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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (14001-14050 of 33609):
- Poems of Ossian, Volume 2, The, vol. 2Author: Oriot, Denis;Alinier, GuillaumePublisher: Oriot, Denis;Alinier, Guillaume ©2023ISBN: 9783112688250
- Poems of Park BenjaminAuthor: R.R. LeePublisher: R.R. Lee ©2019ISBN: 9780231923323
- Poems of R.P. BlackmurAuthor: BlackmurPublisher: Blackmur ©2020ISBN: 9781590595541
- Poems of Sextus Propertius, TheAuthor: PropertiusPublisher: Propertius ©2020ISBN: 97807817787181 Concurrent User
- Poems of Sir George Etherege, TheAuthor: Michael W. Geoghegan,Dan KlassPublisher: Michael W. Geoghegan,Dan Klass ©2021ISBN: 9781590595541
- Poems of the Elder EddaAuthor: World Health OrganizationPublisher: World Health Organization ©2021ISBN: 9780812282207
- Poems of the First Buddhist WomenAuthor: Tee Morris,Chuck Tomasi,Evo Terra,Kreg SteppePublisher: Tee Morris,Chuck Tomasi,Evo Terra,Kreg Steppe ©2021ISBN: 9780470275573
- Poems of the Troubadour Bertran de Born, TheAuthor: World Health Organization;World Health OrganizationPublisher: World Health Organization;World Health Organization ©2021ISBN: 97833191749693 Consecutive User Seats
- Poems on Several OccasionsAuthor: Tee Morris,Chuck TomasiPublisher: Tee Morris,Chuck Tomasi ©2019ISBN: 97802319233851 Concurrent User
- Poems to SivaAuthor: PetersonPublisher: Peterson ©2021ISBN: 97892415483731 Concurrent User
- Poems Under SaturnAuthor: VerlainePublisher: Verlaine ©2020ISBN: 97819751061335 Concurrent Users
- Poems Without NamesAuthor: OliverPublisher: Oliver ©2021ISBN: 9780749498542
- Poesia cantata 2Author: Dr, Anita Williams, PhD BSc(Hons), Professor and Chris Nester, PhD BSc(Hons)Publisher: Dr, Anita Williams, PhD BSc(Hons), Professor and Chris Nester, PhD BSc(Hons) ©2019ISBN: 9783484503878
- Poesía épica colonial del siglo XVIAuthor: Marrero-FentePublisher: Marrero-Fente ©2020ISBN: 97815882967401 Concurrent User
- Poesía española en el mundoAuthor: Alethea VM Foster, BA(Hons) PGCE DPodM MChSPublisher: Alethea VM Foster, BA(Hons) PGCE DPodM MChS ©2020ISBN: 9781588296740
- Poesía lírica y progreso tecnológicoAuthor: Mandy, Anne;Lucas, Kevin;McInnes, Janet;Lucas, JodiePublisher: Mandy, Anne;Lucas, Kevin;McInnes, Janet;Lucas, Jodie ©2020ISBN: 9780470519639
- Poesía peruana 1921-1931Author: Mandy, Anne;Lucas, Kevin;McInnes, Janet;Lucas, JodiePublisher: Mandy, Anne;Lucas, Kevin;McInnes, Janet;Lucas, Jodie ©2020ISBN: 9780470519639
- Poesía satírica y burlesca en la Hispanoamérica colonialAuthor: DavidsonPublisher: Davidson ©2020ISBN: 9780674331235
- Poesía satírico-burlesca de QuevedoAuthor: ArellanoPublisher: Arellano ©2020ISBN: 9781118860076
- Poesía y Biblia en el Siglo de OroAuthor: Núñez RiveraPublisher: Núñez Rivera ©2020ISBN: 9781107696266
- Poesía, pensamiento y percepciónAuthor: MeidlPublisher: Meidl ©2020ISBN: 9780674436251
- Poesías completas de José María Heredia. Edición críticaAuthor: AltenbergPublisher: Altenberg ©2021ISBN: 9788491921349
- Poesie - Theologie - PolitikAuthor: MauchPublisher: Mauch ©2019ISBN: 9783484181182
- Poesie der AufklärungAuthor: KrämerPublisher: Krämer ©2019ISBN: 97831103484151 Concurrent User
- Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der PoesieAuthor: JakobsonPublisher: Jakobson ©2021ISBN: 9783110183627
- Poésie et cancerAuthor: PirlotPublisher: Pirlot ©2022ISBN: 9781858734484
- Poésie ininterrompue et la poétique de Paul ÉluardAuthor: VernierPublisher: Vernier ©2021ISBN: 97831109912221 Concurrent User
- Poesie und KonspirationAuthor: KlausnitzerPublisher: Klausnitzer ©2019ISBN: 97831102003935 Concurrent Users
- Poesie und Philologie in der Goethe-ZeitAuthor: BuschmeierPublisher: Buschmeier ©2021ISBN: 9783484181854
- Poesie und ReflexionAuthor: Strohschneider-KohrsPublisher: Strohschneider-Kohrs ©2019ISBN: 9783484107908
- Poesie-Erotik-WitzAuthor: SpalPublisher: Spal ©2021ISBN: 9783110447750
- PoesiefilmAuthor: OrphalPublisher: Orphal ©2021ISBN: 97831103516205 Concurrent Users
- Poet and OratorAuthor: SchubertPublisher: Schubert ©2019ISBN: 97831106269022 Concurrent Users
- Poet and the Antiquaries, TheAuthor: CookPublisher: Cook ©2020ISBN: 9780674280816
- Poet and the CriticAuthor: McDougallPublisher: McDougall ©2023ISBN: 9780226774985
- Poet and the Gilded Age, TheAuthor: WalkerPublisher: Walker ©2021ISBN: 9781512820140
- Poet and the Idiot, TheAuthor: TuglasPublisher: Tuglas ©2022ISBN: 9783319027104
- Poet and the World, TheAuthor: HollenderPublisher: Hollender ©2019ISBN: 9783110600759
- Poet as Analyst, TheAuthor: LawlerPublisher: Lawler ©2020ISBN: 9783642162503
- Poet Edgar Allan Poe, TheAuthor: McGannPublisher: McGann ©2021ISBN: 9780674416666
- Poet Li Po, TheAuthor: Chia-yeePublisher: Chia-yee ©2021ISBN: 97815905990511 Concurrent User
- Poet of RevolutionAuthor: McDowellPublisher: McDowell ©2021ISBN: 9783110202731
- Poet Shen Yueh, TheAuthor: MatherPublisher: Mather ©2020ISBN: 9780231923347
- Poet's Freedom, TheAuthor: StewartPublisher: Stewart ©2021ISBN: 97802319233611 Concurrent User
- Poet's Mistake, TheAuthor: McAlpinePublisher: McAlpine ©2020ISBN: 97815905955411 Concurrent User
- Poet, Researcher, or Both? Balancing Rigor and Creativity in Poetics ResearchAuthor: BabcockPublisher: Babcock ©2019ISBN: 97815905955411 Concurrent User
- Poet-Critics and the Administration of CultureAuthor: KindleyPublisher: Kindley ©2020ISBN: 9781908517746
- Poeta ultraísta, poeta exiliadoAuthor: DoucleffPublisher: Doucleff ©2020ISBN: 9783642162503
- Poetae Comici Graeci ; Agathenor - Aristonymus, vol. IIAuthor: Tee Morris,Chuck TomasiPublisher: Tee Morris,Chuck Tomasi ©2020ISBN: 9783110128406
- Poetae Comici Graeci ; Aristophanes Testimonia et Fragmenta, vol. 2Author: Tee Morris,Chuck TomasiPublisher: Tee Morris,Chuck Tomasi ©2021ISBN: 9783110098938