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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (4701-4750 of 21422):
- In Memoriam Paul-André Meyer - Séminaire de Probabilités XXXIX, vol. 1874Author: LovinkPublisher: Lovink ©2016ISBN: 9783540309949
- In Memory Data Management and Analysis, vol. 8921Author: SchittichPublisher: Schittich ©2016ISBN: 9783319139593
- In Memory Of Akira Tonomura: Physicist And Electron MicroscopistAuthor: Kazuo Fujikawa;Yoshimasa A OnoPublisher: Kazuo Fujikawa;Yoshimasa A Ono ©2018ISBN: 9789814472883
- In Memory Of D Allan Bromley -- Nuclear Scientist And Policy Innovator - Proceedings Of The Memorial SymposiumAuthor: Paul A Fleury;Francesco IachelloPublisher: Paul A Fleury;Francesco Iachello ©2018ISBN: 9789812568113
- In Memory of H. L. Meerwein, vol. 80Author: Bruce H J Mckellar;Ken AmosPublisher: Bruce H J Mckellar;Ken Amos ©2016ISBN: 9783540093091
- In Memory of Jacques DerridaAuthor: RoylePublisher: Royle ©2022ISBN: 9780309100441
- In Memory of Times to ComeAuthor: DemianPublisher: Demian ©2022ISBN: 9783319453927
- In Memory Of Vernon Willard Hughes - Proceedings Of The Memorial Symposium In Honor Of Vernon Willard HughesAuthor: Emlyn Willard Hughes;Francesco IachelloPublisher: Emlyn Willard Hughes;Francesco Iachello ©2018ISBN: 9789812560506
- In Mendel's Mirror : Philosophical Reflections on BiologyAuthor: Kitcher, PhilipPublisher: Kitcher, Philip ©2018ISBN: 9780195151787
- In Mrs. Tully's RoomAuthor: PALEYPublisher: PALEY ©2021ISBN: 97802319153281 Concurrent User
- In My Heart's Best Wishes for YouAuthor: ComiskeyPublisher: Comiskey ©2023ISBN: 9780674046153
- In My Mother's HouseAuthor: AuyeroPublisher: Auyero ©2021ISBN: 9780335219117
- In My PowerAuthor: DierksPublisher: Dierks ©2021ISBN: 9780195336634
- In My Time of DyingAuthor: ParkerPublisher: Parker ©2021ISBN: 97801953366342 Concurrent Users
- In Need of a MasterAuthor: King, PeterPublisher: King, Peter ©2021ISBN: 9783110699050
- In Nelson's WakeAuthor: DaveyPublisher: Davey ©2021ISBN: 9780309054300
- In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times, vol. 2Author: NansenPublisher: Nansen ©2018ISBN: 9781108071697
- In Old SouthamptonAuthor: HolstePublisher: Holste ©2019ISBN: 97802319153665 Concurrent Users
- In Opposition zur ModerneAuthor: BlomeyerPublisher: Blomeyer ©2021ISBN: 9783035600537
- In Order to LearnAuthor: RitterPublisher: Ritter ©2017ISBN: 97801951788451 Concurrent User
- In Order to Learn : How the Sequence of Topics Influences LearningAuthor: Ritter, Frank E.;Nerb, Josef;Lehtinen, Erno;O'Shea, Timothy M.Publisher: Ritter, Frank E.;Nerb, Josef;Lehtinen, Erno;O'Shea, Timothy M. ©2018ISBN: 9780195178845
- In Order to Talk with the DeadAuthor: TeillierPublisher: Teillier ©2021ISBN: 9781849285926
- In Organoindium CompoundsAuthor: Weidlein, Johann;Petz, Wolfgang;Petz, WolfgangPublisher: Weidlein, Johann;Petz, Wolfgang;Petz, Wolfgang ©2018ISBN: 97836620914631 Concurrent User
- In Other Los AngelesesAuthor: ChengPublisher: Cheng ©2020ISBN: 9781559633239
- In Other WordsAuthor: KimmagePublisher: Kimmage ©2019ISBN: 9783110131529
- In Other WordsAuthor: BourdieuPublisher: Bourdieu ©2022ISBN: 97808047155775 Concurrent Users
- In Our HandsAuthor: PalleyPublisher: Palley ©2021ISBN: 97814798626581 Concurrent User
- In Our NameAuthor: BeerbohmPublisher: Beerbohm ©2020ISBN: 9783110133035
- In Our Own Backyard : Principles for Effective Improvement of the Nation's InfrastructureAuthor: Lemer, Andrew C.;Grant, Albert A.Publisher: Lemer, Andrew C.;Grant, Albert A. ©2018ISBN: 9780309048781Unlimited Users
- In our own backyard: principles for effective improvement of the nation's infrastructureAuthor: ChavePublisher: Chave ©2016ISBN: 9789401060929Unlimited Users
- In Our Own ImageAuthor: HargittaiPublisher: Hargittai ©2016ISBN: 9781461368748Unlimited Users
- In Our Own Image : Personal Symmetry in DiscoveryAuthor: Hargittai, Istvan;Hargittai, MagdolnaPublisher: Hargittai, Istvan;Hargittai, Magdolna ©2018ISBN: 9780306460913
- In Our Sphere of LifeAuthor: Durán-MerkPublisher: Durán-Merk ©2020ISBN: 9780802067203
- In Plato's CaveAuthor: KernanPublisher: Kernan ©2020ISBN: 9780231915304
- In Platonis Cratylum commentariaAuthor: Proclus DiadochusPublisher: Proclus Diadochus ©2019ISBN: 9783598717314
- In Platonis Phaedrum ScholiaAuthor: Hermias AlexandrinusPublisher: Hermias Alexandrinus ©2021ISBN: 9783110201154Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- In Plenty and in Time of NeedAuthor: BascombPublisher: Bascomb ©2020ISBN: 9780754648703Unlimited Users
- In portum navigareAuthor: WawrzinekPublisher: Wawrzinek ©2021ISBN: 9783050060293
- In Praise of Commercial CultureAuthor: CowenPublisher: Cowen ©2022ISBN: 9780817914448
- In Praise of CopyingAuthor: Boon, MarcusPublisher: Boon, Marcus ©2018ISBN: 9780674047839
- In Praise of CopyingAuthor: BoonPublisher: Boon ©2021ISBN: 9781260143164
- In Praise of DisobedienceAuthor: MarainiPublisher: Maraini ©2023ISBN: 9781260143157
- In Praise of FailureAuthor: BradatanPublisher: Bradatan ©2022ISBN: 9780226069296
- In Praise of ForgettingAuthor: RieffPublisher: Rieff ©2021ISBN: 9780300182798
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- In Praise of Later Roman EmperorsAuthor: NixonPublisher: Nixon ©2020ISBN: 9780814334928
- In Praise of Natural PhilosophyAuthor: MaxwellPublisher: Maxwell ©2023ISBN: 9780309054300
- In Praise of New TravelersAuthor: HovingPublisher: Hoving ©2022ISBN: 9781260143157
- In Praise of New TravelersAuthor: HovingPublisher: Hoving ©2022ISBN: 9780804729475
- In Praise of NonsenseAuthor: MenninghausPublisher: Menninghaus ©2021ISBN: 9781696605656