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Showing books starting with the letter P (16401-16450 of 33609):
- Polymer Testing
- Polymer Therapeutics I, vol. 192
- Polymer Therapeutics II, vol. 193
- Polymer Thermodynamics by Gas Chromatography, vol. 4
- Polymer Thermodynamics, vol. 238
- Polymer Thin Films
- Polymer Viscoelasticity: Basics, Molecular Theories And Experiments
- Polymer Viscoelasticity: Basics, Molecular Theories, Experiments And Simulations
- Polymer-Based Advanced Functional Composites for Optoelectronic and Energy Applications
- Polymer-Based Multifunctional Nanocomposites and Their Applications
- Polymer-based Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications
- Polymer-Based Nanoscale Materials for Surface Coatings
- Polymer-Based Nanostructures : Medical Applications
- Polymer-Based Separators for Lithium-Ion Batteries
- Polymer-based Solid State Batteries
- Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites : Preparation, Properties and Applications
- Polymer-Drug Conjugates
- Polymer-Layered Silicate and Silica Nanocomposites
- Polymer-Protein Conjugates
- Polymer-Solvent Molecular Compounds
- Polymer/ Nanodiamond Nanocomposites
- Polymer/ Nanodiamond Nanocomposites
- Polymer/Fullerene Nanocomposites
- Polymere Aspekte, vol. 58
- Polymères en ambiance nucléaire
- Polymeric Adsorbents
- Polymeric and Inorganic Fibers, vol. 178
- Polymeric and Self Assembled Hydrogels : From Fundamental Understanding to Applications
- Polymeric Biomaterials : Structure and Function, Volume 1
- Polymeric Biomaterials : Structure and Function, Volume 1
- Polymeric Biomaterials for Healthcare Applications
- Polymeric Biomaterials, vol. 106
- Polymeric Chiral Catalyst Design and Chiral Polymer Synthesis
- Polymeric Coating Systems for Artificial Leather
- Polymeric Composites with Rice Hulls
- Polymeric Cryogels, vol. 263
- Polymeric Dental Materials
- Polymeric Dispersions: Principles and Applications, vol. 335
- Polymeric Foams : Innovations in Processes, Technologies, and Products
- Polymeric Foams Structure-Property-Performance
- Polymeric Gels
- Polymeric Layers, vol. 85
- Polymeric Liquid Crystals
- Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Implants
- Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Implants
- Polymeric Materials in Corrosion Inhibition
- Polymeric Materials in Dentistry
- Polymeric Membrane Formation by Phase Inversion
- Polymeric Micelles for Drug Delivery
- Polymeric Nanocomposite Materials for Sensor Applications