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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (4551-4600 of 21422):
- In Case of Fire in a Foreign LandAuthor: DorfmanPublisher: Dorfman ©2021ISBN: 97835407275901 Concurrent User
- In Case of Fire in a Foreign LandAuthor: DorfmanPublisher: Dorfman ©2021ISBN: 9780822329510
- In Celebration Of K C HinesAuthor: Bruce H J Mckellar;Ken AmosPublisher: Bruce H J Mckellar;Ken Amos ©2018ISBN: 9789814293655
- In China's ShadowAuthor: ReiserPublisher: Reiser ©2020ISBN: 97804707403471 Concurrent User
- In China's WakeAuthor: JepsonPublisher: Jepson ©2021ISBN: 9780231547598
- In Chocolate We TrustAuthor: KuriePublisher: Kurie ©2020ISBN: 97808122498731 Concurrent User
- In Command of FranceAuthor: YoungPublisher: Young ©2020ISBN: 9780674434905
- In Command of Guardians: Executive Servant Leadership for the Community of RespondersAuthor: Eric J. RussellPublisher: Eric J. Russell ©2019ISBN: 9783319472287
- In Common ThingsAuthor: RowneyPublisher: Rowney ©2022ISBN: 9780738440033
- In ConfidenceAuthor: GoldfarbPublisher: Goldfarb ©2020ISBN: 9780470721964
- In Control at 50+: How to Succeed in the New World of Work, 1st EditionAuthor: Kerry HannonPublisher: Kerry Hannon ©2022ISBN: 9781264266593
- In Conversation With Andy Kirk on Visualizing DataAuthor: KirkPublisher: Kirk ©2021ISBN: 9781607413318
- In Critical ConditionAuthor: FodorPublisher: Fodor ©2021ISBN: 97802620619881 Concurrent User
- In Dante's WakeAuthor: FrecceroPublisher: Freccero ©2021ISBN: 9780823264285
- In DarfurAuthor: al-TūnisīPublisher: al-Tūnisī ©2020ISBN: 97814798763891 Concurrent User
- In DarfurAuthor: al-TūnisīPublisher: al-Tūnisī ©2020ISBN: 97814798678445 Concurrent Users
- In DarfurAuthor: al-TūnisīPublisher: al-Tūnisī ©2021ISBN: 9780262090353
- In Darkest AlaskaAuthor: CampbellPublisher: Campbell ©2020ISBN: 9781559633239
- In Darkness and SecrecyAuthor: Lassiter, George H.Publisher: Lassiter, George H. ©2021ISBN: 97808223333331 Concurrent User
- In Death's Waiting Room : Living and Dying with Dementia in a Multicultural SocietyAuthor: The, Anne-MeiPublisher: The, Anne-Mei ©2018ISBN: 9789053560778Unlimited Users
- In Deeper WatersAuthor: ChavePublisher: Chave ©2023ISBN: 9780299192341Unlimited Users
- In Defence of Canada Volume IAuthor: EayrsPublisher: Eayrs ©2020ISBN: 9780071847629
- In Defence of Canada Volume IIAuthor: EayrsPublisher: Eayrs ©2020ISBN: 9780309058889
- In Defence of Canada Volume IIIAuthor: EayrsPublisher: Eayrs ©2020ISBN: 9780309087223
- In Defence of Open-MindednessAuthor: Hare, WilliamPublisher: Hare, William ©2018ISBN: 9780773505810Unlimited Users
- In Defence of Religious Schools and CollegesAuthor: Thiessen, Elmer JohnPublisher: Thiessen, Elmer John ©2018ISBN: 9780773521773
- In Defence of ScienceAuthor: GrovePublisher: Grove ©2020ISBN: 9781562862848
- In Defence of Science : Science, Technology, and Politics in Modern SocietyAuthor: Grove, JackPublisher: Grove, Jack ©2018ISBN: 9780802067203
- In Defence of TheatreAuthor: Pawitan, YudiPublisher: Pawitan, Yudi ©2020ISBN: 9780199671229
- In Defense of a Political CourtAuthor: PerettiPublisher: Peretti ©2020ISBN: 9780691007182
- In Defense of a Political CourtAuthor: PerettiPublisher: Peretti ©2020ISBN: 9781468417784Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- In Defense of American Higher EducationAuthor: Altbach, Philip G.;Gumport, Patricia J.;Johnstone, D. BrucePublisher: Altbach, Philip G.;Gumport, Patricia J.;Johnstone, D. Bruce ©2018ISBN: 9780801866555
- In Defense of an Evolutionary Concept of Health : Nature, Norms, and Human BiologyAuthor: Ananth, Mahesh;Chadwick, Ruth;Davis, Michael;Lamb, DavidPublisher: Ananth, Mahesh;Chadwick, Ruth;Davis, Michael;Lamb, David ©2018ISBN: 9780754658528
- In Defense of AnarchismAuthor: WolffPublisher: Wolff ©2021ISBN: 9780521898706
- In Defense of CharismaAuthor: LloydPublisher: Lloyd ©2020ISBN: 9781853029905
- In Defense of Christian HungaryAuthor: HanebrinkPublisher: Hanebrink ©2020ISBN: 9783050041681
- In Defense of Deflation, vol. 41Author: BagusPublisher: Bagus ©2016ISBN: 9783319134277
- In Defense of DisciplinesAuthor: JacobsPublisher: Jacobs ©2020ISBN: 97837643878531 Concurrent User
- In Defense of Disciplines : Interdisciplinarity and Specialization in the Research UniversityAuthor: Jacobs, Jerry A.Publisher: Jacobs, Jerry A. ©2018ISBN: 9780226069296
- In Defense of Dolphins : The New Moral FrontierAuthor: White, Thomas I.Publisher: White, Thomas I. ©2018ISBN: 9781405157797
- In Defense of HonorAuthor: CaulfieldPublisher: Caulfield ©2021ISBN: 9780822323778
- In Defense of HonorAuthor: CaulfieldPublisher: Caulfield ©2021ISBN: 97807658075261 Concurrent User
- In defense of human consciousnessAuthor: Rychlak, Joseph F.Publisher: Rychlak, Joseph F. ©2017ISBN: 9781557984210
- In Defense of JapanAuthor: PekkanenPublisher: Pekkanen ©2021ISBN: 9780765807526
- In Defense of Japan : From the Market to the Military in Space PolicyAuthor: Pekkanen, Saadia;Kallender-Umezu, PaulPublisher: Pekkanen, Saadia;Kallender-Umezu, Paul ©2018ISBN: 97808047006341 Concurrent User
- In Defense of Liberal Democracy: What We Need to Do to Heal a Divided AmericaAuthor: Manuel HindsPublisher: Manuel Hinds ©2021ISBN: 9781696605656
- In defense of mothers: How to bring up children in spite of the more zealous psychologistsAuthor: Kanner, LeoPublisher: Kanner, Leo ©2017ISBN: 9781559633239
- In Defense of NatureAuthor: Hay, JohnPublisher: Hay, John ©2018ISBN: 97815872960795 Concurrent Users
- In Defense of PlatoAuthor: LevinsonPublisher: Levinson ©2021ISBN: 9780674181113
- In Defense of PopulismAuthor: CritchlowPublisher: Critchlow ©2021ISBN: 9780309100441