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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (13501-13550 of 33609):
- Playing Different GamesAuthor: FeyissaPublisher: Feyissa ©2022ISBN: 9780857450883
- Playing DystopiaAuthor: FarcaPublisher: Farca ©2020ISBN: 97807657101921 Concurrent User
- Playing for ChangeAuthor: Schaefer, Charles E.Publisher: Schaefer, Charles E. ©2020ISBN: 9781433805660
- Playing for DollarsAuthor: StaudoharPublisher: Staudohar ©2021ISBN: 9781433820830
- Playing for GodAuthor: BlazerPublisher: Blazer ©2021ISBN: 9781479898015
- Playing for KeepsAuthor: GoldsteinPublisher: Goldstein ©2020ISBN: 9780791406755
- Playing for KeepsAuthor: Sicart, MiguelPublisher: Sicart, Miguel ©2021ISBN: 9780262027922
- Playing for Real, Coursepack Edition : A Text on Game TheoryAuthor: Binmore, KenPublisher: Binmore, Ken ©2018ISBN: 9780199924530
- Playing Games in School : Video Games and Simulations for Primary and Secondary GradesAuthor: Hirumi, AtsusiPublisher: Hirumi, Atsusi ©2018ISBN: 9781564842718
- Playing GodAuthor: Elliott Jr.Publisher: Elliott Jr. ©2021ISBN: 9780765708021Unlimited Users
- Playing GodsAuthor: FeldherrPublisher: Feldherr ©2020ISBN: 9783111091815
- Playing Hard at Life : A Relational Approach to Treating Multiply Traumatized AdolescentsAuthor: Cohen, EttyPublisher: Cohen, Etty ©2018ISBN: 97808816333752 Concurrent Users
- Playing in a House of Mirrors : Applied Theatre As Reflective PracticeAuthor: Vettraino, Elinor;Linds, WarrenPublisher: Vettraino, Elinor;Linds, Warren ©2016ISBN: 9789463001168
- Playing IndianAuthor: DeloriaPublisher: Deloria ©2022ISBN: 97804151149741 Concurrent User
- Playing it SafeAuthor: KloppenbergPublisher: Kloppenberg ©2022ISBN: 97804151149741 Concurrent User
- Playing Monopoly with the DevilAuthor: HindsPublisher: Hinds ©2020ISBN: 9780857286666
- Playing Out of BoundsAuthor: NakamuraPublisher: Nakamura ©2020ISBN: 97804152100581 Concurrent User
- Playing Outdoors : Spaces and Places, Risk and ChallengeAuthor: Tovey, HelenPublisher: Tovey, Helen ©2018ISBN: 9780335216413
- Playing Outside, Second Edition : Activities, Ideas and Inspiration for the Early YearsAuthor: Bilton, HelenPublisher: Bilton, Helen ©2018ISBN: 97818431206741 Concurrent User
- Playing Politics with HistoryAuthor: BeattiePublisher: Beattie ©2022ISBN: 9780292705340
- Playing Politics with Natural DisasterAuthor: KneelandPublisher: Kneeland ©2021ISBN: 9780765710192
- Playing SmartAuthor: TogeliusPublisher: Togelius ©2021ISBN: 9780262039031
- Playing Smarter in a Digital World : A Guide to Choosing and Using Popular Video Games and Apps to Improve Executive Functioning in Children and TeensAuthor: Kulman, RandyPublisher: Kulman, Randy ©2018ISBN: 9781937761158
- Playing the FarmerAuthor: ThibodeauPublisher: Thibodeau ©2020ISBN: 9783110024135
- Playing the FieldAuthor: ManningPublisher: Manning ©2019ISBN: 9783110655254
- Playing the FoolAuthor: LernerPublisher: Lerner ©2020ISBN: 9780226473154
- Playing the HeroAuthor: DooleyPublisher: Dooley ©2021ISBN: 9780761865179
- Playing the Marginality GameAuthor: SchrovenPublisher: Schroven ©2022ISBN: 9783111069142
- Playing the MarketAuthor: JabkoPublisher: Jabko ©2020ISBN: 97802620443871 Concurrent User
- Playing the NumbersAuthor: WhitePublisher: White ©2021ISBN: 97807657080141 Concurrent User
- Playing the Ponies and Other Medical Mysteries SolvedAuthor: MushlinPublisher: Mushlin ©2020ISBN: 97802620279225 Concurrent Users
- Playing the Race CardAuthor: DodgsonPublisher: Dodgson ©2020ISBN: 9780262027922
- Playing the Unconscious : Psychoanalytic Interviews with Children Using Winnicott's Squiggle TechniqueAuthor: Gunter, MichaelPublisher: Gunter, Michael ©2018ISBN: 97818557541951 Concurrent User
- Playing to Learn : The Role of Play in the Early YearsAuthor: Smidt, SandraPublisher: Smidt, Sandra ©2018ISBN: 97804155588155 Concurrent Users
- Playing to the CrowdAuthor: BaymPublisher: Baym ©2020ISBN: 97814798961651 Concurrent User
- Playing to the World's Biggest AudienceAuthor: CurtinPublisher: Curtin ©2020ISBN: 97830382164835 Concurrent Users
- Playing to Win : Raising Children in a Competitive CultureAuthor: Levey Friedman, HilaryPublisher: Levey Friedman, Hilary ©2018ISBN: 9780520276765Unlimited Users
- Playing to Win: Gamification and Serious Games in Organizational LearningAuthor: ASTD ResearchPublisher: ASTD Research ©2019ISBN: 9781562869038Unlimited Users
- Playing UtopiaAuthor: Green, Eric;Myrick, Amie;Allen-Auguston, Marshia;Aranda, Brenda;Asbill, Lisa;Baggerly, Jennifer N.;Faa-Thompson, Tracie;Gallagher, Jenny A.;Goldman, Linda;Kottman, TerryPublisher: Green, Eric;Myrick, Amie;Allen-Auguston, Marshia;Aranda, Brenda;Asbill, Lisa;Baggerly, Jennifer N.;Faa-Thompson, Tracie;Gallagher, Jenny A.;Goldman, Linda;Kottman, Terry ©2020ISBN: 9783837650501
- Playing WarAuthor: PaynePublisher: Payne ©2021ISBN: 9781479848560
- Playing WarAuthor: FrühstückPublisher: Frühstück ©2020ISBN: 9783050045078
- Playing with ... SAuthor: Sanctuary, LucyPublisher: Sanctuary, Lucy ©2018ISBN: 97808638896461 Concurrent User
- Playing with DesireAuthor: TromlyPublisher: Tromly ©2021ISBN: 9780698180147
- Playing with Dynamite : A Personal Approach to the Psychoanalytic Understanding of Perversions, Violence, and CriminalityAuthor: Welldon, Estela V.Publisher: Welldon, Estela V. ©2017ISBN: 9781855757424
- Playing with FireAuthor: WilsonPublisher: Wilson ©2022ISBN: 97803002539313 Consecutive User Seats
- Playing With FormAuthor: AllandPublisher: Alland ©2019ISBN: 9780231923248
- Playing with GodAuthor: BakerPublisher: Baker ©2021ISBN: 9781433820830
- Playing with HistoryAuthor: RosnerPublisher: Rosner ©2021ISBN: 9780765708014
- Playing with History: The Historical Approach to Musical PerformanceAuthor: ButtPublisher: Butt ©2018ISBN: 97805218135251 Concurrent User
- Playing with LanguagesAuthor: PaughPublisher: Paugh ©2022ISBN: 9780791406755