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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (17401-17450 of 33609):
- Positivism in PsychologyAuthor: Knee, C. Raymond;Reis, Harry T.Publisher: Knee, C. Raymond;Reis, Harry T. ©2016ISBN: 97803879770031 Concurrent User
- Positivistic and Non-Positivistic Qualitative Business ResearchAuthor: BellPublisher: Bell ©2019ISBN: 97814614660483 Consecutive User Seats
- PositivityAuthor: Hanbury, MartinPublisher: Hanbury, Martin ©2016ISBN: 9783764384777
- Positivity in Lie TheoryAuthor: Robert Biswas-DienerPublisher: Robert Biswas-Diener ©2019ISBN: 97831101611201 Concurrent User
- Positron and Positronium Chemistry XAuthor: Kristiak, Jozef;Kuriplach, Jan;Pujari, Pradeep K.Publisher: Kristiak, Jozef;Kuriplach, Jan;Pujari, Pradeep K. ©2018ISBN: 97830378551885 Concurrent Users
- Positron AnnihilationAuthor: CalvoPublisher: Calvo ©2016ISBN: 97815856249591 Concurrent User
- Positron Annihilation : Proceedings of the Conference Held at Wayne State University on July 27-29,1965Author: Steward, A. T.Publisher: Steward, A. T. ©2018ISBN: 9780123954978Unlimited Users
- Positron Annihilation in Chemistry, vol. 58Author: MogensenPublisher: Mogensen ©2016ISBN: 9783642851254Unlimited Users
- Positron Emission Particle Tracking: A comprehensive guideAuthor: Windows-YulePublisher: Windows-Yule ©2022ISBN: 9780750330695Unlimited Users
- Positron Emission TomographyAuthor: Seligman, Martin E. P.Publisher: Seligman, Martin E. P. ©2016ISBN: 97818523379881 Concurrent User
- Positron Emission TomographyAuthor: Mather, Peter C.;Hulme, EileenPublisher: Mather, Peter C.;Hulme, Eileen ©2016ISBN: 9781852339715
- Positron Emission TomographyAuthor: KrausePublisher: Krause ©2016ISBN: 9783642211195
- Positron Emission Tomography : A Guide for CliniciansAuthor: Das, Birendra KishorePublisher: Das, Birendra Kishore ©2016ISBN: 97881322209783 Consecutive User Seats
- Positron Emission Tomography : Basic SciencesAuthor: Bailey, Dale L.;Townsend, David W.;Valk, Peter E.;Maisey, Michael N.Publisher: Bailey, Dale L.;Townsend, David W.;Valk, Peter E.;Maisey, Michael N. ©2018ISBN: 97818523379881 Concurrent User
- Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography : A Disease-Oriented ApproachAuthor: Kramer, Elissa L.;Ko, Jane P.;Ponzo, Fabio;Mourtzikos, KarenPublisher: Kramer, Elissa L.;Ko, Jane P.;Ponzo, Fabio;Mourtzikos, Karen ©2018ISBN: 97808493808775 Concurrent Users
- Positron Emission Tomography of the BrainAuthor: DeAngelisPublisher: DeAngelis ©2016ISBN: 9783540121305
- Positron Emission Tomography with Computed TomographyAuthor: Santiago, Jonas Francisco Y.Publisher: Santiago, Jonas Francisco Y. ©2018ISBN: 9783319055176
- Positron Emission Tomography: A Critical Assessment of Recent Trends, vol. 51Author: Chang, Edward C.Publisher: Chang, Edward C. ©2016ISBN: 9789401060974
- Positron PhysicsAuthor: Charlton, M.;Humberston, J. W.Publisher: Charlton, M.;Humberston, J. W. ©2018ISBN: 97805214155075 Concurrent Users
- Positron Scattering in Gases, vol. 107Author: HojjatPublisher: Hojjat ©2016ISBN: 9781461298045
- Positronium ChemistryAuthor: James Green and John C. LeePublisher: James Green and John C. Lee ©2016ISBN: 9781441977434
- Positrons in Solids, vol. 12Author: PeseschkianPublisher: Peseschkian ©2016ISBN: 97836428131845 Concurrent Users
- Posmodernismo y teatro en América LatinaAuthor: RizkPublisher: Rizk ©2020ISBN: 9788495107985
- Posn(R) and Eisenstein Series, vol. 1868Author: JorgensonPublisher: Jorgenson ©2016ISBN: 9783540257875
- PospopularesAuthor: HalperPublisher: Halper ©2021ISBN: 9789401040020
- PossessedAuthor: AndriopoulosPublisher: Andriopoulos ©2020ISBN: 9780226020549
- PossessedAuthor: FalkoffPublisher: Falkoff ©2021ISBN: 9789400964860
- Possessed and the Dispossessed, TheAuthor: SharpPublisher: Sharp ©2021ISBN: 97894009648601 Concurrent User
- Possessed by the SpiritsAuthor: Staub, ErvinPublisher: Staub, Ervin ©2021ISBN: 9780126631029
- Possessing NatureAuthor: FindlenPublisher: Findlen ©2020ISBN: 9789400768680
- Possessing PolynesiansAuthor: ArvinPublisher: Arvin ©2021ISBN: 97814780050251 Concurrent User
- Possessing the PacificAuthor: BannerPublisher: Banner ©2021ISBN: 9780309078481
- PossessionAuthor: ThompsonPublisher: Thompson ©2020ISBN: 9780300208528
- Possession and DispossessionAuthor: Ervin StaubPublisher: Ervin Staub ©2022ISBN: 9783110785784
- Possession of Barbe Hallay, TheAuthor: CowanPublisher: Cowan ©2023ISBN: 9789400768680
- PossessionsAuthor: RichardsonPublisher: Richardson ©2021ISBN: 9780309078481
- PossessionsAuthor: RichardsonPublisher: Richardson ©2021ISBN: 97890277197131 Concurrent User
- Possessor and the Possessed, TheAuthor: KivyPublisher: Kivy ©2020ISBN: 9780857086839
- Possessors and PossessedAuthor: ShawPublisher: Shaw ©2020ISBN: 9781402051241Unlimited Users
- Possibilities of Charting Modern Life : A Symposium for Ethnological Research about Modern Time in Stockholm, March 1967, TheAuthor: Erixon, SigurdPublisher: Erixon, Sigurd ©2018ISBN: 9780080133089
- Possibilities of Charting Modern Life, TheAuthor: Joseph, StephenPublisher: Joseph, Stephen ©2016ISBN: 9780415723411
- Possibilities of PerceptionAuthor: Church, JenniferPublisher: Church, Jennifer ©2018ISBN: 9780199678440
- Possibilities Organization, TheAuthor: Robert R. Carkuff, Ph.D.,Bernard G. Berenson, Ph.D.Publisher: Robert R. Carkuff, Ph.D.,Bernard G. Berenson, Ph.D. ©2019ISBN: 9780874255775
- Possibility and ActualityAuthor: HartmannPublisher: Hartmann ©2021ISBN: 9783110246674
- Possibility and RealityAuthor: DumitrescuPublisher: Dumitrescu ©2021ISBN: 97831103238182 Concurrent Users
- Possibility for Decision, vol. 270Author: CarlssonPublisher: Carlsson ©2016ISBN: 9783642226410
- Possibility of a World, TheAuthor: NancyPublisher: Nancy ©2021ISBN: 9780823275410
- Possibility of Altruism, TheAuthor: NagelPublisher: Nagel ©2021ISBN: 9781626567450
- Possibility of Communication, TheAuthor: ScottPublisher: Scott ©2019ISBN: 97831101190911 Concurrent User
- Possibility of Earthquake Forecasting: Learning from nature, TheAuthor: Sergey PulinetsPublisher: Sergey Pulinets ©2019ISBN: 9780750312493