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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (33551-33600 of 33609):
- Python for Teenagers: Learn to Program Like a Superhero!Author: James R. PaynePublisher: James R. Payne ©2019ISBN: 9781484245491
- Python for Teenagers: Learn to Program like a Superhero!, 2nd EditionAuthor: James R. PaynePublisher: James R. Payne ©2024ISBN: 9781484299876
- Python for TensorFlow Pocket PrimerAuthor: Oswald CampesatoPublisher: Oswald Campesato ©2020ISBN: 97816839236191 Concurrent User
- Python for the Busy Java Developer: The Language, Syntax, and EcosystemAuthor: Deepak SardaPublisher: Deepak Sarda ©2019ISBN: 9781484232330
- Python for the Life Sciences: A Gentle Introduction to Python for Life ScientistsAuthor: Alexander Lancaster,Gordon WebsterPublisher: Alexander Lancaster,Gordon Webster ©2020ISBN: 97814842452241 Concurrent User
- Python Forensics: A Workbench for Inventing and Sharing Digital Forensic TechnologyAuthor: Chet HosmerPublisher: Chet Hosmer ©2016ISBN: 97801241867671 Concurrent User
- Python Graphics: A Reference for Creating 2D and 3D ImagesAuthor: B.J. KoritesPublisher: B.J. Korites ©2019ISBN: 9781484233771Unlimited Users
- Python Graphics: A Reference for Creating 2D and 3D Images, 2nd EditionAuthor: Bernard KoritesPublisher: Bernard Korites ©2024ISBN: 9781484296592Unlimited Users
- Python GUI Programming with PAGE: Create Professional-Looking GUIs For Python Applications Efficiently and EffectivelyAuthor: Gregory WaltersPublisher: Gregory Walters ©2023ISBN: 9789355518378Unlimited Users
- Python GUI with PyQt: Learn to Build Modern and Stunning GUIs in Python With PyQt5 and Qt DesignerAuthor: Saurabh Chandrakar,Dr. Nilesh Bhaskarrao BahadurePublisher: Saurabh Chandrakar,Dr. Nilesh Bhaskarrao Bahadure ©2024ISBN: 9789355515575
- Python How-To: 63 Techniques to Improve Your Python CodeAuthor: Yong CuiPublisher: Yong Cui ©2023ISBN: 9781617299742
- Python How-To: 63 techniques to improve your Python codeAuthor: Yong CuiPublisher: Yong Cui ©2024ISBN: 97816172997421 Concurrent User
- Python In - Depth: Use Python Programming Features, Techniques, and Modules to Solve Everyday ProblemsAuthor: Ahidjo Ayeva,Kamon Ayeva,Aiman SaeedPublisher: Ahidjo Ayeva,Kamon Ayeva,Aiman Saeed ©2022ISBN: 9789389328424
- Python in Easy Steps, 2nd EditionAuthor: Mike McGrathPublisher: Mike McGrath ©2019ISBN: 97818407881293 Consecutive User Seats
- Python Internals for Developers: Practice Python 3.x Fundamentals, Including Data Structures, Asymptotic Analysis, and Data TypesAuthor: Sonam Chawla BhatiaPublisher: Sonam Chawla Bhatia ©2022ISBN: 97893913920241 Concurrent User
- Python Interview Questions: Brush up for Your Next Python Interview with 240+ Solutions on Most Common Challenging Interview QuestionsAuthor: Swati SaxenaPublisher: Swati Saxena ©2021ISBN: 97893898984605 Concurrent Users
- Python Machine Learning Case Studies: Five Case Studies for the Data ScientistAuthor: Danish HaroonPublisher: Danish Haroon ©2019ISBN: 9781484228227
- Python Machine Learning Projects: Learn How to Build Machine Learning Projects from ScratchAuthor: Dr. Deepali R Vora,Dr. Gresha S BhatiaPublisher: Dr. Deepali R Vora,Dr. Gresha S Bhatia ©2023ISBN: 9789389898262
- Python One-Liners: Write Concise, Eloquent Python Like a ProfessionalAuthor: Christian MayerPublisher: Christian Mayer ©2021ISBN: 9781718500501
- Python Passive Network MappingAuthor: Chet HosmerPublisher: Chet Hosmer ©2016ISBN: 9781593279288
- Python Playground: Geeky Projects for the Curious ProgrammerAuthor: Mahesh VenkitachalamPublisher: Mahesh Venkitachalam ©2020ISBN: 9781593276041
- Python Pocket PrimerAuthor: Oswald CampesatoPublisher: Oswald Campesato ©2020ISBN: 97819385498541 Concurrent User
- Python Power!: The Comprehensive GuideAuthor: Matt TellesPublisher: Matt Telles ©2019ISBN: 97815986315861 Concurrent User
- Python Programming for Biology: Bioinformatics and BeyondAuthor: StevensPublisher: Stevens ©2018ISBN: 97805218958355 Concurrent Users
- Python Programming for Students: Explore Python in Multiple Dimensions with Project-Oriented ApproachAuthor: Nidhi Grover RahejaPublisher: Nidhi Grover Raheja ©2024ISBN: 9789355516084
- Python Programming for the Absolute BeginnerAuthor: Michael DawsonPublisher: Michael Dawson ©2019ISBN: 9781592000739
- Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Third EditionAuthor: Michael DawsonPublisher: Michael Dawson ©2020ISBN: 9781435455009
- Python Programming FundamentalsAuthor: LeePublisher: Lee ©2016ISBN: 97814471664125 Concurrent Users
- Python Programming FundamentalsAuthor: LeePublisher: Lee ©2016ISBN: 9781447166412
- Python Programming in Context, Second EditionAuthor: Bradley N. Miller,David L. RanumPublisher: Bradley N. Miller,David L. Ranum ©2019ISBN: 9781449691974
- Python Programming Using Problem-SolvingAuthor: Harsh BhasinPublisher: Harsh Bhasin ©2023ISBN: 9781683928621
- Python Programming: An Introduction To Computer Science, Third EditionAuthor: John M. ZellePublisher: John M. Zelle ©2019ISBN: 97815902827551 Concurrent User
- Python ProjectsAuthor: Laura Cassell,Alan GauldPublisher: Laura Cassell,Alan Gauld ©2020ISBN: 9781118908662
- Python Projects for Beginners: A Ten-Week Bootcamp Approach to Python ProgrammingAuthor: Connor P. MillikenPublisher: Connor P. Milliken ©2020ISBN: 9781484253540
- Python Quick Interview Guide: Top Expert-Led Coding Interview Question Bank for Python AspirantsAuthor: Shyamkant LimayePublisher: Shyamkant Limaye ©2022ISBN: 97893894233031 Concurrent User
- Python Quick Syntax Reference, TheAuthor: Gregory WaltersPublisher: Gregory Walters ©2016ISBN: 9781430264781
- Python QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Python Programming Using Hands-On Projects and Real-World ApplicationsAuthor: Robert OliverPublisher: Robert Oliver ©2024ISBN: 9781636100357
- Python QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Python Programming Using Hands-On Projects and Real-World ApplicationsAuthor: Robert OliverPublisher: Robert Oliver ©2024ISBN: 9781636100395
- Python Recipes Handbook: A Problem-Solution ApproachAuthor: Joey BernardPublisher: Joey Bernard ©2019ISBN: 9781484202425
- Python Scripting for Computational Science, vol. 3Author: Dalmaijer, EdwinPublisher: Dalmaijer, Edwin ©2016ISBN: 9783540739159
- Python Scripting for Computational Science, vol. 3Author: LangtangenPublisher: Langtangen ©2016ISBN: 9783540294153
- Python Scripting for Computational Science, vol. 3Author: LangtangenPublisher: Langtangen ©2016ISBN: 9783662054529
- Python Testing with Selenium: Learn to Implement Different Testing Techniques Using the Selenium WebDriverAuthor: Sujay RaghavendraPublisher: Sujay Raghavendra ©2021ISBN: 9781484262481
- Python Text Mining: Perform Text Processing, Word Embedding, Text Classification and Machine TranslationAuthor: Alexandra GeorgePublisher: Alexandra George ©2022ISBN: 97893898987812 Concurrent Users
- Python Tools for Data Scientists: Pocket PrimerAuthor: Oswald CampesatoPublisher: Oswald Campesato ©2022ISBN: 9781683928232
- Python TutorialAuthor: Guido van RossumPublisher: Guido van Rossum ©2020ISBN: 97815834837565 Concurrent Users
- Python Unit Test Automation: Practical Techniques for Python Developers and TestersAuthor: Ashwin PajankarPublisher: Ashwin Pajankar ©2019ISBN: 9781484226766
- Python Workbook, TheAuthor: StephensonPublisher: Stephenson ©2016ISBN: 9783319142395
- Python Workout: 50 Ten-Minute ExercisesAuthor: Reuven LernerPublisher: Reuven Lerner ©2021ISBN: 9781617295508
- Python Workout: 50 Ten-Minute ExercisesAuthor: Reuven M. LernerPublisher: Reuven M. Lerner ©2021ISBN: 9781119126768