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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter P (29351-29400 of 33609):
- Proofs and AlgorithmsAuthor: DowekPublisher: Dowek ©2016ISBN: 9780857291202
- Proofs and FundamentalsAuthor: BlochPublisher: Bloch ©2016ISBN: 97814419712655 Concurrent Users
- Proofs and FundamentalsAuthor: BlochPublisher: Bloch ©2016ISBN: 97814612742611 Concurrent User
- Proofs and RefutationsAuthor: Lakatos, Imre;Worrall, John;Zahar, EliePublisher: Lakatos, Imre;Worrall, John;Zahar, Elie ©2018ISBN: 97811071134661 Concurrent User
- Proofs from THE BOOKAuthor: AignerPublisher: Aigner ©2016ISBN: 9788847004351
- Proofs from THE BOOKAuthor: AignerPublisher: Aigner ©2016ISBN: 97836622234511 Concurrent User
- Proofs from THE BOOKAuthor: AignerPublisher: Aigner ©2016ISBN: 9783662442043Unlimited Users
- Proofs from THE BOOKAuthor: AignerPublisher: Aigner ©2016ISBN: 9783642008559
- Proofs from the BOOKAuthor: Aigner, Martin;Hofmann, Karl H.;Ziegler, Günter M.Publisher: Aigner, Martin;Hofmann, Karl H.;Ziegler, Günter M. ©2018ISBN: 9783662043172Unlimited Users
- Proofs from THE BOOKAuthor: AignerPublisher: Aigner ©2016ISBN: 9783662054147
- Proofs of Prophecy and the Refutation of the Isma'iliyyaAuthor: LikaPublisher: Lika ©2020ISBN: 97831105397693 Consecutive User Seats
- Proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem : A Mathematical ExcursionAuthor: Hinkis, AriePublisher: Hinkis, Arie ©2018ISBN: 97830348078833 Consecutive User Seats
- Proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem, vol. 45Author: HinkisPublisher: Hinkis ©2016ISBN: 97830348022391 Concurrent User
- Propaganda and Communication in World HistoryAuthor: Gold, Bonnie;Simons, Roger A.Publisher: Gold, Bonnie;Simons, Roger A. ©2021ISBN: 9780883855676
- Propaganda and Communication in World HistoryAuthor: Korenaga, CorinPublisher: Korenaga, Corin ©2021ISBN: 97803047068465 Concurrent Users
- Propaganda and Communication in World HistoryAuthor: Negri, Sara;von Plato, JanPublisher: Negri, Sara;von Plato, Jan ©2021ISBN: 9781107008953
- Propaganda in Revolutionary UkraineAuthor: VelychenkoPublisher: Velychenko ©2020ISBN: 9781487504687
- Propaganda oder Autonomie?Author: AmelinaPublisher: Amelina ©2021ISBN: 97803877128641 Concurrent User
- Propaganda State in CrisisAuthor: BrandenbergerPublisher: Brandenberger ©2020ISBN: 9783540761860
- Propaganda, Censorship and Irish Neutrality in the Second World WarAuthor: ColePublisher: Cole ©2022ISBN: 9780387489087
- Propaganda, Communication and Public OpinionAuthor: LasswellPublisher: Lasswell ©2021ISBN: 9789048183814
- Propagandisten im KriegAuthor: LongerichPublisher: Longerich ©2019ISBN: 9783486541113
- Propagandists' Playbook, TheAuthor: TripodiPublisher: Tripodi ©2022ISBN: 9783540159018
- Propagation and Genetic Manipulation of PlantsAuthor: Detlefsen, MichaelPublisher: Detlefsen, Michael ©2021ISBN: 9789811577352
- Propagation Dynamics on Complex Networks : Models, Methods and Stability AnalysisAuthor: Fu, Xinchu;Small, Michael;Chen, GuanrongPublisher: Fu, Xinchu;Small, Michael;Chen, Guanrong ©2018ISBN: 9781118534502
- Propagation Engineering in Radio Links DesignAuthor: GhasemiPublisher: Ghasemi ©2016ISBN: 97814614531305 Concurrent Users
- Propagation Engineering in Wireless CommunicationsAuthor: GhasemiPublisher: Ghasemi ©2016ISBN: 9781461410768
- Propagation Engineering in Wireless CommunicationsAuthor: GhasemiPublisher: Ghasemi ©2016ISBN: 9783319327822
- Propagation in Systems Far from Equilibrium, vol. 41Author: WHOPublisher: WHO ©2016ISBN: 97836427386305 Concurrent Users
- Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Multiconductor Transmission Lines, TheAuthor: P. I. Kuznetsov, R. L. Stratonovich and L. A. G. DreselPublisher: P. I. Kuznetsov, R. L. Stratonovich and L. A. G. Dresel ©2016ISBN: 9789048183814
- Propagation of Gamma Quanta in Matter, TheAuthor: O. I. Leipunskii, B. V. Novozhilov, V. N. Sakharov and J. V. DunworthPublisher: O. I. Leipunskii, B. V. Novozhilov, V. N. Sakharov and J. V. Dunworth ©2016ISBN: 9783540159018
- Propagation of Intensive Laser Radiation in CloudsAuthor: Volkovitsky, O. A.;Sedunov, Yuri S.Publisher: Volkovitsky, O. A.;Sedunov, Yuri S. ©2018ISBN: 97815634702021 Concurrent User
- Propagation of Interval and Probabilistic Uncertainty in Cyberinfrastructure-related Data Processing and Data Fusion, vol. 15Author: ServinPublisher: Servin ©2016ISBN: 9783319126272
- Propagation of Misinformation in Social Media, TheAuthor: PohlersPublisher: Pohlers ©2023ISBN: 9783540693185
- Propagation of Radio Waves at Frequencies Below 300 kc/s, vol. 74Author: Hendricks, Vincent F.;Pedersen, Stig Andur;Jørgensen, Klaus Frovin;Jørgensen, Klaus FrovinPublisher: Hendricks, Vincent F.;Pedersen, Stig Andur;Jørgensen, Klaus Frovin;Jørgensen, Klaus Frovin ©2016ISBN: 9789048155538
- Propagation of Singularities for Fuchsian Operators, vol. 984Author: BovePublisher: Bove ©2016ISBN: 9783540122852
- Propagation of SLF/ELF Electromagnetic WavesAuthor: PanPublisher: Pan ©2016ISBN: 9783642390494
- Propagation of Sound in Porous MediaAuthor: AllardPublisher: Allard ©2016ISBN: 9781851668878
- Propagation of Transient Elastic Waves in Stratified Anisotropic Media, vol. 32Author: Cooper, RoryPublisher: Cooper, Rory ©2016ISBN: 9783540427520
- Propagation Phenomena in Real World Networks, vol. 85Author: Landi, Suzanne;Hernandez, LylaPublisher: Landi, Suzanne;Hernandez, Lyla ©2016ISBN: 9783319159157
- Propagazione delle onde elettromagnetiche, vol. 10Author: Braben, Donald W.;Braben, D WPublisher: Braben, Donald W.;Braben, D W ©2016ISBN: 9783642109157
- Propalladia and Other Works of Bartolome de Torres Naharro, Volume 4Author: Braben, Donald W.;Braben, D WPublisher: Braben, Donald W.;Braben, D W ©2021ISBN: 97815128019101 Concurrent User
- Propel: Five Ways to Amp Up Your Marketing and Accelerate BusinessAuthor: Whitney KeyesPublisher: Whitney Keyes ©2019ISBN: 9781601632333
- Propellants and Explosives : Thermochemical Aspects of CombustionAuthor: Kubota, NaminosukePublisher: Kubota, Naminosuke ©2018ISBN: 9783527331789
- Propeller Aerodynamics : The History, Aerodynamics and Operation of Aircraft PropellersAuthor: Hitchens, FrankPublisher: Hitchens, Frank ©2018ISBN: 9781579227500
- Propeller Programming: Using Assembler, Spin, and CAuthor: Sridhar AnandakrishnanPublisher: Sridhar Anandakrishnan ©2019ISBN: 9781484233535
- Propeller: Accelerating Change by Getting Accountability RightAuthor: Tanner Corbridge,Jared Jones,Craig Hickman,Tom SmithPublisher: Tanner Corbridge,Jared Jones,Craig Hickman,Tom Smith ©2020ISBN: 97817052117001 Concurrent User
- Propellerhead Record Ignite!: The Visual Guide for New UsersAuthor: Michael PragerPublisher: Michael Prager ©2019ISBN: 9781435455603Unlimited Users
- Propensity Score Matching in the Absence of Randomized Controlled Trials: A Case Study on the Effects of Breastfeeding on Childhood ObesityAuthor: GrayPublisher: Gray ©2020ISBN: 9780857291202Unlimited Users
- Propensity Score Matching Procedure on Discharge Records: The Case of Hip Fracture Versus Elective Hip ReplacementAuthor: Di MartinoPublisher: Di Martino ©2020ISBN: 9781461274261Unlimited Users