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ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter N (10001-10050 of 13784):
- Non-Self-Adjoint Boundary Eigenvalue Problems, vol. 192Author: GoncharovPublisher: Goncharov ©2017ISBN: 9783110195248
- Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics : Mathematical AspectsAuthor: Bagarello, Fabio;Gazeau, Jean-Pierre;Szafraniec, Franciszek Hugon;Znojil, MiloslavPublisher: Bagarello, Fabio;Gazeau, Jean-Pierre;Szafraniec, Franciszek Hugon;Znojil, Miloslav ©2018ISBN: 9781118855287
- Non-Semisimple Topological Quantum Field Theories for 3-Manifolds with Corners, vol. 1765Author: KerlerPublisher: Kerler ©2016ISBN: 9783540424161
- Non-Semitic Loanwords in the Hebrew BibleAuthor: NoonanPublisher: Noonan ©2021ISBN: 9789400979147
- Non-Smooth Deterministic or Stochastic Discrete Dynamical Systems : Applications to Models with Friction or ImpactAuthor: Bastien, Jerome;Bernardin, Frederic;Lamarque, Claude-Henri;Lamarque, Claude-HenriPublisher: Bastien, Jerome;Bernardin, Frederic;Lamarque, Claude-Henri;Lamarque, Claude-Henri ©2018ISBN: 97803879059831 Concurrent User
- Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems, vol. 1744Author: Cualing, Hernani;Bhargava, Parul;Sandin, Ramon L.Publisher: Cualing, Hernani;Bhargava, Parul;Sandin, Ramon L. ©2016ISBN: 9783540679936
- Non-smooth Problems in Vehicle Systems DynamicsAuthor: Bhandari, Bhesh;Roos, Yrjö H.Publisher: Bhandari, Bhesh;Roos, Yrjö H. ©2016ISBN: 9783642013553
- Non-Solar X- and Gamma-Ray Astronomy, vol. 37Author: S.L. Chan and P.P.T. ChuiPublisher: S.L. Chan and P.P.T. Chui ©2016ISBN: 9789401033138
- Non-Sovereign FuturesAuthor: BonillaPublisher: Bonilla ©2021ISBN: 97804120539171 Concurrent User
- Non-spectral Asymptotic Analysis of One-Parameter Operator Semigroups, vol. 173Author: Emel'yanovPublisher: Emel'yanov ©2016ISBN: 97837643809531 Concurrent User
- Non-standard AnalysisAuthor: RobinsonPublisher: Robinson ©2020ISBN: 9783764356804Unlimited Users
- Non-Standard and Improperly Posed Problems, vol. 194Author: G. BöhmePublisher: G. Böhme ©2017ISBN: 97833190702785 Concurrent Users
- Non-Standard Employment and Quality of WorkAuthor: Chen, Zhongwei;Dodelet, Jean-Pol;Zhang, JiujunPublisher: Chen, Zhongwei;Dodelet, Jean-Pol;Zhang, Jiujun ©2016ISBN: 9783790821055Unlimited Users
- Non-Standard Inferences in Description Logics : From Foundations and Definitions to Algorithms and AnalysisAuthor: Küsters, Ralf;Küsters, RalfPublisher: Küsters, Ralf;Küsters, Ralf ©2018ISBN: 9783540423973Unlimited Users
- Non-Standard Inferences in Description Logics, vol. 2100Author: StraubPublisher: Straub ©2021ISBN: 9783540423973Unlimited Users
- Non-Standard Inferences in Description Logics, vol. 2100Author: MikoschPublisher: Mikosch ©2016ISBN: 9783540423973
- Non-Standard Parameter Adaptation for Exploratory Data Analysis, vol. 249Author: BarbakhPublisher: Barbakh ©2016ISBN: 9783642040047
- Non-standard Spatial Statistics and Spatial Econometrics, vol. 1Author: GriffithPublisher: Griffith ©2016ISBN: 9783642160424
- Non-State Chinese Actors and Their Impact on Relations between China and Mainland Southeast AsiaAuthor: HanPublisher: Han ©2021ISBN: 97831103029291 Concurrent User
- Non-State Regulatory RegimesAuthor: SennPublisher: Senn ©2016ISBN: 97836421497331 Concurrent User
- Non-Stationary ElectromagneticsAuthor: Nerukh, Alexander G.;Sakhnenko, Nataliya;Benson, Trevor;Sewell, PhillipPublisher: Nerukh, Alexander G.;Sakhnenko, Nataliya;Benson, Trevor;Sewell, Phillip ©2018ISBN: 9789814316446
- Non-Sterile Compounding for Pharmacy Technicians—Training and Review for CertificationAuthor: PropesPublisher: Propes ©2017ISBN: 9780071829885
- Non-Stoichiometric CompoundsAuthor: D. J. M. Bevan and P. HagenmullerPublisher: D. J. M. Bevan and P. Hagenmuller ©2016ISBN: 9783110302929
- Non-Stoichiometric Compounds, vol. 276Author: Eric B Gregory;Xiang Qian LuoPublisher: Eric B Gregory;Xiang Qian Luo ©2016ISBN: 9789401069144
- Non-Stoichiometric Oxides Of 3d-MetalsAuthor: Stokłosa, AndrzejPublisher: Stokłosa, Andrzej ©2018ISBN: 9783038359975
- Non-Stoichiometry in SemiconductorsAuthor: Zalan Horvath;Laszlo PallaPublisher: Zalan Horvath;Laszlo Palla ©2016ISBN: 9789810246495
- Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating DisordersAuthor: NinotPublisher: Ninot ©2016ISBN: 9783642401060
- Non-Surgical Treatment of Keratinocyte Skin CancerAuthor: Vikrant Shirodkar,Roger Strange,Steven McGuirePublisher: Vikrant Shirodkar,Roger Strange,Steven McGuire ©2016ISBN: 9783540793403
- Non-technological Innovations for Sustainable TransportAuthor: HyardPublisher: Hyard ©2016ISBN: 9783319097909
- Non-technological Innovations for Sustainable TransportAuthor: HyardPublisher: Hyard ©2016ISBN: 9783319097909
- Non-thermal Food Engineering OperationsAuthor: Ortega-RivasPublisher: Ortega-Rivas ©2016ISBN: 9781461420378
- Non-thermal Food Processing OperationsAuthor: Seid Mahdi JafariPublisher: Seid Mahdi Jafari ©2022ISBN: 9783540708339
- Non-Thermal Plasma Technology for Polymeric MaterialsAuthor: GauldPublisher: Gauld ©2018ISBN: 97835407083391 Concurrent User
- Non-Timber Forest ProductsAuthor: SteinwachsPublisher: Steinwachs ©2021ISBN: 97830307307651 Concurrent User
- Non-Timber Forest Products in the Global Context, vol. 7Author: SteinwachsPublisher: Steinwachs ©2016ISBN: 9783642179822
- Non-Traditional Security in AsiaAuthor: AmreinPublisher: Amrein ©2020ISBN: 97890277132472 Concurrent Users
- Non-Traditional Security Issues in ASEANAuthor: Caballero-AnthonyPublisher: Caballero-Anthony ©2020ISBN: 9789814881081
- Non-Traditional Security Issues in North KoreaAuthor: IlchmannPublisher: Ilchmann ©2020ISBN: 97890481867851 Concurrent User
- Non-Traditional Stable IsotopesAuthor: Bolonkin, AlexanderPublisher: Bolonkin, Alexander ©2021ISBN: 9780939950980
- Non-Traumatic Acute Surgical ProblemsAuthor: Spanos, Constantine P.Publisher: Spanos, Constantine P. ©2024ISBN: 9783319133799
- Non-Universal Superconducting Gap Structure in Iron-Pnictides Revealed by Magnetic Penetration Depth MeasurementsAuthor: HashimotoPublisher: Hashimoto ©2016ISBN: 9784431542933
- Non-University Higher Education in Europe, vol. 23Author: ChaudhuriPublisher: Chaudhuri ©2016ISBN: 9781402083341
- Non-vanishing of L-Functions and ApplicationsAuthor: MurtyPublisher: Murty ©2016ISBN: 97830348027342 Concurrent Users
- Non-vanishing of L-Functions and Applications, vol. 157Author: MurtyPublisher: Murty ©2016ISBN: 9783764358013
- Non-Vascular Interventional Radiology of the AbdomenAuthor: ArellanoPublisher: Arellano ©2016ISBN: 9781441977311
- Non-Verbal Communication: Body Language and Vocal IntonationAuthor: Tony AlessandraPublisher: Tony Alessandra ©2019ISBN: 9781933631172
- Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities : Characteristics, Diagnosis and Treatment Within an Educational SettingAuthor: Molenaar-Klumper, MariekePublisher: Molenaar-Klumper, Marieke ©2018ISBN: 9781843100669
- Non-Verbal PredicationAuthor: HengeveldPublisher: Hengeveld ©2019ISBN: 97831101371321 Concurrent User
- Non-Verbal Predication in Ancient EgyptianAuthor: LoprienoPublisher: Loprieno ©2019ISBN: 9783110406115Unlimited Users
- Non-Violent Resistance: A New Approach to Violent and Self-destructive ChildrenAuthor: OmerPublisher: Omer ©2018ISBN: 9783540679936