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Showing books starting with the letter R (10701-10750 of 18124):
- Researching Big Data Skills Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
- Researching Black Mothers' Role Strain Using Hierarchical Regression Analysis
- Researching Black Mothers' Symptoms of PTSD and Depression Using Cluster Analysis and Logistic Regression
- Researching Brand Performance and Endorser Transgressions Using Event Study Methods
- Researching Brazilian Gaucho Consumption Culture Using Ethnographic Methods
- Researching Brexit Tweets Using Quanteda Software
- Researching Cancer Risk Behaviors Among Bilingual Latinos Using Technology and an Intensive Longitudinal Design
- Researching Capoeira Using Two-Handed Ethnography
- Researching CCTV Control Rooms: An Ethnographic Approach
- Researching Celebrity Endorsement Using Intercept Methods and MANOVA
- Researching Childhood Emotion: Using Performative Methodologies to Engage With Children’s Emerging Understandings of Emotion
- Researching Children's Experience: Approaches and Methods
- Researching Children’s Experiences of Parental Stalking: Challenges in Conducting an Online Survey on a Sensitive Topic Involving Children and Young People
- Researching Children’s Experiences of Parental Stalking: Narrative Research on Sensitive Topics With Children and Young People
- Researching Children’s Play Using Online Ethnographic Case Studies: Insights From the Play Observatory
- Researching Children’s Play, Language, and Creativity Using Mixed Methods
- Researching Climate Change Knowledge and Awareness Using Online Research Methods: Redesigning Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Researching Co-Creation of Value in the Sharing Economy Using Survey Methods
- Researching Collective Action and Political Trolls on Twitter using Clustering Techniques
- Researching Collective Intelligence Online using Social Network Analysis
- Researching Communication Disorders
- Researching Communication in Clinical Encounters Using Interaction Analysis
- Researching community psychology: Issues of theory and methods
- Researching Complex Families using Narrative Psychology
- Researching Complex Systems Using Participatory Systems Mapping
- Researching Consumer Behavior using the Mindcam Video Methodology
- Researching Consumer Happiness using Experimental Design
- Researching Consumer Identity Using Qualitative Methods: Part 1
- Researching Consumer Identity Using Qualitative Methods: Part 2
- Researching Consumer Life Transitions Using Interviews and Experimental Methods
- Researching Consumer Perspectives on Sustainability Using Metaphor Elicitation
- Researching Consumer Vulnerability in Funeral Planning Using In-Depth Interviews
- Researching Contexts, Practices and Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes
- Researching Criminal Court Cases: A Mixed-Methods Approach
- Researching Critical Reflection : Multidisciplinary Perspectives
- Researching CSR in the Fashion Supply Chain Using Case Study Methods
- Researching Cultural Differences in Health
- Researching Cultural Differences in Health
- Researching Customer Orientation and 3D Printing Using Depth Interviews, Surveys and Archival Methods
- Researching Customer Relationships and Quality Service in the Ghanaian Banking Sector Using Mixed Methods
- Researching Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: How to Find Out What People Really Think
- Researching daily life: A guide to experience sampling and daily diary methods
- Researching Data Work in Health Care Using Ethnographic Methods
- Researching Day Trading Teams using Balance Theory and Social Network Analysis
- Researching Design Learning, vol. 34
- Researching Developing Countries
- Researching Difficult-to-Reach and Vulnerable Groups Using Grounded Theory Methods
- Researching Diffusion of Innovations Using a Mixed Methods Design
- Researching Digital Literacy in Young People Using Interventions
- Researching Disgust: Linking Theory and Methods