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Showing books starting with the letter P (6451-6500 of 33609):
- Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, vol. 90
- Perspectives in Cancer Prevention-Translational Cancer Research
- Perspectives in Chemical Engineering, vol. 16
- Perspectives in Chemoreception and Behavior
- Perspectives in Computational Complexity, vol. 26
- Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling, vol. 3770
- Perspectives in Control
- Perspectives in Control : Theory and Applications
- Perspectives in Control Theory : Proceedings of the Sielpia Conference, Sielpia, Poland, September 19-24, 1988
- Perspectives in Creep Fracture
- Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Psychiatry
- Perspectives in Ecological Theory
- Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation
- Perspectives in Electronic Structure Theory
- Perspectives in Electronic Structure Theory
- Perspectives in Environmental Management
- Perspectives in Environmental Research
- Perspectives in Environmental Studies
- Perspectives in Ethology
- Perspectives in Fluid Mechanics, vol. 320
- Perspectives in Grassland Ecology, vol. 32
- Perspectives in Group Psychotherapy : A Theoretical Background
- Perspectives in Hadronic Physics
- Perspectives in Hadronic Physics : 4th International Conference Held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 12–16 May 2003
- Perspectives in High Frequency Ventilation, vol. 4
- Perspectives in Hydrogen in Metals
- Perspectives In Image-guided Surgery - Proceedings Of The Scientific Workshop On Medical Robotics, Navigation And Visualization : Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop On Medical Robotics, Navigation And Visualization
- Perspectives in Industrial Organization, vol. 13
- Perspectives in Inflammation : Future Trends and Developments
- Perspectives in Inflammation Biology
- Perspectives in Inflammation, vol. 3
- Perspectives In Lattice Qcd - Proceedings Of The Workshop
- Perspectives in Life Cycle Impact Assessment
- Perspectives in Magnetohydrodynamics Research
- Perspectives in Marine Biology
- Perspectives In Mathematical Science I: Probability And Statistics
- Perspectives In Mathematical Science Ii: Pure Mathematics
- Perspectives In Mathematical Sciences
- Perspectives in Mathematical System Theory, Control, and Signal Processing, vol. 398
- Perspectives in Medical Virology
- Perspectives in Medical Virology
- Perspectives in Medicine
- Perspectives in Membrane Biology
- Perspectives in Memory Research
- Perspectives in Modern Chemical Spectroscopy
- Perspectives in Modern Project Scheduling, vol. 92
- Perspectives in Modern Seismology, vol. 105
- Perspectives in Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Perspectives in Mössbauer Spectroscopy : Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, held at Ayeleth Hashahar, Israel, August 28–31, 1972
- Perspectives in Motion