design and OperationAuthor: American Productivity & Quality CenterPublisher: American Productivity & Quality Center ©2016ISBN: 9783319140353
- Improving Sustainable Viticulture and Winemaking PracticesAuthor: Henderson, Martha L.;Hanson, Laura C.;Reynolds, Kimberly S.Publisher: Henderson, Martha L.;Hanson, Laura C.;Reynolds, Kimberly S. ©2022ISBN: 9783319147345
- Improving Teacher Education Practice Through Self-StudyAuthor: Loughran, John;Russell, TomPublisher: Loughran, John;Russell, Tom ©2018ISBN: 9780415276702
- Improving Teacher Preparation and Credentialing Consistent with the National Science Education Standards : Report of a SymposiumAuthor: National Research Council;Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education;Teacher Advisory Council;Board on Science Education;Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education;National Academy of SciencesPublisher: National Research Council;Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education;Teacher Advisory Council;Board on Science Education;Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education;National Academy of Sciences ©2018ISBN: 9780309056922
- Improving teacher preparation and credentialing consistent with the National Science Education Standards: report of a symposiumAuthor: Cox, Jr.Publisher: Cox, Jr. ©2016ISBN: 9781461460572
- Improving Teacher Quality : Using the Teacher Work Sample to Make Evidence-Based DecisionsAuthor: Henning, John;Kohler, Frank;Robinson, Victoria;Wilson, BarryPublisher: Henning, John;Kohler, Frank;Robinson, Victoria;Wilson, Barry ©2018ISBN: 9781607091844
- Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: a Whole Institution ApproachAuthor: D'Andrea, Vaneeta;Gosling, DavidPublisher: D'Andrea, Vaneeta;Gosling, David ©2018ISBN: 9780335210688
- Improving Teaching and Learning in the HumanitiesAuthor: Ashley, MartinPublisher: Ashley, Martin ©2018ISBN: 9780750708012
- Improving Test Scores in Five Easy Steps : The Silver BulletAuthor: Quinn, Gary W.Publisher: Quinn, Gary W. ©2018ISBN: 97816070950401 Concurrent User
- Improving the accuracy of early cost estimates for federal construction projectsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Engineering Design Theory and Methodology.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Engineering Design Theory and Methodology. ©2016ISBN: 9783319163659
- Improving the assessment of the proliferation risk of nuclear fuel cyclesAuthor: Blyth, Eric;Milner, JudithPublisher: Blyth, Eric;Milner, Judith ©2016ISBN: 9780415178716
- Improving the Characterization and Treatment of Radioactive Wastes for the Department of Energy's Accelerated Site Cleanup ProgramAuthor: Hamilton, Laura S.;Engberg, John;Steiner, Elizabeth D.;Nelson, Catherine Awsumb;Yuan, KunPublisher: Hamilton, Laura S.;Engberg, John;Steiner, Elizabeth D.;Nelson, Catherine Awsumb;Yuan, Kun ©2018ISBN: 9780309092999
- Improving the characterization program for contact-handled transuranic waste bound for the waste isolation pilot plantAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Optimizing the Characterization and Transportation of Transuranic Waste Destined for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Optimizing the Characterization and Transportation of Transuranic Waste Destined for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. ©2018ISBN: 9780821398500
- Improving the collection, management, and use of marine fisheries dataAuthor: Creese, Michael;Earley, PeterPublisher: Creese, Michael;Earley, Peter ©2016ISBN: 9780415205108
- Improving the Continued Airworthiness of Civil Aircraft : A Strategy for the FAA's Aircraft Certification ServiceAuthor: Ferguson, Neil;Earley, Peter;Fidler, Brian;Ouston, JanetPublisher: Ferguson, Neil;Earley, Peter;Fidler, Brian;Ouston, Janet ©2018ISBN: 97803090618581 Concurrent User
- Improving the continued airworthiness of civil aircraft: a strategy for the FAA's aircraft certification serviceAuthor: Harris, Alma;Muijs, DanielPublisher: Harris, Alma;Muijs, Daniel ©2016ISBN: 97803352088211 Concurrent User
- Improving the decision making abilities of small unit leadersAuthor: Børresen, TorgerPublisher: Børresen, Torger ©2016ISBN: 9781845690199
- Improving the Design of the Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data SystemAuthor: Parkinson, JohnPublisher: Parkinson, John ©2018ISBN: 9780309087117