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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (10951-11000 of 18124):
- Researching the Sociopolitical Meanings of the Spanish–Catalan Conflict Using the Analysis of User’s Communications on TwitterAuthor: MatveevaPublisher: Matveeva ©2022ISBN: 97814462572275 Concurrent Users
- Researching the Stereotypes of People Around Me : An Introductory Thesis Writing Course for International StudentsAuthor: Houghton, Stephanie AnnPublisher: Houghton, Stephanie Ann ©2018ISBN: 97814438654015 Concurrent Users
- Researching the Transformation of Wine Discourse From 1947-2008 Using Quantitative Content AnalysisAuthor: RösselPublisher: Rössel ©2019ISBN: 9780387228389
- Researching the U.S. Politics of Torture Using Qualitative Content AnalysisAuthor: Del RossoPublisher: Del Rosso ©2019ISBN: 9780803936041
- Researching the Value of Health Insurance in India using a Large-Scale Field ExperimentAuthor: ImaiPublisher: Imai ©2019ISBN: 9780761972877
- Researching the Value of Project ManagementAuthor: Janice Thomas,Mark MullalyPublisher: Janice Thomas,Mark Mullaly ©2019ISBN: 9781933890494
- Researching the Values of Participants Attending Strategic Boards in Public Services: Semi-Structured Interviews, Documentary Research and ObservationAuthor: ParkerPublisher: Parker ©2019ISBN: 9789401046152
- Researching the VisualAuthor: EmmisonPublisher: Emmison ©2019ISBN: 9781446207888
- Researching the Visual: Images, Objects, Contexts and Interactions in Social and Cultural InquiryAuthor: EmmisonPublisher: Emmison ©2019ISBN: 9780857024299
- Researching the Vulnerable: A Guide to Sensitive Research MethodsAuthor: LiamputtongPublisher: Liamputtong ©2019ISBN: 97814129125495 Concurrent Users
- Researching the World of WorkAuthor: ChongPublisher: Chong ©2020ISBN: 97899660402993 Consecutive User Seats
- Researching Tinder and Travel Experiences Using Content Analysis and Participatory MethodsAuthor: CondiePublisher: Condie ©2019ISBN: 9780309075657
- Researching Tourism and the Muslim Market Using Focus Groups and Survey MethodsAuthor: Aqilah JahariPublisher: Aqilah Jahari ©2020ISBN: 97814462572271 Concurrent User
- Researching Transitions of Care Using Longitudinal EthnographyAuthor: HardicrePublisher: Hardicre ©2021ISBN: 9783662443569
- Researching Trust and HealthAuthor: Brownlie, Julie;Greene, Alexandra;Howson, AlexandraPublisher: Brownlie, Julie;Greene, Alexandra;Howson, Alexandra ©2018ISBN: 9780415958516
- Researching Twitter Bots using Machine Learning and Text AnalysisAuthor: WojcikPublisher: Wojcik ©2019ISBN: 9780803936041
- Researching Twitter Data, Voting Registers and Online Behavior Using a Panel StudyAuthor: GrinbergPublisher: Grinberg ©2019ISBN: 97807507053011 Concurrent User
- Researching Twitter: A Large-Scale Mixed-Methods Project to Study How Journalists Use Twitter During ElectionsAuthor: DagoulaPublisher: Dagoula ©2022ISBN: 97811182748971 Concurrent User
- Researching U.K. Food Insecurity and Foodbank Use Using a Mixed-Methods ApproachAuthor: GarrattPublisher: Garratt ©2019ISBN: 97803352140202 Concurrent Users
- Researching Unemployment Using Mobile Phone Data, Surveys, and Administrative DataAuthor: KreuterPublisher: Kreuter ©2019ISBN: 97899660402991 Concurrent User
- Researching Urban Economic Development Through Data AnalysisAuthor: PeachPublisher: Peach ©2019ISBN: 97835407679541 Concurrent User
- Researching Violence in Ice Hockey Using an Ethnographic ApproachAuthor: SilverwoodPublisher: Silverwood ©2019ISBN: 97807619710305 Concurrent Users
- Researching Violent Conflicts Using Comparative Multi-Sites FieldworkAuthor: CôtéPublisher: Côté ©2019ISBN: 9783540767954
- Researching Visual Arts Education in Museums and Galleries, vol. 2Author: Kamau, NyokabiPublisher: Kamau, Nyokabi ©2016ISBN: 9781402016370
- Researching Voluntary ActionAuthor: Kamau, NyokabiPublisher: Kamau, Nyokabi ©2023ISBN: 9789966040299
- Researching with CareAuthor: BrannellyPublisher: Brannelly ©2023ISBN: 9781447368144
- Researching with Children and Young People: Research Design, Methods and AnalysisAuthor: TisdallPublisher: Tisdall ©2019ISBN: 9781412923897
- Researching With Visual Methods: Eliciting Children’s Voices in Child Wellbeing ResearchAuthor: FanePublisher: Fane ©2019ISBN: 9780750709156Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Researching Women and Alcohol Using Life History InterviewsAuthor: SoaitaPublisher: Soaita ©2019ISBN: 9783319266916
- Researching Women and Self-defense Using Intervention-Based Qualitative MethodsAuthor: FolloPublisher: Follo ©2019ISBN: 9783319266916
- Researching Women’s Lived Relationships to Alcohol With and Without Images and ObjectsAuthor: FentonPublisher: Fenton ©2019ISBN: 9780415215909
- Researching Writing Processes: The Case of Foreign Language Learners' Metaphor ProductionAuthor: HoangPublisher: Hoang ©2019ISBN: 9780415215909
- Researching Young Children in Schools Using a Mixed Methods ApproachAuthor: HolmesPublisher: Holmes ©2021ISBN: 9783319572000
- Researching Young People's LivesAuthor: HeathPublisher: Heath ©2021ISBN: 9781412910569Unlimited Users
- Researching Young People’s Sibling Relationships Using Qualitative Interviews and Focus GroupsAuthor: DaviesPublisher: Davies ©2019ISBN: 9780803937215Unlimited Users
- Researching Zine Culture Using In-Depth Participant InterviewsAuthor: KempsonPublisher: Kempson ©2019ISBN: 9781412928878Unlimited Users
- Researching “Intellectual Radicals” in the WestAuthor: OrofinoPublisher: Orofino ©2019ISBN: 9780306360039
- Researching “Minorities” in a Post-War ContextAuthor: HodgesPublisher: Hodges ©2020ISBN: 9789241209762
- Researching, Teaching, and Learning Triangle, The, vol. 10Author: Ferguson, A.;Armstrong, E.Publisher: Ferguson, A.;Armstrong, E. ©2016ISBN: 9781461405672
- Réseaux bayésiens avec RAuthor: DenisPublisher: Denis ©2021ISBN: 9780309043489Unlimited Users
- Resegregation As Curriculum : The Meaning of the New Racial Segregation in U. S. Public SchoolsAuthor: Rosiek, Jerry;Kinslow, KathyPublisher: Rosiek, Jerry;Kinslow, Kathy ©2018ISBN: 97811388128021 Concurrent User
- Resemblance and DisgraceAuthor: DeutschPublisher: Deutsch ©2021ISBN: 97806744191625 Concurrent Users
- ReservationsAuthor: RichardsonPublisher: Richardson ©2021ISBN: 9780262539753
- Reserves Estimation for Geopressured Gas ReservoirsAuthor: Hedong Sun, Hongfeng Wang, Tongwen Jiang and Xiangjiao XiaoPublisher: Hedong Sun, Hongfeng Wang, Tongwen Jiang and Xiangjiao Xiao ©2023ISBN: 9780190455651
- Reserves Estimation for Geopressured Gas ReservoirsAuthor: Hedong Sun, Hongfeng Wang, Tongwen Jiang and Xiangjiao XiaoPublisher: Hedong Sun, Hongfeng Wang, Tongwen Jiang and Xiangjiao Xiao ©2023ISBN: 9789400755178
- Reservoir Capacity and Yield, vol. 9Author: Hillier, Mrs Sheila|Hillier, Sheila |Kelleher, DavidPublisher: Hillier, Mrs Sheila|Hillier, Sheila |Kelleher, David ©2017ISBN: 9780415111836
- Reservoir Characterization IAuthor: Hillier, Sheila;Kelleher, DavidPublisher: Hillier, Sheila;Kelleher, David ©2016ISBN: 97804151118295 Concurrent Users
- Reservoir Characterization IIAuthor: Larry LakePublisher: Larry Lake ©2016ISBN: 9780749443368
- Reservoir Characterization of Tight Gas SandstonesAuthor: Ali Kadkhodaie andRahim KadkhodaiePublisher: Ali Kadkhodaie andRahim Kadkhodaie ©2022ISBN: 9781433834578
- Reservoir Characterization, Modeling, and Quantitative Interpretation, vol. 6Author: KimbellPublisher: Kimbell ©2023ISBN: 9781402051142