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Showing books starting with the letter R (13851-13900 of 18124):
- RF in RFID, The
- RF Linear Accelerators
- RF Linear Accelerators for Medical and Industrial Applications
- RF Measurements for Cellular Phones and Wireless Data Systems
- RF MEMS and Their Applications
- RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Applications
- RF MEMS Circuits Design for Wireless Communications
- RF MEMS Switches and Integrated Switching Circuits, vol. 5
- RF Photonic Technology in Optical Fiber Links
- RF Power Amplifiers
- RF Power Amplifiers for Mobile Communications
- RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, Second Edition
- RF Superconductivity : Science, Technology, and Applications
- RF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications
- RF Transceiver Design for MIMO Wireless Communications
- RF Transceiver Design for MIMO Wireless Communications, vol. 145
- RF Tunable Devices and Subsystems: Methods of Modeling, Analysis, and Applications
- RF-Frontend Design for Process-Variation-Tolerant Receivers
- RF-MEMS Technology for High-Performance Passives
- RF-MEMS Technology for High-Performance Passives: 5G applications and prospects for 6G
- RF/Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications
- RF/Microwave Hybrids
- RFID and Beyond: Growing Your Business Through Real World Awareness
- RFID and Sensor Network Automation in the Food Industry : Ensuring Quality and Safety Through Supply Chain Visibility
- RFID and the Internet of Things
- RFID and Wireless Sensors Using Ultra-Wideband Technology
- RFID Applied
- RFID as an Infrastructure
- RFID Design Principles
- RFID Design Principles, Second Edition
- RFID for Dummies
- RFID for Libraries
- RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification, Second Edition
- RFID in Libraries : A Step Toward Interoperability
- RFID in Manufacturing
- RFID in the Supply Chain
- RFID in the Supply Chain: A Guide to Selection and Implementation
- RFID Roadmap: The Next Steps for Europe, The
- RFID Security
- RFID Security
- RFID Security and Privacy, vol. 17
- RFID Sourcebook
- RFID Strategic Implementation and ROI: A Practical Roadmap to Success
- RFID Systems : Research Trends and Challenges
- RFID Technology and Applications
- RFID+ Study Guide and Practice Exams : Study Guide and Practice Exams
- RFID-Enabled Sensor Design and Applications
- RFID-WSN Integrated Architecture for Energy and Delay- Aware Routing
- RFID. Security and Privacy, vol. 7055
- RGS Protein Physiology and Pathophysiology, vol. 133