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Showing books starting with the letter Q (1151-1200 of 2345):
- Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Error Correction
- Quantum Information Theory
- Quantum Information Theory
- Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Statistics
- Quantum Information with Continuous Variables
- Quantum Information, Computation and Cryptography, vol. 808
- Quantum Information, vol. 173
- Quantum Inspired Computational Intelligence
- Quantum Inspired Intelligent Systems, vol. 121
- Quantum Interacting Particle Systems
- Quantum Interaction, vol. 5494
- Quantum Interaction, vol. 7052
- Quantum Interaction, vol. 7620
- Quantum Interaction, vol. 8369
- Quantum Interaction, vol. 8951
- Quantum Interaction, vol. 9535
- Quantum Interference and Coherence, vol. 100
- Quantum Interferometry in Phase Space
- Quantum Invariants of Knots And 3-Manifolds
- Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds
- Quantum Invariants of Knots And 3-Manifolds
- Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds
- Quantum Invariants: A Study Of Knots, 3-manifolds, And Their Sets
- Quantum Ising Phases and Transitions in Transverse Ising Models, vol. 41
- Quantum Ising Phases and Transitions in Transverse Ising Models, vol. 862
- Quantum Kinetic Theory and Applications
- Quantum Kinetics in Transport and Optics of Semiconductors, vol. 123
- Quantum Language and the Migration of Scientific Concepts
- Quantum Leadership
- Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business
- Quantum Leap: From Dirac And Feynman, Across The Universe, To Human Body And Mind
- Quantum Leap: Next Generation, The
- Quantum Leaps
- Quantum Leaps in Biochemistry
- Quantum Leaps in Biochemistry, vol. 2
- Quantum Legacies
- Quantum Liquids
- Quantum Liquids : Bose Condensation and Cooper Pairing in Condensed-Matter Systems
- Quantum Logic
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum Machine Learning : What Quantum Computing Means to Data Mining
- Quantum Machine Learning with Python: Using Cirq from Google Research and IBM Qiskit
- Quantum Machine Learning: An Applied Approach—The Theory and Application of Quantum Machine Learning in Science and Industry
- Quantum Machine Learning: What Quantum Computing Means to Data Mining
- Quantum Machines: Measurement and Control of Engineered Quantum Systems : Lecture Notes of the les Houches Summer School: Volume 96, July 2011
- Quantum Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnostics of Human Brain Disorders
- Quantum Magnetism
- Quantum Magnetism, vol. 645
- Quantum Many Body Systems, vol. 2051
- Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultracold Molecules in Optical Lattices