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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (7301-7350 of 33609):
- Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens ImplantationAuthor: FishkindPublisher: Fishkind ©2018ISBN: 9781626231290
- Phaeocystis, major link in the biogeochemical cycling of climate-relevant elementsAuthor: Cavallini, Giorgio;Paulis, GianniPublisher: Cavallini, Giorgio;Paulis, Gianni ©2016ISBN: 9781402062131
- Phage Display as a Tool for Synthetic BiologyAuthor: Carnazza, Santina;Guglielmino, SalvatorePublisher: Carnazza, Santina;Guglielmino, Salvatore ©2018ISBN: 97816087698723 Consecutive User Seats
- Phage Display of Peptides and ProteinsAuthor: SmolaPublisher: Smola ©2017ISBN: 97831102485931 Concurrent User
- Phage NanobiotechnologyAuthor: O'Brien, Paul;Petrenko, Valery;Blois, Helene;Smith, George P.;Cao, Binrui;Craighead, Harold;Chin, Bryan;Kroto, Harry;Deutscher, Susan L.;Gea, ManuelPublisher: O'Brien, Paul;Petrenko, Valery;Blois, Helene;Smith, George P.;Cao, Binrui;Craighead, Harold;Chin, Bryan;Kroto, Harry;Deutscher, Susan L.;Gea, Manuel ©2018ISBN: 97808540418485 Concurrent Users
- Phage Therapy - Part A, vol. 200Author: Jack Gordon (ed)Publisher: Jack Gordon (ed) ©2023ISBN: 9780470181805
- Phage Therapy - Part B, vol. 201Author: Jack Gordon (ed)Publisher: Jack Gordon (ed) ©2023ISBN: 9780470193440
- Phagocyte-Pathogen Interaction : Macrophages and the Host Response to InfectionAuthor: Russell, David G.;Gordon, SiamonPublisher: Russell, David G.;Gordon, Siamon ©2018ISBN: 9781555814014
- Phagocytes and DiseaseAuthor: Reeves, W. G.;Klempner, M. S.;Styrt, B.Publisher: Reeves, W. G.;Klempner, M. S.;Styrt, B. ©2018ISBN: 9789401070683
- Phagocytes and Disease, vol. 11Author: RemyPublisher: Remy ©2016ISBN: 9789401070683
- PhagocytosisAuthor: Naik, Urja.Publisher: Naik, Urja. ©2014ISBN: 97816150441391 Concurrent User
- Phagocytosis of Bacteria and Bacterial PathogenicityAuthor: LerchPublisher: Lerch ©2018ISBN: 97805218456945 Concurrent Users
- Phagocytosis: Microbial InvasionAuthor: Gordon, S.Publisher: Gordon, S. ©2018ISBN: 9780762306107
- Phagocytosis: the HostAuthor: Gordon, S.Publisher: Gordon, S. ©2018ISBN: 97815593899905 Concurrent Users
- Phagocytosis: The Host, vol. 5Author: TieleckePublisher: Tielecke ©2017ISBN: 9783112643259
- Phagocytosis:Microbial Invasion, vol. 6Author: FukarekPublisher: Fukarek ©2017ISBN: 9783112643235
- Phagocytosis–Past and FutureAuthor: LerchPublisher: Lerch ©2016ISBN: 9783112562536
- PhaidonAuthor: PlatonPublisher: Platon ©2021ISBN: 9783110357042
- PhaidrosAuthor: PlatoPublisher: Plato ©2021ISBN: 9783110360967
- PhainomenaAuthor: AratosPublisher: Aratos ©2021ISBN: 97830500538991 Concurrent User
- Phan Chau Trinh and His Political WritingsAuthor: Nicole FrankePublisher: Nicole Franke ©2021ISBN: 9780387847955Unlimited Users
- Phanerozoic Carbon Cycle : CO2 and O2Author: Berner, Robert A.Publisher: Berner, Robert A. ©2018ISBN: 97801951733381 Concurrent User
- Phanerozoic Diversity PatternsAuthor: ValentinePublisher: Valentine ©2021ISBN: 9780123855466
- Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns : Profiles in MacroevolutionAuthor: Valentine, J.Publisher: Valentine, J. ©2018ISBN: 9780691611228
- Phanerozoic Environments, Associations and Deposits, Part B, vol. 1Author: BüscherPublisher: Büscher ©2016ISBN: 9783110342932
- Phanerozoic Environments, Associations and Deposits, vol. 19Author: PetroniusPublisher: Petronius ©2016ISBN: 9783837664553
- Phanerozoic Phosphorite Depositional Systems, vol. 76Author: Artner, Lucia;Atzl, Isabel;Depner, Anamaria;Heitmann-Möller, André;Kollewe, Carolin;Bruns, ThomasPublisher: Artner, Lucia;Atzl, Isabel;Depner, Anamaria;Heitmann-Möller, André;Kollewe, Carolin;Bruns, Thomas ©2016ISBN: 9783540635819
- Phanerozoic StromatolitesAuthor: BeckersPublisher: Beckers ©2016ISBN: 9783642679155
- Phanerozoic Stromatolites IIAuthor: Fiedler, Christine;Köhrmann, Martin;Kollmar, Rainer;Köhrmann, MartinPublisher: Fiedler, Christine;Köhrmann, Martin;Kollmar, Rainer;Köhrmann, Martin ©2016ISBN: 9789401044912
- Phänomen HörbuchAuthor: Fiedler, Christine;Köhrmann, Martin;Kollmar, Rainer;Köhrmann, MartinPublisher: Fiedler, Christine;Köhrmann, Martin;Kollmar, Rainer;Köhrmann, Martin ©2021ISBN: 97836422999402 Concurrent Users
- Phänomen HörbuchAuthor: BleischPublisher: Bleisch ©2021ISBN: 9783837634389
- Phänomen KulturAuthor: FrommPublisher: Fromm ©2021ISBN: 9783111033853
- Phänomen und Begriff der MetapherAuthor: GoldmannPublisher: Goldmann ©2020ISBN: 97831105765281 Concurrent User
- Phänomenales Bewußtsein als Problem für den MaterialismusAuthor: StaudacherPublisher: Staudacher ©2021ISBN: 9783110171778
- Phänomenologie als PlatonismusAuthor: ArnoldPublisher: Arnold ©2021ISBN: 9783110527186
- Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung von LiteraturAuthor: SchlichPublisher: Schlich ©2021ISBN: 97834843207102 Concurrent Users
- Phänomenologie des GeistesAuthor: HegelPublisher: Hegel ©2022ISBN: 9783112530993
- Phänomenologie des GeistesAuthor: Fiedler, Christine;Köhrmann, Martin;Kollmar, Rainer;Köhrmann, MartinPublisher: Fiedler, Christine;Köhrmann, Martin;Kollmar, Rainer;Köhrmann, Martin ©2022ISBN: 97831125309933 Consecutive User Seats
- Phänomenologie und Erfahrungswissenschaft vom MenschenAuthor: StrasserPublisher: Strasser ©2020ISBN: 9783110032420
- Phänomenologie und TextinterpretationAuthor: SneisPublisher: Sneis ©2019ISBN: 9783110561845
- Phänomenologische SoziologieAuthor: FischerPublisher: Fischer ©2021ISBN: 9780470139981
- Phänomenologische ThermodynamikAuthor: PäslerPublisher: Päsler ©2021ISBN: 9783110049374
- Phänomenologische ThermodynamikAuthor: Päsler, Max;Keller, Jürgen U.;Päsler, Max;Keller, Jürgen U.Publisher: Päsler, Max;Keller, Jürgen U.;Päsler, Max;Keller, Jürgen U. ©2018ISBN: 9783110049374
- Phänomenologische und psychopathologische Aspekte in der DiabetologieAuthor: RissePublisher: Risse ©2021ISBN: 9783110159110
- Phantasien über die Kunst, von einem kunstliebenden KlosterbruderAuthor: [Wackenroder]Publisher: [Wackenroder] ©2019ISBN: 9783111146447
- Phantasmal MediaAuthor: HarrellPublisher: Harrell ©2021ISBN: 97802620193301 Concurrent User
- Phantasmatic IndochinaAuthor: NorindrPublisher: Norindr ©2021ISBN: 97814020400231 Concurrent User
- Phantasmatic ShakespeareAuthor: RoychoudhuryPublisher: Roychoudhury ©2020ISBN: 97831124777311 Concurrent User
- Phantasmic RadioAuthor: WeissPublisher: Weiss ©2021ISBN: 97831126437305 Concurrent Users
- Phantasus, Band 3, vol. 3Author: TieckPublisher: Tieck ©2022ISBN: 9783112664575