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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (33600-33609 of 33609):
- Python, PyGame and Raspberry Pi Game DevelopmentAuthor: Sloan KellyPublisher: Sloan Kelly ©2019ISBN: 97814842251651 Concurrent User
- Python, PyGame, and Raspberry Pi Game Development, Second EditionAuthor: Sloan KellyPublisher: Sloan Kelly ©2019ISBN: 9781484245323
- Python: An Introduction to ProgrammingAuthor: James R. ParkerPublisher: James R. Parker ©2019ISBN: 9781944534653
- Python: An Introduction to Programming, Second EditionAuthor: James R. ParkerPublisher: James R. Parker ©2021ISBN: 9781683926245
- Python: Create-Modify-ReuseAuthor: James O. KnowltonPublisher: James O. Knowlton ©2019ISBN: 9780470259320
- Pythonic AI: A Beginner's Guide to Building AI Applications in PythonAuthor: Arindam BanerjeePublisher: Arindam Banerjee ©2024ISBN: 97893555159191 Concurrent User
- Pythonic Way: An Architect's Guide to Conventions and Best Practices for the Design, Development, Testing and Management of Enterprise Python Code, TheAuthor: Sonal RajPublisher: Sonal Raj ©2022ISBN: 9789391030124
- PyTorch Recipes: A Problem-Solution ApproachAuthor: Pradeepta MishraPublisher: Pradeepta Mishra ©2019ISBN: 97814842425751 Concurrent User
- PyTorch Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach to Build, Train and Deploy Neural Network Models, Second EditionAuthor: Pradeepta MishraPublisher: Pradeepta Mishra ©2023ISBN: 97814842892425 Concurrent Users