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Showing books starting with the letter P (1951-2000 of 33609):
- Participant Observation: A Method to Evaluate a Nursing Research Community of Practice
- Participant Observation: A Methodology for Human Studies, vol. 15
- Participant Observation: A Practical Field Guide for Students and Lecturers
- Participant Observation: An Ethnographic Study of the Culture in a Diagnostic Imaging Department
- Participant Observation: In the Context of Reflexive Action Research in a Health Care Firm
- Participant Observation: Middle Eastern Dance in Stockholm
- Participant Observer
- Participant Observers
- Participant, The
- Participant-Guided Mobile Methods: Investigating Personal Experiences of Communities Following a Disaster
- Participants, The
- Participating in Explanatory Dialogues
- Participation and Democratic Theory
- Participation and Democratic Theory
- Participation and Learning
- Participation and Power : Civic Discourse in Environmental Policy Decisions
- Participation and the Quality of Environmental Decision Making, vol. 14
- Participation in Courts and Tribunals
- Participation in Environmental Organizations
- Participation in Fisheries Governance, vol. 4
- Participation in Public Policy-Making
- Participation Marketing: Unleashing Employees to Participate and Become Brand Storytellers
- Participation Paradox, The
- Participation without Democracy
- Participation, Citizenship and Intergenerational Relations in Children and Young People's Lives : Children and Adults in Conversation
- Participation, Responsibility and Choice
- Participatory Action Research : International Contexts and Consequences
- Participatory Action Research for School Improvement: The Kwithu Project
- Participatory Action Research in Natural Resource Management : A Critque of the Method Based on Five Years' Experience in the Transamozonica Region of Brazil
- Participatory Action Research With Children in Education: The Learning Process as Political Praxis
- Participatory Action Research, vol. 123
- Participatory Action Research, vol. 52
- Participatory Action Research: A Youth-Centered Approach to Planning for a Citywide Youth Media Center
- Participatory Action Research: Developing an Occupation-Based Program Focused on Maximizing Resources for Those Living in Poverty
- Participatory Action Research: Exploring Distributed Leadership in a Workplace Network
- Participatory Action Research: Improving Professional Practices and Local Situations
- Participatory Activist Research in the Globalised World, vol. 26
- Participatory Case Studies of Community-Led Research Review Processes
- Participatory community research: Theories and methods in action
- Participatory community research: Theories and methods in action
- Participatory Health Through Social Media
- Participatory Ideology
- Participatory IT Design
- Participatory Knowledge
- Participatory Knowledge Building Within Research-Practice Partnerships in Education
- Participatory Mapping : New Data, New Cartography
- Participatory Methods in Futures Studies: A Vision-Construction Process About the Future of Higher Education
- Participatory Modelling for Resilient Futures, vol. 30
- Participatory Politics
- Participatory Practice