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ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter N (10051-10100 of 13784):
- Non-viral Gene TherapyAuthor: Bhandari, Bhesh;Roos, Yrjö H.Publisher: Bhandari, Bhesh;Roos, Yrjö H. ©2016ISBN: 9784431251224
- Non-Viral Gene Therapy : Gene Design and DeliveryAuthor: Taira, Kazunari;Kataoka, Kazunori;Niidome, TakuroPublisher: Taira, Kazunari;Kataoka, Kazunori;Niidome, Takuro ©2018ISBN: 9784431547389
- Non-Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Second Edition: Part 1, vol. 53Author: BonillaPublisher: Bonilla ©2016ISBN: 97804120539171 Concurrent User
- Non-Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Second Edition: Part 2, vol. 54Author: Emel’yanovPublisher: Emel’yanov ©2016ISBN: 9783764380953
- Non-Volatile MemoriesAuthor: Lacaze, Pierre-Camille;Lacroix, Jean-ClaudePublisher: Lacaze, Pierre-Camille;Lacroix, Jean-Claude ©2018ISBN: 97833190702785 Concurrent Users
- Non-Waste Technology and ProductionAuthor: Chen, Zhongwei;Dodelet, Jean-Pol;Zhang, JiujunPublisher: Chen, Zhongwei;Dodelet, Jean-Pol;Zhang, Jiujun ©2016ISBN: 97837908210551 Concurrent User
- Non-Wettable Surfaces : Theory, Preparation and ApplicationsAuthor: Ras, Robin H. A.;Marmur, AbrahamPublisher: Ras, Robin H. A.;Marmur, Abraham ©2018ISBN: 9781782621546Unlimited Users
- Nonabelian Jacobian of Projective Surfaces, vol. 2072Author: ReiderPublisher: Reider ©2016ISBN: 9783642356612Unlimited Users
- Nonadiabatic Transition: Concepts, Basic Theories And ApplicationsAuthor: Hiroki NakamuraPublisher: Hiroki Nakamura ©2018ISBN: 9789810247195
- Nonagentive Konstruktionen des DeutschenAuthor: Nerukh, Alexander G.;Sakhnenko, Nataliya;Benson, Trevor;Sewell, PhillipPublisher: Nerukh, Alexander G.;Sakhnenko, Nataliya;Benson, Trevor;Sewell, Phillip ©2021ISBN: 97831104948601 Concurrent User
- Nonanticoagulant Actions of GlycosaminoglycansAuthor: Harenberg, Job;Casu, BenitoPublisher: Harenberg, Job;Casu, Benito ©2018ISBN: 97814613802141 Concurrent User
- Nonanticoagulant Actions of GlycosaminoglycansAuthor: GriffithPublisher: Griffith ©2016ISBN: 9781461380214
- Nonaqueous Chemistry, vol. 27-1Author: KratochvilPublisher: Kratochvil ©2016ISBN: 9783540056638
- Nonaqueous ElectrochemistryAuthor: Aurbach, DoronPublisher: Aurbach, Doron ©2018ISBN: 97808247733421 Concurrent User
- Nonaqueous Electrolytes Handbook, Volume 1Author: G.J. JanzPublisher: G.J. Janz ©2016ISBN: 9789814316446
- Nonaqueous Electrolytes Handbook, Volume 2Author: G.J. JanzPublisher: G.J. Janz ©2016ISBN: 9780071829885
- Nonarchimedean Fields and Asymptotic Expansions, vol. 13Author: D. J. M. Bevan and P. HagenmullerPublisher: D. J. M. Bevan and P. Hagenmuller ©2016ISBN: 9783110302929
- Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems in the Life Sciences, vol. 2102Author: Stokłosa, AndrzejPublisher: Stokłosa, Andrzej ©2016ISBN: 9783319030791
- Nonbenzenoid AromaticsAuthor: Snyder, James P.Publisher: Snyder, James P. ©2018ISBN: 9780126540024
- Nonbenzenoid Aromatics, vol. 16Author: Vieri MastropietroPublisher: Vieri Mastropietro ©2016ISBN: 97836424010601 Concurrent User
- NonbinaryAuthor: Ortega-RivasPublisher: Ortega-Rivas ©2020ISBN: 9781461420378
- Nonblocking Electronic and Photonic Switching FabricsAuthor: KabacińskiPublisher: Kabaciński ©2016ISBN: 9780387254319
- Nonblocking Supervisory Control of State Tree Structures, vol. 317Author: MaPublisher: Ma ©2016ISBN: 97835402506925 Concurrent Users
- Nonchemical Treatment Processes for Disinfestation of Insects and Fungi in Library CollectionsAuthor: WellheiserPublisher: Wellheiser ©2021ISBN: 9783598217883
- Nonchemical Treatment Processes for Disinfestation of Insects and Fungi in Library CollectionsAuthor: Wellheiser, Johanna G.Publisher: Wellheiser, Johanna G. ©2018ISBN: 9783598217883
- Nonclassical and Inverse Problems for Pseudoparabolic EquationsAuthor: AsanovPublisher: Asanov ©2021ISBN: 9783110355352
- Nonclassical Light from Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs, vol. 5Author: KimPublisher: Kim ©2016ISBN: 9783642632082
- Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations of the First KindAuthor: Apartsyn, Anatoly S.Publisher: Apartsyn, Anatoly S. ©2018ISBN: 97890676437571 Concurrent User
- Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations of the First KindAuthor: ApartsynPublisher: Apartsyn ©2019ISBN: 9783110619935
- Nonclassical Logics and Information Processing, vol. 619Author: Caballero-AnthonyPublisher: Caballero-Anthony ©2016ISBN: 9783540557456
- Nonclassical Thermoelastic Problems in Nonlinear Dynamics of ShellsAuthor: AwrejcewiczPublisher: Awrejcewicz ©2016ISBN: 9783642628696
- Nonclinical Assessment of Abuse Potential for New PharmaceuticalsAuthor: Hashimoto, KenichiroPublisher: Hashimoto, Kenichiro ©2016ISBN: 9784431542933
- Nonclinical Development of Biologics, Vaccines and Specialty BiologicsAuthor: HashimotoPublisher: Hashimoto ©2024ISBN: 97844315429331 Concurrent User
- Nonclinical Development of Biologics, Vaccines and Specialty BiologicsAuthor: HashimotoPublisher: Hashimoto ©2024ISBN: 9784431542933
- Nonclinical Development of Novel Biologics, Biosimilars, Vaccines and Specialty BiologicsAuthor: HashimotoPublisher: Hashimoto ©2016ISBN: 9784431542933
- Nonclinical Safety Assessment : A Guide to International Pharmaceutical RegulationsAuthor: Brock, William J.;Hastings, Kenneth L.;McGown, Kathy M.Publisher: Brock, William J.;Hastings, Kenneth L.;McGown, Kathy M. ©2018ISBN: 9780470745915
- Nonclinical Study Contracting and MonitoringAuthor: MurtyPublisher: Murty ©2016ISBN: 97830348027342 Concurrent Users
- Noncoding RNAs and BoneAuthor: MurtyPublisher: Murty ©2021ISBN: 9789811624018
- Noncolorectal, Nonneuroendocrine Liver Metastases : Diagnosis and Current TherapiesAuthor: Di Carlo, IsidoroPublisher: Di Carlo, Isidoro ©2016ISBN: 9783319092928
- Noncommunicable Diseases in the Developing World : Addressing Gaps in Global Policy and ResearchAuthor: Galambos, Louis;Sturchio, Jeffrey L.Publisher: Galambos, Louis;Sturchio, Jeffrey L. ©2018ISBN: 97814214129241 Concurrent User
- Noncommunicable Diseases, vol. 866Author: OmerPublisher: Omer ©2016ISBN: 9783319199733
- Noncommutative Algebra, vol. 144Author: FarbPublisher: Farb ©2016ISBN: 9781461269366
- Noncommutative Differential Geometry and Its Applications to Physics, vol. 23Author: Bhandari, Bhesh;Roos, Yrjö H.Publisher: Bhandari, Bhesh;Roos, Yrjö H. ©2016ISBN: 9789401038294
- Noncommutative Dynamics and E-SemigroupsAuthor: ArvesonPublisher: Arveson ©2016ISBN: 9781441918031
- Noncommutative Functional Calculus, vol. 289Author: Politecnico di MilanoPublisher: Politecnico di Milano ©2016ISBN: 9783034801096
- Noncommutative GeometryAuthor: NikolaevPublisher: Nikolaev ©2022ISBN: 9783110788600
- Noncommutative GeometryAuthor: NikolaevPublisher: Nikolaev ©2020ISBN: 97836420400471 Concurrent User
- Noncommutative Geometry and Number TheoryAuthor: Lacaze, Pierre-Camille;Lacroix, Jean-ClaudePublisher: Lacaze, Pierre-Camille;Lacroix, Jean-Claude ©2016ISBN: 97838348017085 Concurrent Users
- Noncommutative Geometry and Particle PhysicsAuthor: van SuijlekomPublisher: van Suijlekom ©2016ISBN: 9789401791618Unlimited Users
- Noncommutative Geometry and the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics, vol. 596Author: ReiderPublisher: Reider ©2016ISBN: 9783540440710Unlimited Users