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Showing books starting with the letter R (10751-10800 of 18124):
- Researching District Midwifery using Oral History Interviews
- Researching Drone Strikes and Terrorist Groups using Natural Experiments
- Researching During Crisis: Online Interviewing as a Solution
- Researching Dyslexia in Multilingual Settings
- Researching Early Literacy With a Formative Experiment
- Researching Education
- Researching Education : Data, Methods and Theory in Educational Enquiry
- Researching Education : Perspectives and Techniques
- Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory
- Researching Educational Transition Using Ethnography
- Researching Effective Online Techniques for Teaching the Sociology of Globalization Through Student Surveys
- Researching Elementary Reading With Small-Scale Mixed Methods: Qualitative Case Study and Single-Case Design
- Researching Emotional Distress and Help-Seeking for Distress in Families in Palliative Care Using Multi-Perspective Interviewing
- Researching Employee Absenteeism Using the Case Study Method
- Researching English Sexual Violence Trials Using Court Observation Methods
- Researching Entrepreneurial Marketing Using Secondary Data
- Researching Entrepreneurship, vol. 33
- Researching Entrepreneurship, vol. 5
- Researching Environmental Compliance through Semi-Structured Interviews: Perceptions about the Impact on Work and Well-Being for Ship Crews
- Researching Ethics in Cross-Category Brand Alliances Using a Multiple Case Study Design
- Researching Ethnic Minority Students’ Preferences for Sexual Health Resources via a Practical Design Methodology
- Researching Ethnic Segregation in English Schools using Spatial Analysis
- Researching Ethnicity and Ethnic Politics Using a Single Case Study Method
- Researching Exclusion: Accessing Research Participants
- Researching Experiences of Dementia With Participant-Led Interviews
- Researching Experiences of Learning Disabled Women on Locked Wards Using Ethnography
- Researching Extreme Right Parties’ Impact Using Case Studies
- Researching Extremism: Latent Class Analysis
- Researching Family Narratives
- Researching Family Relationships in China: A Mixed-Methods Study
- Researching Fantasy Sports Using Mixed- and Multi-Methods
- Researching Fitness Sector Customers Using Surveys and Structural Equation Modeling
- Researching Food and Gender in Children's TV Using Content and Text Analysis
- Researching Food Habits
- Researching Football Fans as Political Actors: Approaching Interviews Anthropologically
- Researching Frequent Page Edits on Wikipedia using Two-Mode Network Analysis
- Researching From a Distance: Mapping COVID-19 and Cyclonic Storm Affected Agri-Food Systems by Integrating Qualitative Research and Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping
- Researching Garment Swapping and Circular Economy Using Interviews and Observation
- Researching Gender Performance on Instagram: Ethical Considerations
- Researching Gender-Based Violence
- Researching Gender-Based Violence
- Researching Gendered Consumption Practices Using Ethnography and Emergent Technologies
- Researching Genocide using Bayesian Statistics
- Researching Girlhood Using Photo-Elicitation
- Researching Gun Control Attitudes With Web Surveys
- Researching Happiness
- Researching Health Needs : A Community-Based Approach
- Researching Health Promotion
- Researching Health Promotion
- Researching Health Promotion