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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (11001-11050 of 18124):
- Reservoir Conformance ImprovementAuthor: Sydansk, Robert D.;Romero-Zeron, LauraPublisher: Sydansk, Robert D.;Romero-Zeron, Laura ©2018ISBN: 9781555633028
- Reservoir DevelopmentAuthor: M. Rafiqul IslamPublisher: M. Rafiqul Islam ©2021ISBN: 9781402051142
- Reservoir EngineeringAuthor: Abdus Satter and Ghulam M. IqbalPublisher: Abdus Satter and Ghulam M. Iqbal ©2016ISBN: 97898142892211 Concurrent User
- Reservoir Engineering HandbookAuthor: Tarek AhmedPublisher: Tarek Ahmed ©2018ISBN: 97808264519891 Concurrent User
- Reservoir Engineering HandbookAuthor: F. PorgesPublisher: F. Porges ©2016ISBN: 9780750705301
- Reservoir Engineering HandbookAuthor: Ahmed, TarekPublisher: Ahmed, Tarek ©2018ISBN: 9781856178037
- Reservoir Engineering in Modern Oilfields : Vertical, Deviated, Horizontal and Multilateral Well SystemsAuthor: Chin, Wilson C.Publisher: Chin, Wilson C. ©2018ISBN: 9781119283782
- Reservoir Engineering Models : Analytical and Numerical ApproachesAuthor: Ertekin,TurgayPublisher: Ertekin,Turgay ©2020ISBN: 9781259585630
- Reservoir Engineering Techniques Using FortranAuthor: SinhaPublisher: Sinha ©2016ISBN: 9789401088374
- Reservoir Eutrophication : Preventive ManagementAuthor: Carneiro, Charles;Vitorio Andreoli, Cleverson;de Lourdes da Nobrega Cunha, CynaraPublisher: Carneiro, Charles;Vitorio Andreoli, Cleverson;de Lourdes da Nobrega Cunha, Cynara ©2018ISBN: 9781780406473
- Reservoir Exploration and AppraisalAuthor: Wang, Xi Ping;Zhang, Gang;Wu, Guo Qing;Zhang, Jian Sheng;Zhu, Huang Qiu;Guo, HunPublisher: Wang, Xi Ping;Zhang, Gang;Wu, Guo Qing;Zhang, Jian Sheng;Zhu, Huang Qiu;Guo, Hun ©2016ISBN: 97835408824352 Concurrent Users
- Reservoir Formation DamageAuthor: Faruk CivanPublisher: Faruk Civan ©2016ISBN: 9780761960843
- Reservoir Formation DamageAuthor: Faruk CivanPublisher: Faruk Civan ©2023ISBN: 9780415215909
- Reservoir Formation DamageAuthor: Civan, FarukPublisher: Civan, Faruk ©2018ISBN: 9780128018989
- Reservoir Formation DamageAuthor: Faruk CivanPublisher: Faruk Civan ©2016ISBN: 9780415215916
- Reservoir GeomechanicsAuthor: Zoback, Mark D.Publisher: Zoback, Mark D. ©2018ISBN: 9780521770699
- Reservoir Model DesignAuthor: RingrosePublisher: Ringrose ©2016ISBN: 97894007549661 Concurrent User
- Reservoir Safety and the EnvironmentAuthor: British Dam SocietyPublisher: British Dam Society ©2018ISBN: 9780727720108
- Reservoir SedimentationAuthor: Ogden, Thomas E.;Goldberg, Israel A.Publisher: Ogden, Thomas E.;Goldberg, Israel A. ©2020ISBN: 9781138026759
- Reservoir Sedimentation, vol. 29Author: Crowley, Kevin D.;Levenson, MiltonPublisher: Crowley, Kevin D.;Levenson, Milton ©2017ISBN: 9781402088575
- Reservoir SimulationsAuthor: Shuyu Sun andTao ZhangPublisher: Shuyu Sun andTao Zhang ©2020ISBN: 9781402088575
- Reservoir-Induced Earthquakes, vol. 64Author: Conference on Problems of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (2nd : 1929 : Washington, D.C.)Publisher: Conference on Problems of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (2nd : 1929 : Washington, D.C.) ©2016ISBN: 97802625397531 Concurrent User
- Reservoirs : An Environmental GainAuthor: Rofe, B.H.Publisher: Rofe, B.H. ©2018ISBN: 9780727720269
- ResetAuthor: RubinPublisher: Rubin ©2020ISBN: 9781412912549
- Reset Control SystemsAuthor: BañosPublisher: Baños ©2016ISBN: 97814471221665 Concurrent Users
- Resetting Management: Thrive with Agility in the Age of UncertaintyAuthor: Stéphane J G Girod,Martin KrálikPublisher: Stéphane J G Girod,Martin Králik ©2021ISBN: 97817896671721 Concurrent User
- Resetting the Kitchen Table: Food Security, Culture, Health and Resilience in Coastal Communities : Food Security, Culture, Health and Resilience in Coastal CommunitiesAuthor: Parrish, Christopher C.;Turner, Nancy J.;Solberg, Shirley M.Publisher: Parrish, Christopher C.;Turner, Nancy J.;Solberg, Shirley M. ©2018ISBN: 9781600212369Unlimited Users
- Resetting the Political Culture Agenda: From Polis to International OrganizationAuthor: ZervakiPublisher: Zervaki ©2016ISBN: 9783319042558Unlimited Users
- Resettlement of Displaced Persons on the Thai-Myanmar Border, vol. 18Author: BriggsPublisher: Briggs ©2016ISBN: 9783319027913
- Resettlers and SurvivorsAuthor: FisherPublisher: Fisher ©2022ISBN: 97815264391091 Concurrent User
- Resettlers and SurvivorsAuthor: FisherPublisher: Fisher ©2022ISBN: 97836422136321 Concurrent User
- Reshaping Doctoral Education : International Approaches and PedagogiesAuthor: Lee, Alison;Danby, SusanPublisher: Lee, Alison;Danby, Susan ©2018ISBN: 9780415618120
- Reshaping Education in The 1990s : Perspectives on Primary SchoolingAuthor: Chawla-Duggan, Rita;Pole, Christopher J.Publisher: Chawla-Duggan, Rita;Pole, Christopher J. ©2018ISBN: 97807507052643 Consecutive User Seats
- Reshaping European Gas and Electricity IndustriesAuthor: Scripture, Edward WheelerPublisher: Scripture, Edward Wheeler ©2017ISBN: 97814020790611 Concurrent User
- Reshaping Health Care in Latin America : A Comparative Analysis of Health Care Reform in Argentina, Brazil, and MexicoAuthor: Fleury, Sonia;Belmartino, Susana;Baris, EnisPublisher: Fleury, Sonia;Belmartino, Susana;Baris, Enis ©2018ISBN: 97808893692385 Concurrent Users
- Reshaping Herbal MedicineAuthor: Brownlie, Julie;Greene, Alexandra;Howson, AlexandraPublisher: Brownlie, Julie;Greene, Alexandra;Howson, Alexandra ©2016ISBN: 9780415958516
- Reshaping Identities in Late Antique Syria-MesopotamiaAuthor: KempsonPublisher: Kempson ©2020ISBN: 9781412928878Unlimited Users
- Reshaping LearningAuthor: Kamau, NyokabiPublisher: Kamau, Nyokabi ©2016ISBN: 9783642323003
- Reshaping Learning : Frontiers of Learning Technology in a Global ContextAuthor: Huang, Ronghuai;Kinshuk;Spector, J. MichaelPublisher: Huang, Ronghuai;Kinshuk;Spector, J. Michael ©2018ISBN: 9783642435850
- Reshaping Metropolitan America : Development Trends and Opportunities to 2030Author: Nelson, Arhur C.;Ewing, Reid;Nelson, Arhur C.Publisher: Nelson, Arhur C.;Ewing, Reid;Nelson, Arhur C. ©2016ISBN: 97815972636105 Concurrent Users
- Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles, TheAuthor: KalimiPublisher: Kalimi ©2021ISBN: 9781575062396
- Reshaping Our National Parks and Their Guardians : The Legacy of George B. Hartzog JrAuthor: Mengak, Kathy;Utley, Robert M.Publisher: Mengak, Kathy;Utley, Robert M. ©2018ISBN: 9780826351081
- Reshaping probation and prisonsAuthor: Hillier, Sheila;Kelleher, DavidPublisher: Hillier, Sheila;Kelleher, David ©2023ISBN: 97804151118295 Concurrent Users
- Reshaping Regional PolicyAuthor: Richardson, Harry W.;Bae, Chang-Hee Christine;Choe, Sang-ChuelPublisher: Richardson, Harry W.;Bae, Chang-Hee Christine;Choe, Sang-Chuel ©2018ISBN: 9781849802802
- Reshaping Retail: Why Technology is Transforming the Industry and How to Win in the New Consumer Driven WorldAuthor: Stefan Niemeier,Andrea Zocchi,Marco CatenaPublisher: Stefan Niemeier,Andrea Zocchi,Marco Catena ©2020ISBN: 9781118656662
- Reshaping school mathematics: a philosophy and framework for curriculum.Author: KimbellPublisher: Kimbell ©2016ISBN: 9781402051142
- Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision Support, vol. 18Author: Abdus Satter and Ghulam M. IqbalPublisher: Abdus Satter and Ghulam M. Iqbal ©2016ISBN: 97833191157401 Concurrent User
- Reshaping Teaching in Higher Education : A Guide to Linking Teaching with ResearchAuthor: Breen, Rosanna;Brew, Angela;Jenkins, Alan;Lindsay, RogerPublisher: Breen, Rosanna;Brew, Angela;Jenkins, Alan;Lindsay, Roger ©2018ISBN: 97807494390261 Concurrent User
- Reshaping the graduate education of scientists and engineersAuthor: Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.)Publisher: Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.) ©2016ISBN: 9780750705301
- Reshaping the Graduate Education of Scientists and EngineersAuthor: Ahmed, TarekPublisher: Ahmed, Tarek ©2018ISBN: 9780309052856