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Showing books starting with the letter P (31251-31300 of 33609):
- Psychological diagnosis in social adjustment, including an annotated list of tests, questionnaires, and rating scales for the study of personality and conduct
- Psychological Disorders in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the MRCOG and Beyond
- Psychological Distress: Symptoms, Causes and Coping : Symptoms, Causes and Coping
- Psychological Economics, vol. 13
- Psychological evaluation of the cerebral palsied person: Intellectual, personality, and vocational applications
- Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language, The
- Psychological Experiment : A Practical Accomplishment, The
- Psychological Experiment, The
- Psychological Experiments on the Internet
- Psychological Factors and Cardiovascular Disorders : The Role of Psychiatric Pathology and Maladaptive Personality Features
- Psychological Factors and Cardiovascular Disorders : The Role of Stress and Psychosocial Influences
- Psychological factors in the care of patients with multiple sclerosis: For use of physicians
- Psychological Foundations of Attitudes
- Psychological Foundations of Education
- Psychological foundations of education
- Psychological Foundations of Evidence Law, The
- Psychological Foundations of Evidence Law, The
- Psychological foundations of personality: A guide for students and teachers
- Psychological Frontiers of Society, The
- Psychological Health Effects of Musical Experiences
- Psychological Impact of Acute and Chronic Illness: A Practical Guide for Primary Care Physicians, The
- Psychological Impact of Living Under Violence and Poverty in Brazil, The
- Psychological Impact of Receiving Tutor Feedback in Higher Education: A Mixed Methodological Approach, The
- Psychological Injuries
- Psychological inquiries, the second part, being a series intended to illustrate some points in the moral and physical history of man
- Psychological inquiries: In a series of essays, intended to illustrate the mutual relations of the physical organization and the mental faculties
- Psychological inquiries: In a series of essays, intended to illustrate the mutual relations of the physical organization and the mental faculties
- Psychological interventions in childhood chronic illness
- Psychological Interventions in Early Psychosis : A Treatment Handbook
- Psychological Interventions in Times of Crisis
- Psychological Investigations : A Clinician's Guide to Social Therapy
- Psychological Issues
- Psychological issues: Selected papers of Robert S. Woodworth, professor of psychology, Columbia University
- Psychological Journey To and From Loneliness, The
- Psychological Knowledge : A Social History and Philosophy
- Psychological Knowledge in Court
- Psychological Management of Stroke
- Psychological Managements for Psychosomatic Disorders
- Psychological Masquerade, Second Edition : Distinguishing Psychological from Organic Disorders, Third Edition
- psychological meaning of chaos: Translating theory into practice, The
- psychological methods of testing intelligence, The
- psychological origin of mental disorders, The
- Psychological Perspectives of Helplessness and Control in the Elderly
- Psychological Perspectives of Helplessness and Control in the Elderly, vol. 57
- Psychological perspectives on human diversity in America
- Psychological perspectives on human trafficking: Theory, research, prevention, and intervention
- Psychological Perspectives on Justice: Theory and Applications
- Psychological perspectives on self and identity
- Psychological practice with women: Guidelines, diversity, empowerment
- Psychological Practices With the Physically Disabled