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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (19851-19900 of 33609):
- Practical Quantum Mechanics II, vol. 178Author: FlüggePublisher: Flügge ©2016ISBN: 9783642651168
- Practical Quantum Mechanics, vol. 177Author: FlüggePublisher: Flügge ©2016ISBN: 9783540650355
- Practical R 4: Applying R to Data Manipulation, Processing and IntegrationAuthor: Jon WestfallPublisher: Jon Westfall ©2020ISBN: 9781484259450
- Practical Radiation OncologyAuthor: Hewitson, Leslie;Brown, Mark;Balakrishnan, RameshPublisher: Hewitson, Leslie;Brown, Mark;Balakrishnan, Ramesh ©2020ISBN: 97807506639775 Concurrent Users
- Practical Radiation OncologyAuthor: Dawson, Julie;Hennell, Sheena;Shepton, RuthPublisher: Dawson, Julie;Hennell, Sheena;Shepton, Ruth ©2023ISBN: 9781905539789
- Practical Radiation OncologyAuthor: Avi PfefferPublisher: Avi Pfeffer ©2020ISBN: 9781617292330
- Practical Radiation Oncology PhysicsAuthor: Sonja Dieterich, Eric Ford, Dan Pavord and Jing ZengPublisher: Sonja Dieterich, Eric Ford, Dan Pavord and Jing Zeng ©2016ISBN: 9781617292330
- Practical Radiation ProtectionAuthor: MartinPublisher: Martin ©2019ISBN: 97801996552121 Concurrent User
- Practical Radio Engineering and Telemetry for IndustryAuthor: David Bailey, BEPublisher: David Bailey, BE ©2016ISBN: 97804444213335 Concurrent Users
- Practical Radio Frequency Test and MeasurementAuthor: Joseph J. CarrPublisher: Joseph J. Carr ©2016ISBN: 9781402066269
- Practical Radio Resource Management in Wireless SystemsAuthor: Kyriazakos, Sofoklis A.;Karetsos, GeorgePublisher: Kyriazakos, Sofoklis A.;Karetsos, George ©2018ISBN: 9781580536325
- Practical Radiobiology for Proton Therapy PlanningAuthor: Bleddyn JonesPublisher: Bleddyn Jones ©2019ISBN: 97807503192325 Concurrent Users
- Practical Radiological AnatomyAuthor: McWilliams, SarahPublisher: McWilliams, Sarah ©2018ISBN: 9781853158001
- Practical Radiotherapy : Physics and EquipmentAuthor: Cherry, Pam;Duxbury, Angela M.Publisher: Cherry, Pam;Duxbury, Angela M. ©2018ISBN: 9781405184267
- Practical Rails PluginsAuthor: Nick Plante,David BerubePublisher: Nick Plante,David Berube ©2020ISBN: 9781590599938
- Practical Rails ProjectsAuthor: AlamedaPublisher: Alameda ©2016ISBN: 9781590597811
- Practical Rails Social Networking SitesAuthor: BradburnePublisher: Bradburne ©2016ISBN: 97815905984121 Concurrent User
- Practical Raman SpectroscopyAuthor: Giannoudis, Peter V.;Pape, Hans-ChristophPublisher: Giannoudis, Peter V.;Pape, Hans-Christoph ©2016ISBN: 97835405025481 Concurrent User
- Practical Rapid ECG InterpretationAuthor: Kocheril, Abraham G.Publisher: Kocheril, Abraham G. ©2018ISBN: 9781607410218
- Practical Raspberry PiAuthor: Horan, BrendanPublisher: Horan, Brendan ©2016ISBN: 9781430249719
- Practical React Native: Build Two Full Projects and One Full Game Using React NativeAuthor: Frank ZammettiPublisher: Frank Zammetti ©2019ISBN: 9781484239384
- Practical Real-Time Enterprise, TheAuthor: Neal G. AndersonPublisher: Neal G. Anderson ©2016ISBN: 9783540219958
- Practical Reasoning in Human Affairs, vol. 183Author: Neal G. AndersonPublisher: Neal G. Anderson ©2016ISBN: 9789401085786
- Practical Reasoning, vol. 1085Author: Anderson, Neal G.Publisher: Anderson, Neal G. ©2016ISBN: 9783540613138
- Practical Reporting with Ruby and RailsAuthor: BerubePublisher: Berube ©2016ISBN: 9781590599334
- Practical Research and Evaluation: A Start-to-Finish Guide for PractitionersAuthor: David Hillson,Peter SimonPublisher: David Hillson,Peter Simon ©2019ISBN: 9781847870049
- Practical Research Methods for Media and Cultural StudiesAuthor: MosdellPublisher: Mosdell ©2022ISBN: 9780124860506
- Practical Reservoir Engineering and CharacterizationAuthor: Harvey W. Yarranton, Richard O. Baker and Jerry JensenPublisher: Harvey W. Yarranton, Richard O. Baker and Jerry Jensen ©2016ISBN: 9780387711065
- Practical Residual Stress Measurement MethodsAuthor: Schajer, Gary S.Publisher: Schajer, Gary S. ©2018ISBN: 9781118342374
- Practical REST on Rails 2 ProjectsAuthor: Ben ScofieldPublisher: Ben Scofield ©2020ISBN: 9781590599945
- Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and ObfuscationAuthor: Bruce Dang,Alexandre Gazet,Elias BachaalanyPublisher: Bruce Dang,Alexandre Gazet,Elias Bachaalany ©2018ISBN: 9781118787311
- Practical RF Circuit Design for Modern Wireless Systems, Volume I: Passive Circuits and SystemsAuthor: Besser, Les;Gilmore, RowanPublisher: Besser, Les;Gilmore, Rowan ©2018ISBN: 9781580535212
- Practical RF Circuit Design for Modern Wireless Systems, Volume II: Active CircuitsAuthor: Gilmore, Rowan;Besser, LesPublisher: Gilmore, Rowan;Besser, Les ©2018ISBN: 9781580535229
- Practical RF HandbookAuthor: Ian Hickman, BSc (Hons), CEng, MIET, MIEEEPublisher: Ian Hickman, BSc (Hons), CEng, MIET, MIEEE ©2016ISBN: 9781590599198
- Practical RF HandbookAuthor: Hickman EUR.ING, B. S. c. HonsPublisher: Hickman EUR.ING, B. S. c. Hons ©2018ISBN: 97807506803941 Concurrent User
- Practical RichFacesAuthor: KatzPublisher: Katz ©2016ISBN: 97814302105591 Concurrent User
- Practical RichFacesAuthor: KatzPublisher: Katz ©2016ISBN: 9781430234494
- Practical Risk Management for the CIOAuthor: Mark ScherlingPublisher: Mark Scherling ©2019ISBN: 97814398565363 Consecutive User Seats
- Practical Risk Management In The Construction IndustryAuthor: Edwards, LesliePublisher: Edwards, Leslie ©2018ISBN: 97807277206415 Concurrent Users
- Practical Robotics and Mechatronics : Marine, Space and Medical ApplicationsAuthor: Yamamoto, IkuoPublisher: Yamamoto, Ikuo ©2018ISBN: 97818491996811 Concurrent User
- Practical Robotics in C++: Build and Program Real Autonomous Robots Using Raspberry PiAuthor: Lloyd BrombachPublisher: Lloyd Brombach ©2022ISBN: 9789389423464Unlimited Users
- Practical Rubber Rheology and Dynamic PropertiesAuthor: John S. DickPublisher: John S. Dick ©2023ISBN: 9781451142631Unlimited Users
- Practical Ruby for System AdministrationAuthor: HamouPublisher: Hamou ©2016ISBN: 9781590598214
- Practical Ruby GemsAuthor: BerubePublisher: Berube ©2016ISBN: 97815905981151 Concurrent User
- Practical Ruby ProjectsAuthor: CyllPublisher: Cyll ©2016ISBN: 97815905991123 Consecutive User Seats
- Practical Rust Projects: Build Serverless, AI, Machine Learning, Embedded, Game, and Web Applications, 2nd EditionAuthor: Shing Lyu,Andrew RzeznikPublisher: Shing Lyu,Andrew Rzeznik ©2023ISBN: 97814842933001 Concurrent User
- Practical Rust Projects: Building Game, Physical Computing, and Machine Learning ApplicationsAuthor: Shing LyuPublisher: Shing Lyu ©2020ISBN: 97814842559885 Concurrent Users
- Practical Rust Web Projects: Building Cloud and Web-Based ApplicationsAuthor: Shing LyuPublisher: Shing Lyu ©2021ISBN: 9781484265888
- Practical Salesforce Development Without Code: Building Declarative Solutions on the Salesforce Platform, Second EditionAuthor: Philip WeinmeisterPublisher: Philip Weinmeister ©2019ISBN: 9781484248706
- Practical Development Without Code: Customizing Salesforce on the PlatformAuthor: Philip WeinmeisterPublisher: Philip Weinmeister ©2016ISBN: 9781484200988